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  • Foods you dislike that everyone else loves
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    I like mackerel and I’d never even considered putting gooseberries with it. I’d give it a try though👍

    Its a Grigson recipe.  The acid tartness of the gooseberries cuts thru the oiliness of the fish.  Its a 2+2=22 situation :-)

    Full Member

    Pasta i just dont get, no real taste, you have to add loads of stuff to it to make it even remotely nice and if eating it on its own its just tasteless, boring and bland

    You aren’t supposed to eat it without sauce/other flavours? Same as rice.

    Free Member

    Crumpets. They feel weird in the mouth.

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    I don’t mind pasta, but have never been wowed by any pasta dish, even in a restaurant. I can take it or leave it except….

    If it’s cold. Cold, sticky, starchy pasta makes me retch 

    Full Member

    Many, many, many things. I have issues. It’s one of the reasons I like to cook, I have direct control over and knowledge of what I’m putting inside me.

    Baked beans. Controversial I know. I’m probably the only one and it may well lead to my UK passport being revoked or something. I’ve tried, and tried but I just don’t like the taste or the texture.

    This is a weird one for me. I like beans generally, I get through a good deal of canned spaghetti which is arguably “the same” except it’s not, there’s something off about baked beans which I can’t quite identify. By any measure I should love them but I just can’t.

    Full Member

    Curry. Absolutely hate the stuff.

    I’m struggling to parse this. It’s like saying you don’t like soup, or sauce. Curry is a food group in its own right, about the only thing a madras has in common with a korma is that it’s runny and has veg/meat in it.

    Try eating out, or grabbing some sort of ready to eat meal/sarnie as a veggie who doesn’t like mushrooms and can’t eat peppers

    Cheese. I hate it, and I don’t understand why people feel the need to put it on *everything*.

    I’m veggie and can’t eat cheese. I feel your respective pains. The vegans have (ironically) buggered this up for me even more now that vegan cheese-a-like is a thing.

    As a veggie, I always seem to end up eating it on ferries though. What’s that all about?

    If you’re going to be sick you might as well go all-in?

    Full Member

    Almonds/ Marzipan.


    A Bakewell Tart is a definite No No.

    Full Member

    Pasta on its own is fairly bland but as has been said, you’re supposed to have it with something. You also need to salt the cooking water quite a lot. With a young child I’m currently cooking salt free and it makes a massive difference to pasta dishes.

    And I will echo that tomatoes need to be quality. Ripe, in season and room temperature or don’t bother. If you can find some locally grown ones then they are night and day compared to cheap supermarket ones.

    Full Member

    Chicken and grapes? Wtaf??

    Another baked beans but not other beans hater here.

    Bananas for me. Want to like them for all their good qualities but the texture, taste, smell are all massively disgusting. Also they ripen weirdly.

    Also hate coconut apart from when it’s in a curry. Like eating suntan lotion.

    Just off for a curry, a really hot curry 😊

    Without a lager 😭

    I’m one of the (apparently) rare people that loves lime pickle on the pickle tray

    Full Member

    Also hate coconut apart from when it’s in a curry. Like eating suntan lotion.

    I dislike too much coconut. Like, I’m fine with it sprinkled on soup or some such, but Bounty bars or those blue bastards in Quality Street masquerading as fudge are boak. Malibu can get in the sea as well.

    Full Member

    To most of you a watery, almost tasteless experience.
    To me a bitter, overpowering rancid flavour that cancels out everything else.
    Nothing worse that a bought sandwich that doesn’t list them then they’re there, lurking and contaminating the rest of the fillings.
    Awful awful stuff.

    Oh and mushrooms. Slimy evil non-food.

    Full Member

    I detest Oreos, just can’t see why people eat them.

    Full Member

    I detest Oreos, just can’t see why people eat them.

    Agreed.  There is something difficult to pin down that I find unpleasant in most American sweet snacks I’ve tried.  Palm oil perhaps? Oreos? Gipping. Hersheys ‘chocolate’? Absolutely rank.  On a trip to San Francisco they made a massive thing about Ghiradelli chocolate.  We tried it, just the once…🤢

    Full Member


    Alien food.

    Full Member

    Just off for a curry, a really hot curry 😊

    I like my curry spicy but not madly so. I like to be able to taste what’s in it.

    I’m one of the (apparently) rare people that loves lime pickle on the pickle tray

    But I love lime pickle.

    I haven’t seen any mention yet of tapioca. The only food I’ve had that I would genuinely refuse if ever offered again.

    Full Member

    Rare steaks.  I like my food cooked thank you 


    Free Member

    There is something difficult to pin down that I find unpleasant in most American sweet snacks

    It’s not that difficult, they taste of sick.

    The perception that American chocolate tastes “like sick” can be attributed to the presence of butyric acid in some American chocolate recipes. Butyric acid is a compound found in milk products and is also present in rancid butter and vomit, which is why it might evoke a “sick” taste association.

    Free Member

    Chicken with grapes even has a bit of a fancy name – chicken veronique.  Still doesn’t make it better.  The schizophrenic  flavour which divides myself is honey – I can’t stand it as a standalone taste and there are some dishes which I eat and I think ‘hmmm, not sure about that’ and the only ingredient which I can point to is honey, but there’ll be others which are a bit moreish and the same scan of the ingredients reveals the most likely source of satisfaction to be honey.

    Full Member

    Rare steaks.  I like my food cooked thank you

    Whereas I like some evidence that my steak was once running around a field. I love Steak tartare too.

