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  • feminists.
  • alpin
    Free Member

    they get right on my tits.

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    Free Member

    one on each?

    Free Member

    Anita Sarkeesian = Not a nice person

    Full Member

    I think it’s very hard to identify modern feminism – the expected linear trajectory of feminist movement of the 70’s and 80′ have become fragmented, contradictory and scattered – e.g pole dancing is both a reviled activity and a popular exercise.

    I think, on reflection it’s because women be crazy.

    Free Member

    samunkim – Member
    Anita Sarkeesian = Not a nice person


    Free Member

    How about looking at her target of choice..

    Socially awkward gamer nerds, living in mum’s basement. Yeah way to re-invent feminism ( and make yourself rich ) anita

    Free Member

    samunkim – Member
    How about looking at her target of choice..

    Socially awkward gamer nerds, living in mum’s basement. Yeah way to re-invent feminism ( and make yourself rich ) anita

    Aw, yeah, the pwah ickle gamers, sending death and rape threats, publishing her home and work addresses online.


    As for getting rich, she’d still be an obscure YouTuber if the misogynistic, sorry ‘socially awkward gamer nerds’ hadn’t started a massive campaign of hate and harassment against her. So yeah, gutted them and more power to her really if she’s getting rich.

    Free Member

    did they call you name for being a tart Alpin 😉

    Depends on thr individual tbh

    I dislike the term as a battle for equality concerns us all I also think it is dangerous to see the world in terms of only one dynamic be it gender , sexuality, class or capital.

    I also think a number of men are threatened by strong and forceful women and some of the comments on social media are contemptible
    Basically it depends on what they say rather than whether they identify themselves as a feminist…..same as cyclists really or men.

    Free Member

    God you must be bored, if you want rehash this whole thing..

    But okay lets play

    Whats more important to you
    1. abolishing FGM or boys looking at animated boowbs ?
    2. ISIS taking women from captured towns as trophy slaves or boys looking at animated boowbs ?
    3. The fact that the police still seem unable/unwilling to step in & prevent violence and murders in abusive relationships or boys looking at animated boowbs ?


    Free Member

    no one calls me a tart, Junky, except, well… me.
    i just liked the irony of saying that feminists get on my tits. =)

    Free Member

    Free Member

    But okay lets play

    Whats more important to you
    1. abolishing FGM or boys looking at animated boowbs ?
    2. ISIS taking women from captured towns as trophy slaves or boys looking at animated boowbs ?
    3. The fact that the police still seem unable/unwilling to step in & prevent violence and murders in abusive relationships or boys looking at animated boowbs ?

    I know how about not being flippant and trying to do it all, how about the idea if you stop some of the issues early on and educate people better as to what is more socially and morally acceptable you might be able to make in roads into domestic violence before it starts.

    Lets play another game
    Which would you prefer losing your left leg or losing your right one?

    Free Member

    But okay lets play

    Whatabouttery is a stupid game, and a bankrupt rhetorical device. All those things are bad. Sarkeesian is an academic with an interest in computer games. So that’s what she makes slightly grating but basically correct videos about.

    Meanwhile, other people with different areas of expertise are busily trying to stamp out FGM, combat ISIS and deal with domestic abuse.

    All of these things are happening at the same time, and if all of them got sorted, that would be excellent. The precise order in which they get sorted is probably not going to be much affected by re-deploying Anita Sarkeesian to fight ISIS, or the RAF to persuade “gamers” to be less ghastly.

    Free Member

    Also, this “choice of target” stuff has been done to death. If you haven’t read Laurie Penny’s rather good essay, give it a go. One can reasonably disagree with a lot of Penny’s stuff, but this is a perfectly earnest attempt to engage and explain on this. If you’re feeling personally attacked by it, take a moment. She really isn’t having a go at you.

    Free Member

    Tough crowd

    Free Member

    My wife’s a modern feminist, which from where I’m sat seems to give her every right to say really shitty things about men doing innocuous things and not spotting the irony of what she’s doing. It really grinds my gears.

    Full Member

    You know when you’re sat on a train and you overhear a conversation and think

    “I probably ought to say something, ‘cos what they’re saying is wrong.”

    but you don’t because you know it’ll just cause a row and it’s not going to change anyone’s mind.

    This thread is one of those occasions.

    Free Member

    BigDummy – cheers for the Laurie Penny link, will share this with my 2 teenage boys.

    Free Member

    “Sarkeesian’s videos argue that often female game characters face deadly harm as a context for bloody male-perpetrated revenge, and that this could contribute toward a culture in which threatening violence against women is normalised. It is a suggestion that some have disagreed with so strongly that, in 2014, the organisers of the Game Developer’s Choice award ceremony in San Francisco were emailed a bomb threat if Sarkeesian appeared.”
    I can’t really see which side in that debate is the “not nice one” can any one help?

