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  • Foods you dislike that everyone else loves
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    I can’t stand fatty or slimy stuff, meat fat etc. I don’t eat them anyway but just the thought of eating stuff like shellfish is revolting. Raw oysters are a delicacy? 🤢

    Prawns/shrimp? That has way too many legs to be edible, surely.

    Fish bones give me the creeps something awful. Salmon fillet? 👍  Salmon steak? 👎

    And the amount of people that are happy to eat fried eggs with undercooked white is terrifying.

    Agree with lamb having an off-putting smell… tastes good though!

    And I’ll happily eat baked beans cold out of the tin 😁

    What about foods you like that everyone else hates? I love most veg, raw sprouts and greens are great.

    Or weird foods you like that family members hate. I think cheese and chocolate (in any form) go amazingly well together, my wife thinks I’m insane. I’ve no idea what’s “normal” here. How many separate threads do we need here?

    Full Member

    I’ll not eat eggs in pretty much any format. If they’re hidden in a cake I’ll have them but boiled, fried, scrambled, poached, omelette, or any other horrific combination you can keep.

    Full Member

    I’ve no idea what’s “normal” here.

    You’re normal if you like what I like/dislike.  If not, you’re a weirdo.  HTH 😁

    And I’ll happily eat baked beans cold out of the tin 😁

    Absolute, grade 1 wrong ‘un.  No doubt whatsoever.

    Full Member

    Yes, uncooked white in an egg is a big no. When frying and bulk of egg is cooked but around the yolk is still runny, they only need flipping for a few seconds and they’re then perfect. Poached egg is one of my favourites ways to have egg these days, as long as the water is properly drained before egg hits the toast and there is no abundance of froth.

    Full Member


    I don’t dislike it, I just don’t see the point in it.

    Full Member

    Butter on bread.

    Yes a small amount on toast, but not on bread.

    No Jam or Marmalade at all thanks

    Free Member

    Baked beans ruin cooked breakfast IMO.

    I’ll take just about any accompaniment to dessert other than custard – traumatised since school days I think.

    Full Member

    Baked beans ruin cooked breakfast IMO.

    It’s been genuinely therapeutic to realise I’m not alone!

    Free Member

    BBQ sauce – as found on chicken in so many pubs and restaurants – far too sweet for me.

    Just about any of the brassicas (can tolerate small amounts of the fluffy green bits, but wouldn’t choose it from a menu.

    Strong cheese – particularly Stilton – but love Edam, red Leicester, Monterey jack, Emmenthal etc.

    Free Member

    BBQ sauce – as found on chicken in so many pubs and restaurants – far too sweet for me.

    That stuff is objectively awful.

    Full Member

    Brown sauce.  Why put vinegary molasses all over your food.  If you do not like the taste of the food then eat something else – don’t put this glop all over it ruining it

    Brown sauce. Why put vinegary molasses all over your food. If you do not like the taste of the food then eat something else

    Love it on a Sunday roast (chicken) 😊

    Full Member

    Baked beans ruin cooked breakfast IMO.

    It’s actually the grilled tomato in a cooked breakfast that breaks ma wee heart. Neither cooked – which is lovely, or fresh, which is also lovely – just sort of bullied and humiliated. I can’t think of any other culinary setting where you’d treat a tomato like that an put it on someones plate.

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    Any raw fruit beginning with the letter T.

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    It’s like eating very sweet, chilled puke. Gopping stuff. 

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    Full Member


    I think that’s quite common. It’s a very old fashioned dessert I suppose and I can understand how the texture of cold custard etc. can put people off. I really like it though. Shop bought trifle is rank, but a good homemade sherry trifle, with a thick layer of whipped double cream and homemade vanilla custard on top is great. I’m in a minority though. My wife hates it and my grown up kids gag at the very the sight of it. They just can’t comprehend how anyone can like the “vile, cold, sliminess”!

    Full Member


    No, that is just a variety of Orange from Tangiers. Just like a Satsuma is also a variety of Orange, but from Japan.

    Oranges are fine.

    Full Member

    I’m absolutely with you on olives. They’re the devils chug-nuts

    I try them periodically to see if my palette has changed but no, they still taste of washing up liquid

    Full Member

    Spaghetti bolognaise for me. Can’t be arsed fighting with my food in an attempt to get it in my mouth.
    And whipped cream is awful stuff, with you on the cream eggs too.

    Full Member

    Any raw fruit beginning with the letter T.


    Full Member


    I don’t dislike it, I just don’t see the point in it.

