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  • Fat (sorry obese!) person blames hospital for poor care….
  • one_happy_hippy
    Free Member

    The health insurance is a different issue of course. But interesting to see that you seem to think that paying for private health care is a way of helping the NHS

    Well seeing as BUPA paid for £5500 in surgery and another £500 in physio the NHS didnt have to pay for that must have saved them £6k plus a hospital bed for the night…

    Free Member


    Surely that’s a made up word? I thought they liked to be called “Obese”…

    Free Member

    bariatric is the PC word for superfatbarsteward these days. – certainly in the medical world

    Free Member

    Yes, you are right. In fact we need more privatisation in the public sector. Sending your kids to private school would save the state from having to educate them too. Awfully decent of you to think of everyone else in this respect. Leaving the state the space to look after those who need it. What a true socialist.

    Free Member

    I think pastyatric is a better word.

    Full Member

    charlie- chill out dude, just because you’re a feeder or chubby chaser, doesn’t mean the rest of us have to think that making the lifestyle choice to eat yourself to death is a socially acceptable thing to do.

    Normalising aberrant behavior just worsens the problem. If someone has an issue with feeling like a freak because they’re morbidly obese then they should take it as a wake up call and Flippin well change their life.

    besides which the amount of additional greenhouse gas the ginormomunters produce from their overloaded digestive tracts means that they should be taxed for the additional environmental impact.

    on a positive note if the Japanese and Icelandic nations want to continue hunting whales, they should be made aware of the great western land whale and come and harpoon some of the fat feckers off the streets.

    Free Member

    Or pieabetic 🙂

    Free Member


    Free Member

    on a positive note if the Japanese and Icelandic nations want to continue hunting whales, they should be made aware of the great western land whale and come and harpoon some of the fat feckers off the streets.

    Gold! Pure bloody Gold!

    Full Member

    You need to be careful here.

    A percentage (perhaps the majority) of obesity cases will be self-inflicted for whatever reason. However, there are other causes; various ilnesses, side-effects of drugs, parental influence even – the ‘eat everything on your plate or else’ attitude can make kids start out life fat and be conditioned to eat too much. Habits learned in childhood can be exceptionally hard to break (see the OCD thread for an example).

    Granted, people should be seeking help sooner (how the **** do you get to be 35 stone without going “hang on, perhaps I should get some help here”?) but it’s not as cut and dried as some of you seem to think.

    You simply can’t make rash generalisations like “all fat people deserve it.” Well, unless you’re a bloody idiot, anyway.

    Sure, a lot of people can’t stop eating cake. Plenty of others can’t stop smoking, drinking, or falling off their bikes. Shall we mock cancer patients, liver disease patients, those with broken arms and legs as well as the fatties?

    (There’s a part of me that actually wants to say ‘yes’ to this, but at least I’m an equal opportunities bastard).

    Full Member

    tsy- I was going to add*

    that we could make it an “it’s a knockout” style TV show with stuart hall laughing maniacally whilst tubbies have to run around a course being shot at by the whaling nations dressed in various fancy dress whale outfits.

    round two would be to put the chubbies in a seal outfit and let some burly Canadians go clubbing.

    *I thought that may come across as a little harsh, so that’s what I would have said

    Full Member

    Normalising aberrant behavior just worsens the problem. If someone has an issue with feeling like a freak because they’re morbidly obese then they should take it as a wake up call and Flippin well change their life.

    I completely agree, with the caveat that it’s not always down to aberrant behaviour.

    I’m not defending the woman, my gut reation(*) is that she’s failing to take responsibility for her situation. “I feel like a freak” – well you are love, you’re 35 stone. But you cannot – cannot – assume that it’s always wholly self-inflicted.

    (* – see what I did there? Please yourselves)

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    Free Member

    Yeah but having a special BIG chair is pretty funny if you ask me

    Free Member

    this thread is scofftastic

    Free Member

    DezB that woman isn’t exactly small either!

    Free Member

    on a positive note if the Japanese and Icelandic nations want to continue hunting whales, they should be made aware of the great western land whale and come and harpoon some of the fat feckers off the streets.

    damn, another coffee-ruined keyboard

    Free Member

    tazzy – you’re killing me today! 😆

    Free Member

    having just broken my clavicle I note that a large percentage of fat people in hospitals appear to be the staff.

    Not the best example to be setting…

    Free Member

    “Every single one of them (hospitals) say they can accommodate a larger person but they can’t, you just can’t fit in them

    Wrong love, I can!


