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  • goals?
  • aw
    Free Member

    I am a keen cyclist and I have completed a challenge in China in 2008. I enjoyed the challenge and also training for it but I now need another challenge or goal to keep me focused and out on my bike.

    I have never raced before and wondered should I enter a race but I am a SS in both forms – off and on road.

    Any ideas?

    Free Member

    Presumably if SS is as good as claimed it would be an unfair advantage ?

    Free Member

    I dont see the issue – just get out and ride a you would on a geared bike? I used mine on a route I’ve done geared many times and found I did it faster (because I didnt sit and grind in granny) but my heart/lungs nearly fell out doing it. Seems like good training and in theory even if a geared bike did the same route they’d only be “as good”. Downhills are the only place you miss out, which is where technique and maintaining speed can help but not replace the gearing!

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