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  • Game of Thrones
  • honourablegeorge
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    tyrionl1 – Member

    I can’t imagine any father would condemn his little girl to death by fire in any circumstance.

    Present day world is full of armies kidnapping, raping and murdering children on a daily basis. Lots of fathers condemn their daughters to horrible deaths for all sorts of “crimes” like “getting raped”. You probably don’t have to travel too far form your own home to find a parent. politician, 1970’s TV personality or clergyman that’s carried out a horrific crime against a child.

    It’s sadly not as unbelievable as you’d like to think

    Free Member

    Had my doubts about George for some time and this clearly confirmed he’s never been a parent of a daughter, I can’t imagine any father would condemn his little girl to death by fire in any circumstance.

    Here’s another (modern day) doting father…


    Free Member

    Oh, and in the books, Stannis doesn’t burn his daughter.

    And also its only Dany that gets the dragon rescue.

    And theres a whole heap on the Ironborn…

    Is season 5 available online anywhere (legitly I mean)?

    Free Member

    Hmm.. Killing and or raping other mens daughters is one thing, I just couldn’t imagine any scenario in which I’d have one put to death by burning. Even if they did something really horrid like killing My Woman or worse stealing my wine. Anyway I certainly wouldn’t write something so unlikely into a tale, however graphic and I’d certainly write more scenes where Handsome Dwarves have sex with other mens daughters..

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    To be fair on the cheesey dragon scene, I had been waiting for wholesale slaughter by dragon for too long. Finally got to see the things go all stompy and killy.

    Free Member

    Killing and or raping other mens daughters is one thing, I just couldn’t imagine any scenario in which I’d have one put to death by burning.

    Great comparisons, just take a look at what is going on in the middle east or up in India etc. the world is a shit place, writing fiction that moves people is interesting, are you offended that he wrote it/they filmed it or that you worry people could do it?

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    metalheart – Member
    Oh, and in the books, Stannis doesn’t burn his daughter……..

    But on the other hand there’s that ridiculous Tyrion and the pig storyline where you could see GRRM making it up as he went along. As a trade-off I think it’s fair. 🙂

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    @mikewsmith, you might want to clock the username before you get too het up 🙂

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    @IdleJon: I didn’t say it was a masterful work and literary genius… however I didn’t think it was the most ridiculous plot (albeit close!). I think he just wanted to tease a cetain audience with potential dwarf sex 😀

    Also (not necessarily you IJ), if you want to see some real barbarity to children, why don’t you google Lords Resistance Army. Makes ASOIAF a bit tame in comparison…

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    tyrionl1 – Member

    I just couldn’t imagine any scenario in which I’d have one put to death by burning.

    That’s probably because you, other than a mild dwarf fetish, are a normal, educated person. But it does happen – and for reasons far more trivial than ruling over seven kingdoms. There’s nothing in GoT as disturbing as the below.

    “A Tunisian man is accused of burning his 13-year-old daughter to death for walking home from school with a male classmate May 28 in Ibn Khaldoun, a suburb of Tunis”


    Pakistan ‘honour killing victim, 25, burned alive by husband and father-in-law because she left the house without asking permission


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    thought for a minute them spears were gonna do poor Drogon in? might not be so hard after all?

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    thought for a minute them spears were gonna do poor Drogon in? might not be so hard after all?

    Esp given that traditionally Dragons are supposed to have very tough scales as skin….

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    footflaps – Member

    Esp given that traditionally Dragons are supposed to have very tough scales as skin….

    Aren’t they just wee baby dragons still?

    Either way, dragons have pretty much all died out, which means they can’t be all that durable.

    Free Member

    Either way, dragons have pretty much all died out, which means they can’t be all that durable.

    [JHJ] That’s what they would like you to think[/JHJ]

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    footflaps – Member
    thought for a minute them spears were gonna do poor Drogon in? might not be so hard after all?
    Esp given that traditionally Dragons are supposed to have very tough scales as skin

    He has to be the most stupid dragon in the world though – “Ooh, that spear hurts, what shall I do? Yep, just sit here waiting for more spears to hurt me. If only I had wings and could fly around burning my attackers..”

    Maybe he was soft after moulting his skin and there’s a dragon moult skin terrifying some villagers somewhere.

    I like Thronecast’s barbed comment about his name Drogon the dragon. GRRM, such a genius. 😆

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    I assumed she named him after her ex-husband, Drogo

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    she just had a handful there as security… no idea why they were so shit all of a sudden tho…

    Too true. I can’t get 4 beers into Lords to watch the test match; how they got gold masks and spears into Mereembley on the biggest day of the year is beyond me. We need better security and if this continues, we’ll have to bring back fences and segregation, and make all the Sons of Harpy sit together and act tough before going home again on a supervised supporters chariot.

