Home Forums Bike Forum Fox Flux – mounting torches……..

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  • Fox Flux – mounting torches……..
  • My Twofish Locblock and Fenix mounted perfectly to my Xen, however all the vents and the shape of the helmet are all wrong on the Flux.

    Anyone got any pics of their torch type light on a Flux?

    Free Member

    so wear the xen?

    Are you having a bad day, or are you always like this?

    The Xen's knackered btw – I don't just buy new helmets for fun.

    Free Member

    Cheers chunky – what's under the torch?

    Free Member

    It's an old Blackburn Light mount. With a bunch of zip-ties and some old bits of lighting bracket you can cobble something together.

    I was wanting a more 'quick release' method, but it's food for thought – ta.

    Free Member

    I was lucky enough to have two helmets at the time (last winter). I've ordered a DX Extreme helmet mount now. Much cheapness.

    Free Member

    would this work on a front to back section?


    Free Member

    do you happen to know the diameter in comparison to an old joystick as ive a helmet mount for one for sale im not sure of the size tbh other than its bigger than my new maxx2 one as it wont fit

    Free Member

    what size is the joystick mount? if str isn't interested i might well be

    mick – Member
    do you happen to know the diameter in comparison to an old joystick as ive a helmet mount for one for sale im not sure of the size tbh other than its bigger than my new maxx2 one as it wont fit

    The Fenix is smaller I think; ranging from about 15-20mm in diameter along it's length.

    Rob – I can't really work out what you're showing me there mate (mounting wise), althgough I may buy a DX at some point

    *edit* Now I can see – it may work, with both dished sections being on the same plane, whereas the Locblock is on opposing planes.

    Free Member

    was about to call you a blind spacka then 😉


    *points* Bad back spacka wiv the fakes.

    I'd arrange a ride for tomorrow, but don't know what excuse you'll use this time 😛

    Full Member

    2 of the mounting thingys from deal extreme, seconds to put on and remove. Helmet doesn't feel badly weighted and when sat on head torch is at a good angle IMO.

    Hope that helps

    Rich my current set up sort of allows me to mount my Fenix right on the side of my helmet, but it felt odd and unbalanced. Cheers anyway.

    Full Member

    I'm having the same issue at the moment with a Trustfire T1 CREE torch. All the vents and weird shaping of the flux make it a real s*d to mount on!

    Did you find a solution in the end?

    I'm experimenting with heavy duty velcro and a DIY mount made using two 25mm square cable tidies zip-tied to the torch body – the beam direction isn't perfect, but can't see a way to improve it.


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