Home Forums Bike Forum Gritty headset bearing bearing advice

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  • Gritty headset bearing bearing advice
  • sharkbait
    Free Member

    Taken my fork off and the lower bearing on my headset feels pretty gritty and un-smooth when I turn it with my finger.
    At what point should it be replaced?

    Free Member

    You could try flushing it with some diesel/oil/wd40/etc
    But if it’s got as far as being gritty chances are it’ll never be great.
    Depending on which headset it is, you may be able to buy just one bearing.

    Full Member


    If it’s a loose ball (oo-er) you might get a wee while more out of it but flushing all the old muck out and putting some fresh grease in, but if it’s a cartridge one, probably best to just change it.

    Free Member

    just been to have a look at it and I can’t move it at all with my fingers now! Looks like I need a new one which is a shamae as the top bearing’s fine. It was a Cane Creek.

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