    Free Member

    mikewsmith – Member

    Great comparisons, just take a look at what is going on in the middle east or up in India etc. the world is a shit place, writing fiction that moves people is interesting, are you offended that he wrote it/they filmed it or that you worry people could do it?

    You shouldn’t believe everything your media writes about what happens in the Middle East so you can go and plunder their oil guilt free. As to being offended I can’t say I was offended tbh I was upset by it which is precisely the emotion the morons wanted to elicit from me, which then makes me annoyed that they suckered me. One can’t help drawing comparison sensations with ones own offspring it’s what that sort of ‘entertainment’ does to one. So hands up I was upset.

    Just as i was even more upset when your Tony Blair assisted George Bush in creating the shit place the world has become and the likes of George Soros funding trouble in the Ukraine which awakened the Russian Bear. Corporate America is your enemy and will burn all of our daughters if there is a bottom line profit to be had from it.

    Free Member

    jhj, you’ve changed…

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    yep all those videos of people being stoned, shot and executed are fake. The world is a shit place, oil didn’t do that. In communist china girls were abandoned or killed for being girls, in other places children are sold into slavery. Nothing to do with the US or oil but more to do with human nature.

    What it exposes is human nature in some of it’s rawest forms, that what shocks or upsets people most.

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    honourablegeorge – Member
    I assumed she named him after her ex-husband, Drogo

    Yep, but still..

    If her husband had been called Doug and she’d just got a new dog, I wonder what he would have been called? Rowver, in GoT, I’d guess? 🙂

    Free Member

    I assumed she named him after her ex-husband, Drogo

    Yep, she named her dragons after Drogo (her late rather than ex husband), Rhaeger (her older brother whose attentions to Lyanna Stark started a war) and Viserys (her douche canoe brother who was given a shower of molten gold by the Dothraki).

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    Can we all just agree no book spoilers in here???

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    Nobody has given away anything from the books. Or rather nothing that hasn’t already been passed by in the TV version.

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    just checking/suggesting

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    After next week I’m guessing there won’t be a huge amount to catch up on with the books. Much of it is already there or thereabouts.

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    razorrazoo – Member

    After next week I’m guessing there won’t be a huge amount to catch up on with the books. Much of it is already there or thereabouts.

    Yep, I’ve not had the pleasure / time to read the books – but I’m told the two stories have now split, and after next weeks episode the TV story will pass the end of the most recent book – well sort of as they’re not linear.

    Best thing for both camps really, it seems you can’t talk about the TV series without a book fan getting upset of they change anything NOW they can enjoy it for a different, but obviously similar story AND TV fans can live without smug fans enjoying being all coy because they know what will happen.

    Glorious times we live in.

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    Yeah, I think the only ‘main’ story strand not dealt with is the Iron Islands. Heard they were casting for this for the next season on the TV. TBH that part was all a bit tedious anyway.

    The Bran storyline caught up with the books at the end of the last season.

    Also I believe GRRM suggested that Shireen was a planned death which was shared with TV producers, so we’re into the realms of book rather than TV spoilers now.

    Read the books after the first season of GoT and no doubt will read the new ones if/when they are ever published. A lot of people moaned but I quite enjoyed a lot of the more rambling storylines. Arya’s is a lot better done in the book IMHO.

    Now looking forward to Season 3 of Vikings. Now that’s a TV series!

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    There’s potentially 3 exciting things that will happen in the next episode that was in the books. The fight at winterfell, something something Cersi and something something Jon snow. It’s probably not what you’re thinking. 😆

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    Agree with razorazoo, the Arya storyline is much much better in the book. One of my favourite characters, the other being Tyrion whose still got a bit to go to catch up on the books.

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    Cerci running through the streets naked is what i heard. Ahem. :mrgreen:

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    Lolz! [Saved]

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    Just watched the final episode. Some powerful scenes in there, especially Cerci and Arya.

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    Not again….

    Free Member

    Final episode looks like it should be good, looking forward to watching it this eve. However they’ve missed out the most epic part of Kelly C’s storyline in the books… (don’t worry, it isn’t story-related 😆 )

    Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up she was shitting brown water. The more she drank, the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew, and her thirst sent her crawling to the stream to suck up more water.

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    Just watched it. Can’t say I’m really impressed, they seem to keep killing off the most interesting characters.

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    Game of Thrones can **** right off

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    Mellisandre does a Thoros Of Myr on Jon Snow. Job done

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