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  • feminists.
  • Rockplough
    Free Member

    I’m just tired of being berrated for my gender and would love some of this ‘male power’ that everyone speaks of.

    Who’s berating you for your gender?

    You don’t get looked up and down and harassed in the street.
    You don’t obsess about your weight and looks.
    You can go out without makeup.
    You can walk at night without apprehension.
    You don’t get called ‘bossy’ when you’re being assertive.

    I could go on. That’s male power. I have it, and so do you regardless of whether you feel like it. In particular white male power which, if you are one (I assume you are), you really have no position to proclaim a myth.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    The argument against Sarkeesian is quite simple; she is corrupt, she lies, she steals content and rebrands it as her own, and she gets paid and given a stage because, in general, large companies are more interested in making money than any form of “moral right”.

    The fact that she cheated / lied / slept with people to make money and gain promotion is nothing special – people have been doing it for years, men and women.

    I suppose what is surprising is that now you are branded a misogynist for pointing out simple facts. I suppose it is quite an easy way to silence people, as Lifer proved.

    Full Member

    Back to this I think.

    You know when you’re sat on a train and you overhear a conversation and think

    “I probably ought to say something, ‘cos what they’re saying is wrong.”

    but you don’t because you know it’ll just cause a row and it’s not going to change anyone’s mind.

    This thread is one of those occasions

    Free Member

    What a load of made up misogynist shit. Its depressing that someone could write this and that I have to share the planet [ and gender] with you.

    All of it is lies , all of it is disrespectful it so full of shit its not worth de constructing but not one word of it is true.
    You get called it because it is the behaviour you display.
    You may as well tag all your posts with gamergate

    I’ve experienced plenty of discrimination and disadvantage in my life and it’s been a hell of a struggle at times to get by

    yes Gay people and transgender and young black males and females are really moved by your plight in this country 😕
    The easiest hand to be dealt in life [ in the UK] is white male. If you cannot see this then you are a bit unobservant.

    Free Member

    And the original cartoon which hasn’t been edited by someone who thinks a strong female character is any who doesn’t have her tits out. Or a dog.

    Free Member

    continuity – Member

    Jeeeze that’s an offensive comic, the fact that you think it supports your position is fairly tragic.

    Free Member

    The argument against Sarkeesian is quite simple; she is corrupt, she lies, she steals content and rebrands it as her own, and she gets paid and given a stage because, in general, large companies are more interested in making money than any form of “moral right”.

    The fact that she cheated / lied / slept with people to make money and gain promotion is nothing special – people have been doing it for years, men and women.

    I suppose what is surprising is that now you are branded a misogynist for pointing out simple facts. I suppose it is quite an easy way to silence people, as Lifer proved.

    It’s not an ‘argument’ to attack someone’s position on something by criticising their character.

    Free Member

    “Against the fragile, mashed and sweaty wound
    Your facile beauty has an outrageous sound,
    Like a glamour billboard on a battlefield.”
    See you in court..
    Penis Envy
    More Penis Envy

    Free Member

    continuity – Member
    I suppose what is surprising is that now you are branded a misogynist for pointing out simple facts. I suppose it is quite an easy way to silence people, as Lifer proved.

    The only people I branded misogynistic are those that sent death/rape threats etc to intimidate her, ironically in order to silence her.

    For the avoidance of doubt:

    Lifer – Member
    “samunkim – Member
    How about looking at her target of choice..
    Socially awkward gamer nerds, living in mum’s basement. Yeah way to re-invent feminism ( and make yourself rich ) anita”

    Aw, yeah, the pwah ickle gamers, sending death and rape threats, publishing her home and work addresses online.


    As for getting rich, she’d still be an obscure YouTuber if the misogynistic, sorry ‘socially awkward gamer nerds’ hadn’t started a massive campaign of hate and harassment against her. So yeah, gutted them and more power to her really if she’s getting rich.

    I would be interested in you expanding on your allegations against her though.

    Free Member

    chakaping – Member

    Is anyone else waiting for Alpin to come back and explain exactly why feminists have been getting on his mewbs?

    Interesting though the chat about gaming and misogyny is…

    nope, certainly not me….

    surprised how a jovial throw away comment that i assumed would drop off hte page has turned into a 4 page long argument between a load of self abusing sticky smelly losers gamers.

