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  • Garmin Edge 1000 question…
  • jasonm945
    Free Member

    Just looking around at the Garmin 1000 and most sites state that they contain “Garmin’s Cycling Map”, are these any good?
    I have just moved to a new area and am 15 minutes away from the Peaks, but the profusion of trails often see’s me heading up the wrong track following the breadcrumb on the edge 25.
    So, would the garmin map be of any use or would I have to splash out on the OS discoverer?

    Thanks in advance…


    Full Member

    I think the OS map would be better. On my Edge the supplied map is good for the roads, but doesn’t have the topographical information of an OS.

    Free Member

    The map it comes with is fine for road but that’s it. OS map needed. It has the SSD slot

    Full Member

    Don’t forget the free OpenStreetMap option. That’s apparently good for trails. OS on Garmins costs money.

    Free Member

    It comes with OPen Street Maps, IMO they’re far better than OS in use on the Edge 1000, the 1:50k ones at least, which I think are virtually unusable at any sort of reasonable zoom.

    OSM will depend on how much detail has been added in your locale admittedly, but round here (Surrey Hills) there’s more detail than on OS.

    Edit: scroll down here to see the screenshots from my unit of OSM (as included) versus OS (which are expensive). On phone, so CBA linking photos again!

    Free Member

    1:50k is very useable and its great to use with garmin Basemap where you get all the detail to plan your route. I got the whole of UK southwest – all the OS maps from Birmingham to Cornwall for £50 I think. Great value when one paper map costs @ £12 – 15

    Its the detail you get with OS maps and the planning function I like on basemap. On the trail, well the lines a guide really. Single track certainly wont be marked, bridleways ofc will be.

    I have 800 and 1000 is an upgrade. I just took the SSD card out of 800 popped straight into 1000. Screen resolution is way better on 1000 and its big screen is easy to use

    Free Member

    I’d sell my whole UK maps for £30. I really do think they’re shit. Again, look at the screenshots and tell me they’re better in use than OSM.

    Free Member

    there not – but I do my planning on Basecamp not my garmin. It also relies on people filling in the detail.

    If you want to sell your SSD card for £30 and its genuine Ill buy it 🙂

    Free Member

    I don’t really care about planning – I do that on BikeHike, more about actual navigation, for which the lack of resolution and the innacuracies of the OS maps mean they’re not much use. I also find the ‘line’ one follows isn’t anywhere near as obvious when using OS maps as OSM as there’s a lot of ‘noise’ on the maps, urban navigation on roads is bloody difficult, let alone off road.

    Mine aren’t genuine though thank god, I’d be furious if I’d spent £200+! I am of course presuming the genuine ones are no better – be interested to see some screenshots like the ones I took?

    Full Member

    When you register your Garmin you get a voucher for 20% off maps. Then if you whine at Ordnance Survey about the astronomical cost of the maps, they give you another voucher for 30% off.

    These stack nicely and I managed to get 1:25k of the whole of the UK (except Northern Ireland, presumably we don’t need to invade there in the near future) for about £120.

    Free Member

    ah see, yeah you cant used ripped off versions with Basecamp. I used bike hike etc bit flakey and not as quick

    each to there own

    Free Member

    I don’t recommend getting the ripped off version, your just handing money to criminals. All part of the ongoing online fraud and scamming community.

    You get a sub par product, they get your money to continue their criminal activities.

    Free Member

    ah see, yeah you cant used ripped off versions with Basecamp. I used bike hike etc bit flakey and not as quick

    You’re not actually answering the question – do the “official” ones look different on screen? Everything I’ve seen previously says not, but I’ve not studied them that closely. I don’t care about planning. I’m not recommending OS because of their issues in use. If the proper Garmin OS ones look different on screen then they’re perhaps worth considering. from my experience I would actively recommend against OS.

    There are plenty of planning utilities out there, if you can’t read the screen it’s a bit of a moot point!

    Free Member

    Anyone have any feedback on this? do the pukka Garmin OS maps look different to the screenshots I linked to? Genuinely curious. Planning utility and morality feedback of no use whatsoever.

    People always seem to say how good they are on these threads, but I really can’t describe how useless I found them to navigate with (but very pretty). If that’s because I had a not wholly legit set costing more than a street in Sunderland then it would be good to know.

    Free Member

    Navigate the lakes walking with pukka OS maps 1:25000
    The maps the 1000 come with are just as useful

    Free Member

    Different device but I use 1:25k os maps on my satmap 10 zoomed to 1:3000 and think they are pretty good, the level of detail is a lot different from the 1:50k maps.

    Free Member

    1:25k are only available for the NPs aren’t they? The issues as I understand it are that they’re raster images, so don’t rescale as you zoom in – consequently the resolution is shit when you get to a useable level. Makes sense the 1:25k ones would be better (twice as good one imagines!).

    Free Member

    Living in the a National park I have that one in my 1000, I bought it as it gives as well as the 1:25000 the 1:50000 and 1;250000 road. Makes planning local off road and road rides easy

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