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  • Fresh Goods Friday 605: The Highly Erratic Edition
  • singletrackmag
    Free Member

    I (Amanda), am in the Lake District with Benji and Mark, fumbling around with bikes and cameras. It’s far too rare an occasion that this job actually …

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    Fresh Goods Friday 605: The Highly Erratic Edition

    Full Member

    I once had a chap show me his homemade flex bars and seat post. Made from nylon tubes. They flexed in every direction, including forward. Which was quite something when riding down steps.

    I really like the idea of the fast co bars, and will nab them off Benji when he has tested them. Soft tail frames.. Lauf forks… mild suspension has been good for me so far.

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    Hot Toddy mistakes are not unusual as my late MiL once made my FiL a hot whiskey (the NI equivalent) that was all whiskey that had been warmed in a pan. No lemon, honey or hot water. He was poleaxed by it, a short slim man drinking a whole hi-ball of whiskey what could possibly go wrong? Apparently there was singing and other riotous humour for the rest of the night.

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    Did Lou Reed ever really top this? Yes, many times in my opinion.

    Here is one example, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a2-H1-pNfEQ

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    Like the idea of those bars for my rigid.
    Finding the cost a little strong I must say. Nice though.

    Full Member

    You know, before I had a hardtail ebike, I would’ve mocked and laughed at the Flexx Enduro Alloy Suspension Handlebar. A lot. But christ I get beaten to crap all over my old elbow and shoulder joints these days. Only thing I laugh and mock now is – Price: £324.99.
    I’ll (old)man up, for free.

    Full Member

    I just cant stop looking at the dissembodied toes in the last pic

    anyway for just 430 quid you could have the ultimate in comfy cockpit set up – after spending a grand on a fork and 70 quid on some slow damped tyres….. I think that tells us something isnt working!

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    Quick question: how can I find out if I’ve been transported into another dimension?
    I’m still in my house and I looking out of the window I still see the same street, so I’m not in another country in another time zone. So the only explanation is that I’m in another dimension. By and large, it seems the same as my usual one and no-one else seems fazed by the only, but significant, difference.
    I’ll be okay; I can adapt, I’m sure. I just need to remember that, as unsettling as it may be, FGF is a welcome sight at any time of day, even before elevenses.

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    Did Lou Reed ever really top this? Yes, many times in my opinion.

    Pretty sure they were ‘avin a laff. Well, I hope so aanyway.

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    @Sandwich I think i’ll try your MiL recipe this evening in front of a fire.

    Full Member

    Quite possibly the weirdest intro ever to a FGF!

    Full Member

    £100 for some grips!

    “All the features you want” on the Camel Back commute

    Except waist strap pockets. So useful for keys and phone. Meaning you can get to them without taking the pack off.

    Full Member


    Worth also look at RedShift stems for a bit of handlebar flex on a rigid bike. I have one on my gravel bike.

    Full Member

    Great FGF.

    Not convinced by flex bars with hinges/joints. Maybe just tune suspension and tyres differently?

    Had a Smeg range. Stylish. Not a great performer. Sounds like the hand blender is a much better product. Having said that, a potato ricer does a great job of mashed potato. Leave it in the pan with water and washing up liquid overnight (I know, slovenly) and it is a breeze to clean too.

    Full Member

    A lotion that delivers bicarb directly to the working muscles via the skin.

    I would be interested in whether there is any evidence to support this crossing the skin and reaching muscle in any meaningful way.

    Full Member

    is any evidence to support this crossing the skin and reaching muscle in any meaningful way.

    Without being the blood flow, hard to see how it would reach all the muscle either. Seems highly dubious.

    Full Member

    @John_B you are correct. I’ve been struggling with my keys – although there are chest straps, one of which is meant for my phone but is rather snug. But otherwise, it is so far streets ahead of any other commuting bags I’ve tried.

    Full Member

    I also appreciate a nice Erratic

    Full Member

    the quality of those Slicy mudguards is leaps and bounds over versions like the Fox or ones you get free on the covers of magazines.

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    I can vouch for the Huck strap and bag. My stuff hasn’t fallen off or got wet in the last 12 months.

    Full Member

    @MartinHuutch – I can pretty much guess that there is no science to back this up. All the ‘special’ ingredients in expensive anti-aging creams have been disproved (apart from SPF) and those companies will have a lot more money to research and develop. So a sports cream has no chance. The act of giving yourself a good massage will help though.

    Full Member

    Took me a second to get what an “erotic rack” was

    Full Member

    All I’m thinking is plain flour and planes….

    Free Member

    Quite possibly the weirdest intro ever to a FGF!

    , I’m almost insulted 😉

    Free Member

    Fresh Goods Friday 605: The Highly Erratic Edition

    When’s the Highly Erotic version?

    Free Member

    An American MX components manufacturer did a flex handlebar thing with the bushing at the handlebar stem interface. I know it was used on race bikes, surprised it didn’t catch on.

    Such a simple idea that only requires a new stem with appropriate bushing. The user decides the durometer of the bushing, to suit the amount of squish they like and can use their existing handlebar!

    Full Member

    The difference bars can make is crazy, no matter the fork or tyre- when I built my fatbike it had an Enve bar on it, and it was absolutely killing my wrists despite 4.8 inches of bounce, I remember not even making it all the way down broon troot at glentress without seizing up . Switched to a crank bros’ hilariously flexy Cobalt 11 carbon bar I had, and solo’d a 7 hour race without even a twinge. Basically it helps with different things.

    Full Member

    The pr lotion reminds me of the Simpsons episode with the energy bar that contained more apple sauce than any other energy bar. Maybe Geraint Thomas is planning to climb the murderhorn.

    Full Member

    Thanks for making my thread TOTW. Made my week.

    Full Member

    You’ll gave a set to try on an incoming bike Charlie 🙂

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