Home Forums Bike Forum Ford Focus – possible CV joint problems ?

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  • Ford Focus – possible CV joint problems ?
  • silverside
    Free Member

    on my 2006 ford focus hatchback
    while I steer to full lock, at low speeds, I hear a creaking sound from the left front wheel area. This is only while actually moving the steering wheel – while driving slowly at full lock no further noise appears.

    any ideas what it might be – i got it second hand a few months ago and think its still under warranty, so will get them to take a look at it – but any extra info (or even pointers to a specific motor forum) would be appreciated. I wouldnt think CV joints would go at 2 years old, but could be wrong !

    (and i know this should be in the Off Topic forum – teething problems 😉

    Free Member

    Just had that on my focus – drop link on the suspension – common issue

    Free Member

    cheers, how much time / money did it cost to sort?

    Free Member

    was part of a big service – part is £25 plus fitting iirc

    Free Member

    thank you.

    Free Member

    Drop links are easy to check, can just about get away without needing to jack the car up too.
    If you do want to check them, they shouldn’t move at all – should be stiff.

    Full Member

    Silverside,check out these sites:www.ffoc.co.uk & http://www.focusowners.com.
    You’ll need to register (like on here),to post a question,but i’m sure someone on there will know the answer.

    Free Member

    To find out if the droplinks are knarked, you need to jack the front end of the car up (both wheels) to take the weight off the ARB, If theres play in them they need replacing.

    Generally a droplink will knock while driving over imperfections in the roads surface, If it doesnt do this I suspect something just needs a lube up ARB bushes tend to be my first point of call

    Free Member

    yeah makes sense , i thought i heard a bang on a country road…

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