Herbal Tea
Now I can get along with most herbal teas, some work better with sugar/honey some without, and mint or rosehip tea is really nice, BUT Pukka teas seem to think that every single flavour needs to have liquorice in. No! Makes me nauseous.
Which is weird because liquorice (the sweet) I really like, even the salty Dutch stuff. But plain liquorice root or aniseed is horrid, even though it smells amazing.
Speaking of Dutch stuff, I tried some honingdrop (honey sweetened liquorice) for the first time the other day. It was a sugar-free version and my wife warned me “it’s not quite as good as the normal one”. OMG I have genuinely never tasted anything so vile. Had to spit it out. Tasted like a combination of Chapstick, scented candles and vomit.