Wrist isn’t so bad that I can’t cope with a bit of braking or shifting, it’s more putting weight on it for an hour or so at a time which aggravates a bit of tendonitis, hence the aero bar idea.
Will probably stick to relatively easy rides where I can focus on braking with the other hand where possible!
Might not work out, worth a try though, and much cheaper and simpler than a turbo considering we live on the fourth floor! (good idea though, will be doing spin classes anyway, which is what gave me the idea of aero bars).
Spinaci Bars look good (and cheaper than the Deda Parabolica Bars I was looking at) but where are the elbow rests, look like they could be uncomfortable over an hour or two?
Borrowing a set tomorrow, the weekend shall reveal all, weather-bombs permitting… 🙄