Home Forums Bike Forum General price rise observation re LBS.

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  • General price rise observation re LBS.
  • oldfart
    Full Member

    My LBS does a sterling job against overwhelming piss taking sorry i meant odds.Example in order to stock 09 Rock SHox he had to have 9 pairs in stock.By the time they came in CRC were selling them for about the same as he had to pay for them.No wonder he’s thinking of getting stuff from CRC himself keep going like this and the LBS will go the way of the dinosaur.I have always tried to buy from him even if he can’t quite match CRC but sometimes it’s impossible.It’s not just CRC BTW.

    Free Member

    If my LBS can get within 120% of CRC and has it in stock I will use him. If he has to order it in, then he just says so, and we both know I’ll get it from somewhere else.

    Free Member

    I only use crc for stuff they have i stock ands my local lbs doesn’t. I hate the idea of CRC or any large retailer using buying power to squeeze out local shops who offer service as well as kit.

    Free Member

    I bought my bike (and the wifes bike) from my LBS, I’m also happy to take it in now and them and to pay them to fettle it better, I hate fettling! I JUST WANT IT TO WORK!! 😈

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