    Free Member

    Hey! I don’t smell.

    Free Member

    I do, but I kinda think it weird you think anyone jacks-off over computer games when Micaah is only a few clicks away on XHAMPSTER

    Full Member

    The only game I can think of with a female protagonist,

    portal was good. The Elder scroll series (only played morrowind onwards) fallout (3 and NV) IIRC far cry 2 had atleast 1 female PC. nope, “buddy” only

    There’s a few about. Admittedly only fallout made much of a difference to dialogue. Morrowind and oblivion had stats differences, phased out in skyrim.

    Free Member

    Leather Goddesses of Phobos

    You could play as male or female, you made the choice at the start by which restroom you went into.

    Am I showing my age?

    Full Member

    Am I showing my age?

    It had a fairly loose in-game effect too IIRC, in that your love interest later in the game changes gender accordingly too. (Gender equality down, heteronormativity to go.)

    Free Member

    Jeeeze that’s an offensive comic, the fact that you think it supports your position is fairly tragic.

    The only offensive part about it is the last line. And it was probably just the author’s anger with people on the other side of the debate instantly resorting to personal attacks and labels of “MUH SOJINY” rather than engaging in reasonable debate. I mean, if you’re unable to see the wood for the trees, that’s not my fault.

    And the original cartoon which hasn’t been edited by someone who thinks a strong female character is any who doesn’t have her tits out

    Faith / Lighting / RE Women / Femshep / Laura Croft / Joanna Dark / Shell / Samus / Alex Vance / e.t.c

    It strikes me that, just like Sarkeesian, nobody who makes these complaints actually plays the video games at all. If you did, you wouldn’t make them because they just aren’t true. Yes, dead or alive 24 has some bulging cleveage. Is that representative of every game? No. Many games? No. A miniscule proportion of games? Maybe.

    In fact, here is a list on a feminist gaming wikia listing strong female characters in video games:


    Notice how the positive portrayals in overwhelming majority outweigh the negative? Maybe there’s something there?

    As for getting rich, she’d still be an obscure YouTuber if the misogynistic, sorry ‘socially awkward gamer nerds’ hadn’t started a massive campaign of hate and harassment against her.

    That’s the point; you did exactly what she and her supporting media wanted. You tarred everyone who opposed her with the same brush. A huge breadth of the gaming community spoke out against her for moral reasons that had nothing to do with “rape threats”, and had no “misogyny” to it.

    It’s not an ‘argument’ to attack someone’s position on something by criticising their character.

    I don’t understand. Did you read my post? I didn’t criticise her character once. I only criticised her PUBLIC ACTIONS – i.e. Theft, fraud and deceit. I also hold against her that she is simply wrong about nearly everything she blogs / vlogs about – for example, strong female characters (see above).

    Free Member

    lewd mode
    Haha 🙂

    continuity – Member

    Jeeeze that’s an offensive comic, the fact that you think it supports your position is fairly tragic.

    Excellent, I’ve seen some foot in mouth moments but posting offensive /b/ comics here is quite a step forward.

    Free Member

    yes Gay people and transgender and young black males and females are really moved by your plight in this country
    The easiest hand to be dealt in life [ in the UK] is white male. If you cannot see this then you are a bit unobservant.

    Junky I’m so angry you have no idea. How dare you. Really how dare you. You honestly have no idea who I am now or what happened to me as kid and yet you have the nerve to disregard that experience as if the only people who have had a hard time are the ones that fit neatly into an easily defined box that you sanction.

    I don’t see why I should justify myself to you on a public forum but I am so angry that I am going to shame you by doing so.

    While none of tose specific things apply, my experiences fall into the ‘catholic school’ variety of severe emotional abuse. I’ve carried those scars my whole life. They have caused me no end of trauma as an adult and great difficulty in trying to be a decent person who can fit in to society and have a career.

    I’ve had more therapy than most, been unfairly dismissed from more jobs than most (and even had that acknowledged back to me with the caveat – what are you going to do) and each time if I had been black/gay/female/trans etc I might have had a card to play but because the issue is always something that doesn’t fit into your neat little box, I jsut have to lump it. I’ve never once asked for anything from anybody for what happened to me. I just got on and tried harder to be a good person.

