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  • feminists.
  • geetee1972
    Free Member

    There’s physical differences sure but I don’t think ability to mete out physical pain has got much to do with muscles.

    As someone who has trained extensively in martial arts that partly true but mostly not. It’s a bit of a myth that muscle mass and muscle development doesn’t play a part in the power of delivering a blow. It really does, as does the part played by the muscle mass you carry in proecting you. Yes technique plays a very big role and will compensate for a lack of muscle mass, but all other things equal, i.e. equal technique but more muscle mass for one party, the party with the added mass will land a more destructive blow. It is why we have weight classes for boxing.

    Full Member

    actually I was thinking more about mental ability. Unless you really want to hurt someone I don’t think you’re going to get very far.
    But as a pacifist I may be biased.

    or talking out of my arse.

    Free Member

    As someone who has trained extensively in martial arts that partly true but mostly not. It’s a bit of a myth that muscle mass and muscle development doesn’t play a part in the power of delivering a blow. It really does, as does the part played by the muscle mass you carry in proecting you. Yes technique plays a very big role and will compensate for a lack of muscle mass, but all other things equal, i.e. equal technique but more muscle mass for one party, the party with the added mass will land a more destructive blow. It is why we have weight classes for boxing.

    The real decider in a fight is usually who throws the first punch and with what level of aggression. Strength counts when there are rules, not so much in the real world.

    Free Member

    Thankfully I only ever had three ‘fights’ in the street, two were in defence of someone else, one was an altercation with a courier riding on the pavement.

    There are two other instances where the thankfully the fight never happened because I managed to talk them down.

    In all three the other guy threw the first punch but I threw the last. So yes, I guess you’re right.

    Full Member

    Good grief.

    I was talking about your average bloke and your average woman, generally, not martial artists and who’s got the best battle tactics. Men are, typically, bigger and physically stronger (and sadly, more aggressive than women. If they weren’t we wouldn’t need separate categories for competitive sports.

    There are of course many exceptions, my partner is heavier than me for a start, but that’s not difficult because I’m a drink of water.

    I wish I’d never said anything now.

    Free Member

    Why do women often feel the need to have a more successful partner

    I’m rather hoping this isn’t true. She’s far better educated (PHD) and earns over twice my wage.


    Free Member

    I’ve a PhD and my wife earns twice as much as me ha ha ha ha

    Free Member

    It’s an interesting discussion. But I do like boobs, and if I posted a picture of some, it would get removed and I banned. I think this has much to do with it. Or a picture of a nice big cock for that matter.

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    Hoist 🙂

    Full Member

    If the death threats and creepiness of Gamergate wasn’t so deeply deeply nasty, the whole thing would be quite funny.

    ‘We need to halt the evil social justice warriors in their tracks’

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