    Take an entire garlic and slice the top off, so each clove has the tip cut off.

    Roast it, serve hot. Squeeze the now mushy/creamy cloves out through the hole onto whatever food you have. Mmmm.


    It’s like eating very sweet, chilled puke.

    I love trifle, but I’ll be thinking of that next time. Thanks 🤢

    Full Member


    raw tomatoes were created by the devil to make oysters seem relatively palatable.

    Full Member

    Hummus is actually just tiling grout with garlic flavouring added

    Absolutely vile stuff!

    Full Member

    I hope the tomato haters are checking the right type. Tasteless supermarket toms? Try some with flavour, get the cherry “finest” “taste the difference” or whatever version and report back. Eat at room temperature, not cold.

    The smell of tomatoes on the vine is heavenly.

    The best toms we’ve ever had were on holiday in France somewhere, bought at the local market. Sun ripened and eaten at (French summertime) room temperature, we gorged on them!

    Free Member

    Cheese. I hate it, and I don’t understand why people feel the need to put it on *everything*.

    Full Member

    Crushed avocado with a cooked breakfast – in fact with anything. Horrible greasy nastiness and has no place with nice fried food FFS…

    Free Member

    I don’t really dislike it, but gravy. I don’t get why people want to float all of their food in it, so everything just tastes of gravy, and all the original taste and texture is removed.

    mr edd
    Free Member

    I’ll only eat fish if it doesn’t actually taste of Fish.

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    This thread is definitely drawing all the wrong uns out of cover! 😄

    Free Member

    I view most savoury dishes which have a sweet item added with total suspicion.  As a small highlight in skilled hands it might just about pass my lips but general offerings of duck a la orange – who adds marmalade to game?, chicken with grapes – nope, gammon with pineapple – just not meant to be.  

    Free Member

    Crushed avocado with a cooked breakfast

    I agree. A **** travesty.

    Full Member

    Blackhat – you should try mackerel with gooseberries :-) Divine

    Free Member

    Fish and Pasta are a big no for me, Tuna pasta is my idea of food hell!

    I dont mid a bit of Cod now and again but most fish to me smells like cat food!

    Pasta i just dont get, no real taste, you have to add loads of stuff to it to make it even remotely nice and if eating it on its own its just tasteless, boring and bland

    Have to agree with others on Tomatos, basic supermarket ones are tasteless, under ripe and not worth the money

    Now vine tomatos, nice and ripe are devine!

    Full Member

    Calmac macaroni cheese. Lathering overcooked pasta in pints of yellow non-cheese flavoured gloop is bad enough; keeping it hot for hours under a grill to dehydrate it is another level. I was once asked if I’d “like an extra slice”. I can only imagine its American in origin rather than Italian. Although to be American you’d have to put half a pound of sugar in it as well as that hideous ‘American cheese’ – which clearly is not cheese by any definition I’m aware of.

    As a veggie, I always seem to end up eating it on ferries though. What’s that all about?

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    A friend of mine was staying at a posh hotel for a wedding. The breakfast in the morning was cooked to order, not a buffet. My friend asked if he could have beans with his eggs, bacon, sausage etc etc and the waiter said ‘no sir, we’re not a transport cafe’ 😂 True story, sort of sums up baked beans for me.

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    They are quite divisive full stop are they not?  I hated them as a kid, the taste but also the fact that they were hairy.  Who eats hairy fruit ffs?  I really like them now though and we grow our own.  Homemade gooseberry fool is incredible.  I like mackerel and I’d never even considered putting gooseberries with it.  I’d give it a try though👍

    Full Member

    Apple sauce (as in with pork) yet I love apples.
    Cranberry sauce.
    Agree with rice pudding, cheesecake, creme eggs, trifle, BBQ sauce and the smell of lamb cooking. Though I do like a nice grilled lamb chop.
    Hot chocolate.

    Full Member

    My missus hates “warm” cheese (can smell it as an ingredient from a mile off) and eggs (their sole purpose is to be an ingredient in cakes).

    Me, not a fan of olives, but I wouldn’t say I hate them. I do have a “memory reaction” to curry having worked in India many years ago for a few extended periods and getting Dehli belly. The mere smell of it makes me feel unwell. Saying that, I’ll still eat it to keep others company, just wouldn’t choose it.

    Mild dislike is as much as I can muster against food.

    Free Member

    Icing on cakes. It’s just a really hard layer of pure sugar that spoils the actual cake part of the cake.

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