I know we do a lot of food threads on here, but this is about stuff you don’t like but which seem universally loved by everyone else. Things where people think you are a freak because you don’t like them.
Baked beans. Controversial I know. I’m probably the only one and it may well lead to my UK passport being revoked or something. I’ve tried, and tried but I just don’t like the taste or the texture. If someone makes you a cooked breakfast, it seems it’s the law to dollop them on there, without even asking if you like them. The disgusting sickly sweet sauce contaminating all the lovely fried goodness. The very worst thing of all, guaranteed to make me gag, is watching some creature eating them cold straight out of the tin.
Cadbury creme eggs. I like chocolate, I even like Cadbury chocolate on its own. It’s the sticky, cloying, sickly sugar paste in them that makes me gip. I can just about get why kids might like them, but adults with functioning taste buds? No. Just no.
Olives. I have some middle class shame about this. It makes me feel a bit plebish and unsophisticated that I don’t like them when literally everyone I know loves them. I even tried once eating them every day for a week to see if I could ‘acquire’ a taste for them. No – to me they have a deeply unpleasant bitter/rancid taste that I will never like.
Whatya got? Remember not just stuff you don’t like, but stuff where people think you’re odd for not liking it.