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    Also, nuts in things (like chocolate) I don’t mind nuts, I often don’t mind the things they get put in, but not together. Nuts in things are weird. Just say no.

    Full Member

    Almonds/ Marzipan.

    I don’t like Christmas cake or any of those rich/fruit/boozey christmas flavours (Mince Pies, Mulled Wine)

    Don’t particularly like Marzipan either but…. Marzipan that has been peeled off a christmas cake is lovely.

    Similarly I don’t like porkpies but like the crust from a pork pie. I actually think there would be a market for buying pork pies, pealing the crusts off and selling them in bags a pub snack and selling the centres in Holland And Barrat as ‘Atkins Pork Pies’

    Free Member

    Nuts in things are weird. Just say no.

    With you on that. Particularly ice cream and cake, it’s just wrong to have really hard things hidden inside soft things.

    Full Member

    food (esp puddings) with alcohol in – sherry, tiramisu etc.  Shite

    Seafood – wish I liked it.  Was brought up believing I was allergic to it all, which was entirely wrong.  Trouble now is, it all tastes too “fishy” (oddly, especially the non-fish stuff like crab etc)

    +1 for aubergine, but then clearly NOBODY actually likes that shite

    Full Member

    it’s just wrong to have really hard things hidden inside soft things.

    Said the actress to the bishop.

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    Steak – it’s always okay, but I feel there’s usually better things you could do with it.  Fillet > Wellington for example.

    Full Member

    +1 for aubergine, but then clearly NOBODY actually likes that shite

    Aubergine Parmigiana is ambrosia.

    Full Member

    Orange with savoury meals is the work of Satan. Its like a pollutant that spoils the entire dish, doesn’t in any way enhance meat.

    Full Member

    Herbal Tea – most is fine for the first few mouthfuls, but toward the bottom, it’s bloody awful.  Removing the bag helps, but it’s still mostly horrible stuff.   Especially if it has berries or spices in it – why would I want turmeric in my drink?

    Free Member

    mmmm rare sirloin with garlic mushrooms & chips

    Full Member

    Herbal Tea – most is fine for the first few mouthfuls, but toward the bottom, it’s bloody awful.  Removing the bag helps, but it’s still mostly horrible stuff.   Especially if it has berries or spices in it – why would I want turmeric in my drink?

    I sometimes drink it as the wife has a whole cupboard dedicated to the stuff. Dozens of different flavours which actually all taste the same (i.e. of nothing).  It always over promises and under delivers. Smells great, but tastes of barely perceptibly flavoured hot water.

    Full Member

    Herbal Tea

    Squash for adults

    Full Member

    I like mackerel and I’d never even considered putting gooseberries with it. I’d give it a try though👍

    Its a Grigson recipe. The acid tartness of the gooseberries cuts thru the oiliness of the fish. Its a 2+2=22 situation 🙂

    As a side bar – theres a really interesting book called the ‘Flavour Thesaurus’ by Niki Segnit, not a recipe book but a sort of reference book that lists key foods and then details methodically all the things they pair with well.

    As you can imagine ‘….. and bacon’ appears a lot :-)

    Full Member

    To most of you a watery, almost tasteless experience.
    To me a bitter, overpowering rancid flavour that cancels out everything else.

    See, I don’t mind cucumber per se. Rather, I object to having cucumber-flavoured burps for the next four hours.

    Free Member

    Tomatoes. Well some of them. It is weird – I like cherry tomatoes (raw or cooked), I like anything tomato-flavoured (puree, soup, ketchup etc), I am quite happy eating cooked tomatoes. But a raw ‘normal’ full-sized tomato – awful. I have tried eating them several times as an adult but I have an instant gag reflex.

    I like my curry spicy but not madly so. I like to be able to taste what’s in it.

    The hottest curry still has lots of flavour if it is cooked properly. In fact I’d go as far as suggesting a hotter curry has *more* flavour.

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    @johndoh – Mrs Binners is exactly the same about tomatoes. If they’re cooked, she’s fine with them.

    She thinks it’s the smell of the raw tomatoes she finds so off-putting

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    Herbal Tea

    Now I can get along with most herbal teas, some work better with sugar/honey some without, and mint or rosehip tea is really nice, BUT Pukka teas seem to think that every single flavour needs to have liquorice in. No! Makes me nauseous.

    Which is weird because liquorice (the sweet) I really like, even the salty Dutch stuff. But plain liquorice root or aniseed is horrid, even though it smells amazing.

    Speaking of Dutch stuff, I tried some honingdrop (honey sweetened liquorice) for the first time the other day. It was a sugar-free version and my wife warned me “it’s not quite as good as the normal one”. OMG I have genuinely never tasted anything so vile. Had to spit it out. Tasted like a combination of Chapstick, scented candles and vomit.

    Full Member

    There is almost nohing I won’t eat, most of which I also enjoy. Back to the OP I could happily live on a diet of Baked Beans and Creme Eggs. Love olives too. Thinking of preferences though I won’t eat Salt and vinegar crisps unless there is nothing else available, and prpoer corn on the cob with butter will probably make me gag (I can eat it out of the tin with a spoon though, go figure). Other than that, not much I won’t try

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    To be fair, most food is fairly bland, until you add spices or condiments, so that sentiment could be applied to so much

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    Cream.  I don’t absolutely hate it but I don’t like it and don’t understand why everyone seems to love it on strawberries, scones, etc.  but I love ice cream…

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