    I hope you feel ashamed of yourself Junky.

    Full Member

    In fact, here is a list on a feminist gaming wikia listing strong female characters in video games:

    You had me at Ms Pac-Man.

    Full Member

    GT, I’m sincerely sorry that you’ve had to endure such experiences, but with respect I think you’re comparing apples with oranges here.

    Being a white heterosexual male is probably the most “privileged” demographic to be born into (in the Western world, anyway). We don’t have to face additional challenges because of sexism, racism or homophobia, and are rarely prejudiced against because of what we are.

    But that doesn’t mean that bad things don’t still happen through no fault of their own to plenty of people who didn’t deserve to be ill-treated. These aren’t mutually exclusive situations, no-one is saying (I don’t think) that all white men have it easy, that’s very obviously not the case.

    If you were gay or whatever, would you really have a “card to carry,” or would you actually have even more shit to deal with from the ignorant masses on top of everything else?

    Free Member

    While none of tose specific things apply, my experiences fall into the ‘catholic school’ variety of severe emotional abuse. I’ve carried those scars my whole life. They have caused me no end of trauma as an adult and great difficulty in trying to be a decent person who can fit in to society and have a career.

    I’ve had more therapy than most, been unfairly dismissed from more jobs than most (and even had that acknowledged back to me with the caveat – what are you going to do) and each time if I had been black/gay/female/trans

    Stat’s disagree with you, I’m with Junkyard. Although that doesn’t mean to say your experience of the world should be dismissed geetee.

    I think there is still a lot of work to be done in terms of equality for females, however I do think there is a small vocal minority of feminists who do women a disservice. At the end of the day I think Humanism should just replace feminism, as I would consider certain sub-groups of white males to be disadvantaged – mainly the working class males. Whilst statistics can often paint broad brush strokes, they often fail to take into account nuances that do genuinely effect people.

    My cynical side also tells me that no one is ever interested in true equality, social groups always seek to have an advantage over each other.

    Free Member

    Whilst I still agree with what I said this is not the point to labour the point , explain or argue further.
    Clearly my post caused you upset and caused you to remember this and for that I apologise. I did not mean for it to cause the distress it has

    I offer you my sincerest apology.

    I didn’t criticise her character once. I only criticised her PUBLIC ACTIONS i.e. Theft, fraud and deceit.

    Presumably she publicly slept her way to the top which strangely you ommitted from your list this time 🙄
    Every word of it was a big steaming pile of lies , cheap slurs, and hatred
    Its lies.

    Free Member

    I offer you my sincerest apology.

    Thankyou Junkyard – I really appreciate that. Maybe some time we can have a beer and try and make the world a better place!

    Free Member

    Hopefully and I shall tell you of my childhood demons as well .
    Thanks for accepting as it was sincere.

    Free Member

    continuity – Member
    That’s the point; you did exactly what she and her supporting media wanted. You tarred everyone who opposed her with the same brush. A huge breadth of the gaming community spoke out against her for moral reasons that had nothing to do with “rape threats”, and had no “misogyny” to it.

    Are you dense or just being deliberately obtuse?

    As I said, and was pretty clear in the way I worded it in the original post, the only people I called misogynistic were the ones sending rape/death threats. 🙄

    Also why have you put “rape threats” in quotation marks? Because it’s pretty damn clear that’s what they were.

    continuity – Member
    It strikes me that, just like Sarkeesian, nobody who makes these complaints actually plays the video games at all.


    continuity – Member
    I don’t understand. Did you read my post? I didn’t criticise her character once. I only criticised her PUBLIC ACTIONS – i.e. Theft, fraud and deceit.

    Put up or shut up.

    Free Member

    Theft of video content (which money was then made from, with the intention to deceive, i.e. textbook fraud):

    Theft of intellectual property:

    for starters

    Full Member

    I didn’t criticise her character once. I only criticised her PUBLIC ACTIONS – i.e. Theft, fraud and deceit.

    Which of those categories does allegations of who she’s slept with fit into, out of interest?

