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  • Give GT a swerve and ride Blairadam while its frozen
  • mcmoonter
    Free Member

    Blairadam is fantastic at the moment. Rode there last night, it was so good I wet back today too. I took my pruning saw and cleared some of the fallen trees that came down in the pre Christmas gales.

    The trails are frozen and the sun peeking through the trees, is just inspiring. Had the place to myself, I cant imagine how busy Glentress would have been today? but if you fancy an aternative with natural trails, give Blairadam a go.

    Free Member

    Often thought about going over to try Blairadam,looking at the website doesn’t really give you much info so what is the trail like and what sort of distance does it cover?

    Free Member

    It is a bit tricky finding the trails but they are there and are very good imho, not like a trail centre, muddy and rooty goodness. Best way to find them is to register on the Blairadam website and ask if someone can help by guiding a ride. they are a good bunch. I would offer but my riding diary is a bit full just at the mo! Bon chance.

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