Hmmm, if you have a read and a look at the map, it looks as though they’re proposing using a lot of the wooded area though which the trails currently go. Whether they would build the turbines amongst the trees or remove large areas of forest to enable them to build it would be interesting to know.
I’ve only had chance to have a quick look at the site, but looking at the map of the planned area, they would be impacting on a lot of the existing trails – I can’t imagine that even if they were going to keep the trails after the turbines were completed, they would allow access during the construction phase (18-24 months?)
I might be mis-informed and there’s more info on the website that I’ve missed. I’m not against wind-farms, but I really love the trails at Glyncorrwg and would hate to see them ripped out…..
As for familly trails, I thought a family trail was being built at Afan, although I’m not sure of the planned completion date. My understanding was that they wanted a Blue graded route, but because of the amount of climbing/descending due to the location, it’s going to end up graded Red. Again, some-one more in the know will hopefully be along shortly to put us straight……