Awwww sorry aioli, or whatever your called.
Although I don’t think anyone actually posted up the final results commented on the outcome, you really didn’t expect us to?
I know you can’t un-see these minor snippets of information but you might consider smacking your head against something solid, see if you could bump the information out of your noggin perhaps…
Next time I see a thread on a WC race I’ve just finished watching I’ll be sure to check you’re up to speed before daring to comment. don’t think we gave much away, all you really need to know is that nobody predicted the outcome in men’s or womens.
Of course if you have time for a light troll, you probably have time to catch up on redbull TV, spin through the filler and first 20 runners they show, watch the end and then furnish STW with your wonderful insights on WC DH racing… Or to sign up to another MTB forum…