Home Forums Chat Forum First time buyer help and Advice Please.

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  • First time buyer help and Advice Please.
  • rich1982
    Free Member

    Genesis Altitude 2.0

    Hi im new to all this and looking to buy my first bike on a budget of about £500 is the above bike worth £450 or would my money be better spent on somthing else.The bike dose come with all paper work so its legit.

    What other options do i have ?

    All advice welcome

    Full Member

    It gets some good reviews on bikeradar 8)
    And costs about a grand new ,so youre getting it at 1/2 price for a couple of years old
    853 frame,cant get better than that,is it says 725 then its the altitude 1.0
    Either way its a nice British made steel frame that could go on to earn its stripes.average spec on it but you can upgrade what you need.components are incidental anyway.

    Or check on ebay and keep bidding £450 on what you want,bound to come up trumps eventually

    Free Member

    Can you check it for wear? Or get a pal to do so?

    A worn chain/ cassette / chainrings can cost a fair bit to replace. Really needs a measuring tool to check but have a look at teh teeth on the chainrings – if they are hooked or worn looking odds are the drivetrain needs to be replaced. The other way to check is can you pull the chain away from the chainring at the front of the chainring? a rather subjective way of telling but if it will lift clear of the teeth at teh front ot the big ring its probably worn.

    Check brake pads for wear

    Check wheel bearings and head bearing – all should rotate freely without any play being obvious.

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