    Free Member

    You know when you’re sat on a train and you overhear a conversation and think

    “I probably ought to say something, ‘cos what they’re saying is wrong.”

    but you don’t because you know it’ll just cause a row and it’s not going to change anyone’s mind.

    This thread is one of those occasions.

    Ah yes, you can’t win an argument with a stupid person as they’re too stupid to realise when they’re wrong?!?

    Free Member

    Is girl
    Is gamer
    dunno if fem (well, y’know durr, y’know what I mean) 😳

    Watches thread

    Free Member

    often female game characters face deadly harm as a context for bloody male-perpetrated revenge, and that this could contribute toward a culture in which threatening violence against women is normalised.

    Okay – so we give princess peach her own game.

    I don’t think you have to be a femenist to think that FGM and Domestic violence are wrong…

    Free Member

    I don’t think you have to be a femenist to think that FGM and Domestic violence are wrong.

    I think you might be surprised TBH.

    Free Member

    samunkim – Member
    God you must be bored, if you want rehash this whole thing..

    But okay lets play

    Whats more important to you
    1. abolishing FGM or boys looking at animated boowbs ?
    2. ISIS taking women from captured towns as trophy slaves or boys looking at animated boowbs ?
    3. The fact that the police still seem unable/unwilling to step in & prevent violence and murders in abusive relationships or boys looking at animated boowbs ?

    Play what? I only asked you why you thought Anita Sarkeesian isn’t a nice person.

    She was in a position to comment with knowledge on a subject and did it.

    What are you doing to stop those things you’ve posted, you bastard*?

    *not ad hominem, because according to your own rules if you’re not doing anything to stop those things then you’re not a nice person.

    Full Member



    Full Member

    I think the big problem with “feminists” is it’s a broad, ambiguous term.

    There are feminists who think, quite rightly, that people should be equal and treated equally regardless of the form their naughty bits happened to take.

    There are feminists who think all men are rapists and should be castrated at birth.

    So when one talks about “feminists” one is making a rash generalisation and probably not going to do oneself any favours.

    Full Member

    Whats more important to you
    1. abolishing FGM or boys looking at animated boowbs ?

    Why are all these things mutually exclusive? Is sexual repression a prerequisite before people can stop cutting lumps out of children (to repress their sexuality, ironically)?

    Full Member

    Also, if you’re gonna intentionally misspell ‘boobs’ it’s ‘bewbz’.

    Free Member

    Hmm – the feminists thread descends into discussion on how to alternatively spell boobs. oh well :-/


    Free Member

    well it’s better than is started….

    Free Member

    Hi BigDummy, Lifer

    Please provide evidence of Anita’s knowledge of subject & and interest in computer games.
    “Anita can’t name three video games” etc etc

    left leg obviously

    Free Member

    Please provide evidence of Anita’s knowledge of subject & and interest in computer games.
    “Anita can’t name three video games” etc etc

    I’m not sure what you’re on about here, but Anita reels off the names of a fair few games in her YouTubes, does that count?

    You know she can’t actually take your gameboobz away, don’t you? She just makes a case for why they’re not just a harmless incidental in the gaming landscape. If you think they’re under threat and they’re vital to your gaming experience it’s up to you to make the case for keeping them. This is traditionally done by making threats of rape and murder, bomb threats, SWATing, that sort of thing.

    Full Member

    “Anita can’t name three video games” etc etc

    good grief, the woman’s clearly a monster!

    samunkin – really – how is she not a nice person.

    (damn and I said I wouldn’t bite).

    Free Member

    I haven’t yet seen anyone argue the pro-GamerGate side without looking like a massive end…

    Free Member


    Cool, now we get to the twist my words phase.

    I didn’t say she was monster, I just pointed out that she has no experience or expertise in gaming.

    Full Member

    What’s worse than a male chauvinist?
    A woman that won’t do what she’s told.

    Full Member

    I just pointed out that she has no experience or expertise in gaming.

    you said she wasn’t a nice person. I questioned whether having little knowledge of gaming made someone not a nice person.

    Do you have any actual evidence beyond a claimed lack of knowledge of games that she’s a bad person?

    Free Member

    Why does she need experience or expertise (lol) in gaming?

    Her position is gaming has an issue with misogyny and she’s 100% right. Who cares whether she’s a nice person? That’s what they call ad hominem.

    I say that as a lifelong ‘gamer’ and a feminist.

    Full Member

    I haven’t yet seen anyone argue the pro-GamerGate side without looking like a massive end…

    AFAIK the basic argument is a free-market one, and whether or not a private company is under any obligation to promote a particular political or social viewpoint.

    Of course, the fact that a game is sexist doesn’t mean that its fans want to have that pointed out to them, and try to wriggle out with ad-hominem attacks, the worst of which have included death and rape threats. I’d have a lot more respect for them if they’d just said “yes, it’s sexist, I like looking at tits”…

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