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  • first properish road ride.
  • alpin
    Free Member

    rode approx. 70km today on the fixie. didn’t realise that where i wanted to go was so far but it didn’t matter. it was brilliant. was a ‘föhn tag’. means that the air is really clear and you can see for miles. had great views of the alps the whole ride other than through the forests. never really just rode for the hell of it on the road. although have ridden london to munich a few years back, albeit on a roadied up mtb. usually ride on the road to get somehwere, not just for a pootle. really nice when you get into the groove and start eating miles, or is that km’s?.

    also glad to have the front brake. decended a few hills that were just too much for the legs to cope with. is nice though when you start spinning so smoothly without your arse bouncing up and down off the saddle.

    and yes, ‘roadies’ are miserable buggers. think only one waved.

    going snowboarding tomorrow.


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