Home Forums Chat Forum Give me a STW health diagnosis – Random choking

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  • Give me a STW health diagnosis – Random choking
  • FunkyDunc
    Free Member

    Ok, firstly I never normally say go and see your GP in response to these types of threads, but I am curious to see if any one has ever had similar…

    This has been happening infrequently for probably 3 months or so now. For no apparent reson ie no pattern I may all of a sudden get a feeling that my throat has completely closed of, no warning, nothing leading up to it. It last for a few seconds and then goes but my throat feels bruised afterwards.

    Last week it got to another level where I woke up in the night and was unable to breath for a matter of minutes, it felt like 5, but I am sure in reality would have been a lot less.

    Next day went to the docs, and Im put on Asthma inhalers etc as I was queried Asthmatic after a bout of Pneumonia last year. I’m happy that he is treating me as such. Peak flow was reduced to 525 from an Avergae of 620. Peak flow is currently about the 600 mark

    Anyhow since then the choking attacks have continued. All completely random, only last a few seconds but still very frightening, especially doing 70mph in the outside lane of the M1!

    Has any one had any similar experience and what caused it? I’ve read about GERD and the symptoms do seem very similar, but I was just wondering if any one else has had these similar experiences?


    Free Member

    can I have your bike??

    Free Member

    Are you eating when this happens?

    Free Member

    No not eating, as I say its completely random.

    When it happens its scary so forget to think what the symptoms were before, but tends to be (I think) after I have yawned or swallowed.

    Allthegear – Its not killed me yet 😕

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Whooping Cough

    Free Member

    More seriously stress or anxiety?

    Free Member

    Are you a fluffer?

    Full Member

    By throat, do you mean airway or higher up ie do you feel like you’re properly choking, gagging or just can’t breathe?

    The closest fit for what you’ve described is some kind of muscle spasm in your aesophagus, but as to the root cause, you’d need some further investigation, so the usual advice applies.

    I used (and still occasionally) wake up with a form of night terror in which I’m convinced I’m choking, but that doesn’t completely fit.

    Most likely, as DS says, someone is hurting your daemon. Mine takes the form of a rather overweight sloth.

    Free Member

    Lube your epiglottis, beer should do it.

    Full Member

    Does mrs FD have her hands around your neck when this choking happens? This maybe the cause if she does.

    Full Member

    Last week it got to another level where I woke up in the night and was unable to breath for a matter of minutes, it felt like 5, but I am sure in reality would have been a lot less.

    Rubs chin..
    Hmm – have you upped your life insurance figure recently…??


    On a more serious note – no idea. Not enough info here – go see your Doctor and tell them if it’s breathing/eating that’s affected etc etc

    Free Member

    Your a synical bunch !

    I’m keeping a diary for the next couple of weeks so will note all episodes for the GP..

    I just wondered if anyone had had similar.

    Martin – By throat I mean Adams Apple area.

    Free Member

    I have- email if you want.

    Free Member

    Don – I’m pretty sure its not stress or anxiety, as life is pretty dam good at the minute! 🙂

    …apart from randomly choking

    Free Member

    oddly, have been having similar symptoms but for me it is definitely brought on by coughing. I did idly wonder a week or so back if it was whooping cough. It’s definitely a throat thing, because if I calm down, and don’t panic, even as the coughing is continuing, i can quite easily breath through my nose instead – which to me says it’s higher up the airway than a proper choke which if I understand right would be an airway blockage.

    It is quite annoying / distressing though. Happens to me maybe 6-8 times a day, and your description of feeling ‘bruised’ in the throat after is quite a good one.

    I also saw the docs and they gave me asthma meds too, but I’m not convinved as this is all to me well above the airway – it’s a throat thing.

    Free Member

    You asked the question. 😉

    Full Member

    I used to have the same thing happen to me but only during sleep. It’s terrifying to wake up not being able to breath and this choking made me scared to go to sleep for a while.

    Sleep Apnea

    My GP sent me to see a consultant who had me monitored while I slept and then proposed a kind of gum shield that would cause my airway to remain open. In the end, I didn’t have this done but managed to beat the problem by losing weight (I lost a fair amount). I haven’t had an episode of choking since although I do still snore a bit.

    Free Member

    Sleep Apnea

    That was one of my thoughts as I used to stop breathing at night, as I was told.
    As you say, weight is often a factor in the closing of the airway.

    Free Member

    how can it be sleep apnea when it’s been happening for the past 3 months and only last week became a nighttime thing?

    still very frightening, especially doing 70mph in the outside lane of the M1!

    [if you are sleeping at 70mph on the M1, may i suggest you get that seen to before worrying about this issue ;-)]

    Full Member

    It’s a different thing, sleep apnoea.
    Though, if you are sleeping at 70mph on the M1, may i suggest you get that seen to before worrying about this issue 😉 would score massively on the Epworth Sleepiness Scale…..!!!


    Free Member

    You got kids? croup is doing the rounds at nursery. No doubt so other lurgies are hitchin a ride as well.
    Have you tried nuking your throat with a curry? Can’t hurt to try.
    What does your uvula look like?

    Free Member

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