well that was awesome 🙂
in the words of the instructor we all “smashed it”… 1 hours session, about 45 minutes actual climbing including having to do the beginners warm up wall thingy and we still managed to clear about 7-8 climbs each including 3 with overhangs.
mrsconsequence and Jo (friend who’s birthday it was) got stuck on one wall but cleared everything else, i managed to clear all of them apart from being one hold from the top on one where i lost my grip due to sweaty fingers and swung against the wall… arm locked up and couldnt pull myself straight again to do the last hold.
can’t believe how much we got done in an hour from being complete beginners 😀
feeling it in my back today and a definite reminder to lose the love handles, all the stupidly well build 0%body-fat people there last night made me super aware 😳