Home Forums Bike Forum Finding myself strangely drawn to a Tranny…

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  • Finding myself strangely drawn to a Tranny…
  • Daffy
    Full Member

    …An Ibis Tranny[/url] that is.

    Does anyone have one? Can I get it it Guinness Foam


    Full Member

    got a nice one i stifED

    Full Member

    THEY DO?! Damn….that’s too close for comfort, I may have to move.

    What colour was it? No! don’t tell me.

    Full Member

    Not sure about the position where the seat stays join the seat tub. And I don’t like the bike plates for dropouts.

    Otherwise, very nice.

    Full Member

    2.75lbs though! and will fit in the boot of even a Mini

    Free Member

    Don’t own one but tempted myself after the joys of the Mojo.

    You must have a zillion bikes Daffy?

    Hope you are well.

    Full Member

    Saw one in a shop in US a while ago
    Frames look nicer hanging up than that does up there ^

    my imaginary forum sig is:
    “…slamming into trannies since 1992”
    (followed by a list of all the bikes I’ve got, in really detailled spec – “barbie bell, 2003 pink pegasus special edition with Ti bolts & upgraded pinger” etc)

    Full Member

    Hey Thumbie (Matt?)

    Just the four bikes, I’m only allowed four plus the missus bike.

    Felt a bit lethargic WRT biking recently, but my Mojo’s (not the bike) back and I’m raring to go.

    How about you?

    Scaredypants – You’re not helping, but keep talking

    Full Member

    sorry, just seems to me that hardly anyone will use the “split” feature often enough to make it useful. other than that, it’s just a decent hardtail IMO.

    frame seemed v well made though, as yo7u might expect

    … blowing seals since 1745

    ***Apollo Throbber resprayed with a black to dark grey flip – alternating blue & purple led’s on the BB/chainstays and uprated pinger: PIIIMP !!***

    Full Member

    Me too. My first thought was I hope they do that in Guiness Foam but I think its orange green or plain carbon. It appeals to me as It’s the perfect frame to run with deraileurs, with a hub or singlespeed if you were so inclined.Shame about the dollar exchange rate. As for the split rear end not being used, you’d be using it if you run a hub or singlespeed, even if not actually dismantalling it. And if the exchange rate improves and you happen to be in the States then a frame you can hide in your suitcase could be very useful.

    Free Member

    Surely an ideal candidate for an Alfine/Rohloff-esque belt drive conversion?

    Full Member

    My initial thoughts captain. I’d have to get the Rohloff converted though as mine is V brake version. I also thought about the belt option but looking at the GIF’s on the Ibis web site the rear triangle is not split, so I don’t think the belt option is viable. A shame really to have missed that opportunity on such a versatile frame. I suppose there could be an alternative rear triangle available in the future that could make the belt option viable. It certainly something that appeals to me as a hub user.

    Free Member

    Daffy my friend….snap….4 myself, then the missus plus the kids 🙂

    It’s a 50/50 split with a XC HT & FS, then 2 for the Road…..

    Hope all is well mate & glad the biking mojo has returned.


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