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  • Foods you can eat hot, but not cold or vice versa
  • blokeuptheroad
    Full Member

    I have a particular thing for not being able to eat certain starchy foods cold. E.g. pasta, rice, beans, cous cous etc. I really enjoy them all hot, but If I see any of them cold (in a salad for example) it makes me gip. 🤢 The sticky, starchy, slimy texture of cold pasta in particular, really gives me the heeby jeebies!

    And yet I will happily wolf down cold potatoes – mashed, chipped, roasted whatever! Where’s the logic? Still with cold fat on them from yesterday’s roast? Nom nom, bring it on!

    Probably less controversial, but I love cold pizza, sausages, curry, Yorkshire pud etc.

    Just me? Am I weird?

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    Yes cold not hot. Steak tartar

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    Hot ice-cream is just a no-no for me. It never stays in the cone!😉

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    Hot dog

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    When I was at school they used to expect us to eat HOT scotch eggs.

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    Hot avocado mings.

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    When I was at school they used to expect us to eat HOT scotch eggs.

    Nuked in the microwave till red hot.  Squished onto thickly buttered bread with some brown sauce for an epic sandwich.

    Free Member

    Just the thought of eating cold baked beans makes my skin crawl.

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    Same here, cold baked beans. Yuk.

    Free Member

    I can’t eat beans warmed up they have to be straight out the tin, same goes for rice or custard

    Just made puttanesca , huge portion so I can eat it cold at work tomorrow

    Free Member

    Hot ice-cream is just a no-no for me. It never stays in the cone!😉

    I like custard.

    Free Member


    love them raw ( chopped up of course)

    can’t stand them fried etc , all slimy 🤮

    Full Member

    Just the thought of eating cold baked beans makes my skin crawl.

    This skill came with age – now I can eat a whole tin straight up from the tin.

    Potatoes – love ’em raw. Eat them like an apple.

    Raw pasta is a bit crunchy though.

    Full Member

    I thought of another, but it’s more of a raw v cooked than cold v hot thing. Carrots.  I love them raw, grated in a salad, scooping up hummus or just crunching on them.  I really don’t like them cooked though, to me they have a really noticeable unpleasant bitter taste.

    Full Member

    straight out the tin, same goes for rice or custard

    gross. both hot or cold. especially that ambrosia stuff.  that’s basically sick in a tin, minus the carrots

    rice needs to be home made. custard too.

    Full Member

    Quiche. It’s not that I can’t eat it hot but why would you? Mrs 100th insists it be heated, I’m getting the patio groundwork started now.

    Full Member

    rice needs to be home made. custard too.

    I like posh custard, I really do. Made with Madagascan vanilla pods and all that.  But sometimes, like when you are making an old school trifle – only Birds will do. Luminous yellow and bursting with E-numbers as it may be!

    Full Member

    Mrs 100th insists it be heated, I’m getting the patio groundwork started now.

    You must have a massive patio.

    Full Member


    love them raw ( chopped up of course)

    can’t stand them fried etc , all slimy

    What you’re taking about there is partially cooked onions.. Properly caremalised or crisped up a bit onion is amazing.

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    <hr />

    There’s some right fussy eaters on STW.

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    Hot salad

    Full Member


    Full Member

    I like custard


    Free Member

    Not really. I’ll eat most left overs cold because I’m too impatient to warm it up.

    Also recently discovered that cold baked beans are more flavoursome than when heated.

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    My mother buys nice pork pies from her local butcher, then heats them in the oven. DO NOT do this!!!!

    Free Member

    Thankfully not done it for a while as I’m struggling with my weight as it is, but I can demolish a 6-pack of hot cross buns cold very easily.

    Can’t recall the last one I had hit and toasted.

    Very rare to have hot porridge oats.

    Free Member

    Slightly different I don’t like grated cheese but love accurate thin sliced cheese from the same block, partner thinks it’s weird but then she can’t cut cheese plumb or accurate

    Full Member

    Slightly different I don’t like grated cheese but love accurate thin sliced cheese from the same block, partner thinks it’s weird but then she can’t cut cheese plumb or accurate

    Im with you on that, grated cheese

    A) makes a mess

    B) you have to clean the grater which is a pain

    A good sharp knife to slice the cheese correctly according to desired specification is far more preferable.

    Full Member

    I like posh custard, I really do. Made with Madagascan vanilla pods and all that. But sometimes, like when you are making an old school trifle – only Birds will do. Luminous yellow and bursting with E-numbers as it may be!

    Made from Birds custard powder is OK.  Pre-made stuff in a carton is minging.  Although not quite as minging as ambrosia.

    Full Member

    Pease pudding is delicious hot, and actually not bad when it’s cold.

    Full Member

    Pease pudding is delicious hot, and actually not bad when it’s cold.

    What about 9 days old?

    Full Member

    Curry. Cannot eat any type of curry cold.  I can eat tandoori chicken and chicken tikka cold though.  Wouldn’t each cold chili or ragu either.

    Baked beans, hot yes, cold no.  Same with eggs.

    Free Member

    Some people like cold leftover pizza, but I’m not one of those people.

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    Cup of tea. Rank when less than ‘quite hot’.

    But coffee is ok any temperature. Weird.

    Full Member

    Cup of tea. Rank when less than ‘quite hot’.

    But coffee is ok any temperature. Weird.

    Definitely this. Nowt worse than being given a cup of lukewarm tea. Well maybe there is, weak, overly milky lukewarm tea.  People who do this are not your friends. I find with coffee, it starts to taste better when it cools a little, or more that the heat stops masking the flavour.  It can be too cold though, there is a goldilocks temperature.

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    Boiled spuds. Don’t like them hot, can eat them all day long when cold (with congealed butter on them too).

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    I like a cold bacon sarnie more than a hot bacon sarnie.

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    Some people like cold leftover pizza, but I’m not one of those people.


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    My Grandma grew up in a house in Portsoy with a porridge draw. Tin lined drawer in the sideboard where the porridge was poured in the morning and you cut off your piece as and when during the day.

    You’d have loved that I expect.

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