Having watched the news last night and seen the developments this morning I have to say I am, reluctantly, feeling a sense of optimism that this is the end for Blatter and maybe for FIFA overall. A complete clearout and re-birth.
It is indeed sad that it has taken the US to act but in many respects this makes total sense. They have the most aggressive legal system with effectively unlimited penalties and they also have the least to lose, if FIFA threatened to ban them they won’t care as international football really isn’t that important to them. they can call FIFA’s bluff in a way that the Europeans and big South American countries cannot.
Whatever is being said today Russia and Qatar must be very worried that the tournaments are re-voted or delayed. I doubt UEFA have the balls to withdraw from Russia 2018, they are probably tied in contractually anyway.
Fingers crossed that yesterday marks the beginning of the end for Blatter and FIFA as it currently stands.