Just to put this into perspective… That Shields lad, who's just been pardoned by the Government and released was "convicted" of a crime. This conviction has not been over turned, and in the country where the alleged crime occured he is still concidered a criminal. When he was released there was celebrations, front page exclusives and much merry making. Now, its not my place to decide whether this chap was or was not responsible for the lockerbie bombing, but in his home country they believe he was innocent and wrongly jailed. So they celebrated his release. Its not disgusting, its not celebrating terrorism, its celebrating the freedom of a man they think was wrongly jailed. I'm sure a lot of white south africans weren't best pleased when nelson mandela was free'd, they thought he was a terrorist, and he got freed from jail and celebrated as an international hero.
Whatever he did or didn't do, keeping him in prison wont achieve anything, unless the public need to be protected from the actions of an old man with terminal cancer? and surely celebrating his death shows that just like terrorists, we put no value on life, have no belief in forgiveness and subscribe to that wonderful western passion that is beleiving that we are superior to everyone else.