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  • Fresh Goods Friday 690 – The Crank Holiday Edition
  • Ben_Haworth
    Full Member

    Dave’s not here man. And neither is anyone else. We’re all having a day off. We call them Crank Holidays.

    By ben_haworth

    Get the full story here:

    Fresh Goods Friday 690 – The Crank Holiday Edition

    Full Member

    Another day, another Scott which I would cross the road to avoid riding.

    Full Member

    Gotta say, the paintwork on that Scott would drive me nuts if I was having to clean it 😂

    Full Member

    Al mighty are excellent tyres, especially if your fatty is fully rigid. Ok, so they are horrendously heavy, but oh my, the grip….

    Full Member

    Red canoes are faster than green. Science fact.
    Poll of bike colours in this seasons DH and XCC vs podium positions?

    Galibier Zephyr All Surface Gloves

    These I am interested in.

    Galibier Fire Feet socks

    Crap. They have thin mesh on top.

    Full Member

    Nice to see Galibier continuing with their wallet friendly tradition.

    Full Member

    Oooh, and just as I listen and you say ‘what is the fastest bike you have owned…’. I say an Orange ST4.

    In White.

    Orange ST4

    Full Member

    Crap. They have thin mesh on top.

    I’ve been wearing a pair of DHB socks made in a similar way for two winters now, and as one that feels the cold I can say they are warm but kinda regulated as I guess the warmth rises through the upper layer.  Don’t knock L them until you’ve tried them I say

    Full Member

    Cheech and Chong? Excellent, not heard ‘Dave’s not here’ for years.

    I think I still have a copy of Up In Smoke on VHS in my loft, somewhere.

    Signs of a misspent youth?

    Full Member

    Got my Wahoo Rival for 99 of our European yoyos (and free delivery) and got a work colleague in the states to go get one for only 99 of his yank dollars about a month back …  sure enough Wahoo UK says 99 GBP rather than the 199 you quote??  99 is great value, 199 is not.

    Full Member

    Another day, another Scott which I would cross the road to avoid riding.

    Why’s that then @sharkattack ? A bad experience or you find them ugly? (Genuinely interested btw, as I’m looking at a Scott Addict for the road).


    Full Member

    ’ve been wearing a pair of DHB socks made in a similar way for two winters now, and as one that feels the cold I can say they are warm but kinda regulated as I guess the warmth rises through the upper layer. Don’t knock L them until you’ve tried them I say

    I have two pairs.
    They get worn – just not really cold days.

    Full Member

    That Scott is gorgeous imo, except for the absolutely hideous mech but that’s function rather than form. Love that paint.

    <grumpy hat on> but I do not like having the big item in FGF being a gravel bike. I appreciate that it’s probably mostly about what new stuff you have in the office to actually show, and the overlap can be pretty big, there’s times like with touring that gravel and mountain biking is basically the exact same thing… But that Scott definitely feels like a Gravel Bike For Gravel Riding On. And as Chipps says there’s only 2 UK mountain bike mags left, I’d hate to see that diminish by tenths…

    (and tbh I think it did, a while back, and then happily recovered, and then happened which seemed like it reduced the crosscontamination a ton…)

    On the other hand, WOO FAT BIKE STUFF. I mean, I’ve already got a minion 4.8 and I don’t need studs, so I won’t be buying an Al-Mighty but I’m really happy to see it covered. Maybe I’m a massive hypocrite and for most of the forum fat bikes are for **** and the niche is dead anyway and it’s NOT PROPER MOUNTAIN BIKING and basically everything I said about gravel.

    Full Member

    This and a previous article reveal there’s a lot of Scott haters out there! I can’t understand why- I confess I’ve never owned one as they always seemed to be for riders who were better than me but why would anyone want to spend time being negative about a brand that is simply trying to make better mountain bikes and of course turn a profit but that’s how it is. Cards on the table my go to brand for manual bikes would be Pôle and now I need a motor I love Orbea. That said I’ve never looked at someone else’s bike and thought it was somehow not any good. Why waste my time on negative vibes?

    Full Member

    Never tire of watching Phil Atwill throwing shapes 🙂

    Free Member

    Nothing to see here, just a hardtail for £5.5k.

    I can’t believe how desensitised everyone has become to this.

    It’s ok though, it says ‘gravel’ on it.



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