    Free Member

    First one is she used you tube [ and other sources] for the videos of the games rather than made them herself- Mleh to that one seems a strange complaint to me they are still from the actual video so its as weak as weak can be

    the second one is also in the first one but omits [ oh the irony] the conclusion and it has some merit to it but it is overstaed in terms of theft

    Although Anita did not ask permission to use the image, and she refused to remove it quoting ‘Fair usage’, we did eventually come to a compromise that she would credit and link back to my website in the video description, which she did do.

    However, in UK (my home country) law, ‘Fair Usage’ is not applicable, and instead we have this – http://pages.citebite.com/a2e3m4d8p2jxh
    …which basically states that you must ask the creators permission, if you cannot find any rules on usage on the page you have found it, and if you are making and distribution copies of the work – she is distributing media that contains my work, which as I understand, will be available on DVD.

    I do not want to attack Anita directly, I just want her, and every other person out there, to contact an artist, ask permission and credit them as per the artist’s wishes. We work hard on our work, it would be nice to get a little appreciation for it.”

    this is going to be like following jives links and “discussing” them with him

    Christ your starters were pretty poor

    Anyway sleeping her way to the top

    Proper looking forward to that one which was not an attack on her as a person apparently

    Free Member

    Aw JY got there first 😥

    I assumed it would be those barrel scraping ‘examples’.

    continuity – Member
    for starters

    *waits with baited breath for the next exciting installment*

    Free Member

    Trust me I wont be making that mistake again

    if you want i can edit 😉

    Free Member


    I’ll allow it.

    I was just going to point out the absurdity (in the cowgirl example specifically, the stuff loaded to YouTube is just ridiculous) of claiming any ownership over a reproduction of a licensed character.

    Free Member

    i.e. textbook fraud

    What subject is this textbook supposed to have taught you about?

    Free Member

    I’m guessing not fraud.

    Full Member

    this is going to be like following jives links and “discussing” them with him

    I refer you to my first post on the thread.

    Free Member

    These aren’t mutually exclusive situations, no-one is saying (I don’t think) that all white men have it easy, that’s very obviously not the case.

    Thanks Cougar. Put better than I would have done. Common misconception that privilege means a guaranteed easy ride, which of course it isn’t. Sure helps though.

    Free Member

    I’ve had more therapy than most, been unfairly dismissed from more jobs than most (and even had that acknowledged back to me with the caveat – what are you going to do) and each time if I had been black/gay/female/trans etc I might have had a card to play but because the issue is always something that doesn’t fit into your neat little box, I jsut have to lump it. I’ve never once asked for anything from anybody for what happened to me. I just got on and tried harder to be a good person.

    Suggesting that black/gay/female/trans people have a ‘card to play’ that somehow gives them an advantage is pretty offensive.

    How would you feel if I said you’ve just played the ‘abuse card’ to try and win an argument?

    Free Member

    I don’t understand.

    Yes I’d noticed.

    ‘she is corrupt’
    ‘she lies’
    ‘she steals’

    All of which is at worst trumped up, and at best soundly debunked.

    And of course you question her sleeping habits.

    Of course you’re attacking her character. Are you seriously telling me that if someone described you in these terms you wouldn’t regard it as an attack on your character? If you don’t like her just say so and be done with it, rather than pretending you’ve got some kind of rational position.

    It strikes me that, just like Sarkeesian, nobody who makes these complaints actually plays the video games at all

    Says you, posting ‘Laura’ Croft and ‘Alex’ Vance.

    Free Member

    You had me at Ms Pac-Man.

    My favourite was listing ONE female character from DoA and Xtreme Beach Volleyball as ‘sexualised’.

    Rumble Roses doesn’t even get a mention! What’s the world coming to?

    Full Member

    Yeah, I didn’t take that list apart largely because there were a number of characters I wasn’t familiar with (plus, y’know, Pac Man). But I did laugh at some of the top-of-the-list examples of strong, non-sexualised characters; the ladies of Mortal Kombat.

    (Kitana, Mileena and Sonya are at positions 2, 3 and 5 in that pic).

    And this is on, presumably, a pro-geek feminist website? Speaks volumes when their list of positive female player characters runs to, generously, about three screens (and includes, sorry to keep repeating myself but really, Ms Pac-Man).

    Anyone reckon the positive male character list would be about the same length?

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