In the alps people are even putting their motorised bikes on the lifts!!!! Why
That, yeah I’m not sure about that. Maybe that’s thier only bike?
But you could just get fit and not have to buy the motor bike and just ride a bike like we have all managed for decades.
This, however… I’m all for ebikes. I don’t have one, but I probably will at some point. Don’t want take this off on a tangent but it’s not just for the unfit – it’s for the older (70+) riders who can then ride with 20 something’s all day and keep up. Or for busy people who only have an hour in the evening or morning on a weekday to ride and whom want to get as many laps in as possible, etc etc etc.
Face it, MTB is a middle aged blokes hobby, and most middle aged blokes have plenty of cash. Hell even teenagers these days have 3 grand bikes. I had a sodding £600 hardtail with cable discs and about 120mm suspension.
Anyway, enough – yes some ebikes are expensive. So what. Some are cheap (Vitus esommet is £4000 to £5500). Just because £13k ebikes exist doesn’t mean you have to buy them.