    Free Member

    The Southern Yeti – Member
    DezB that woman isn’t exactly small either!

    She is in the big chair.

    Free Member

    What a lovely forum.

    One day- ‘ooh, let’s all be nice and supportive to each other if you’ve got any problems just talk to us about it and we’ll try to help’, then the next ‘let’s all be nasty to fatties’.

    Bunch of hypocritical tossers.

    Free Member

    I must say im in the camp that we should not be normalising being obese. there is an oversized clothing advert by jhonny vagas that really annoys me becasue it tries to normalise obeasity.
    It should be made clear by our society that obeasity neither normal nor desirable. if it takes the embarasment of not fitting in a chair/medical machine/ door to make that clear to someone thats fine by me.
    I know its not very PC but thats how i feel about it
    p.s. just coz i cant be assed to spell doesnt make my point any less valid 😛

    Free Member

    She is in the big chair.

    So is that Daddy Bear’s chair to her left?

    Full Member

    Elfin- I’m not being nasty to fatties, I’m taking the pi$$ out of fatties that are so big that they have more chins than the Hong kong telephone directory through their own choice (not medical) and then complain when the rest of world points out that they have a higher fat percentage than a f**kin deepfried meatball

    If you get to the point where you think ” I can’t see my feet” should you:

    A. wear clown shoes so that I can still my toes and deny I have a problem;

    B. decide to mull it over whilst eating a walls vienetta family mulitpack

    C. do something about it.

    Full Member

    Would an example help?

    I know someone who has porridge for breakfast, a sandwich at lunch, and a relatively healthy evening meal. Rarely has fried food, doesn’t drink, about the only vice is the occasional chocolate bar.

    She’s reasonably active; walks, climbs, rides a MTB when practical, and recently did the Leeds-Liverpool canal end to end.

    She’s 5’6″ and 18 stone, which is medically “obese.” She’s desperate to lose weight, seen a Dietitian (who ostensibly said ‘carry on as you are, that’s great’), but simply can’t shift the weight.

    The reason she became overweight is partly self-inflicted yes, and also partly down to external forces, but mostly because of an illness. This illness promotes fat storage, and being fat makes the illness worse. Catch 22.

    So if you’re sitting there all clever going “fat people eh, why don’t they just eat less / get off their arses, and aren’t they funny” I suggest you count to ten before you reach for the keyboard again.

    Full Member

    I’m taking the pi$$ out of fatties that are so big… through their own choice (not medical)

    How can you tell the difference?

    Methinks you’re just being weaselly there to cover your own back.

    Full Member

    as an ex fat fecker, I’m more than happy to take the piss. A partner also had a thyroid problem and went from a size 8 to a size 18 so I’m more than happy to speak from experience and muck about.

    Free Member

    Cougar – I really doubt that one. What illness does she have? or like many obese people is she in denial about how much they eat.

    True medical issues that cause obesity are very very rare. There is a syndrome where people always feel hungry. – no matter what they eat – but that is very rare indeed

    Full Member

    And for what it’s worth, I agree to a point. I find it hard to muster sympathy for people who’ve got themselves into such a state that they can’t stand up without help and need reinforced beds, in the same way that I have little sympathy for junkies and lung cancer patients. When my own liver finally waves the white flag after years of alcohol abuse, I shall likewise expect little sympathy from anyone else. We all make choices.

    However, I don’t point at the fat bird in the street and go “fookin’ hell, look at her!!” Because, unlike some here it seems, I’m not a ****t.

    Full Member

    TJ, you can doubt what you like, I wasn’t seeking your blessing and I’m not going to go into someone else’s medical history on an Internet forum.

    Full Member

    True medical issues that cause obesity are very very rare.

    “Cause,” yes, perhaps. How about “contribute”? Or “sustain”? How about “make losing weight more difficult?” Can you think of any that might fit that category?

    Bugger me backwards with a hedgehog. I’m logging off from here for a bit before I get cross.

    Free Member

    What illness does she have?

    Also curious….

    Free Member

    I remember once listening to a fat bird moan about how, no matter how hard she tried, she just couldn’t lose weight. While doing so, she ate three mars bars and told me she thought it was a glandular problem. Her best mate became my ex-GF when I asked if she was referring to her overactive eating gland.

    One cause of lack of sympathy is it’s always someone else’s fault – glands or big-boned or whatever, which it rarely is. It’s usually the same medical condition that I had –
    calories in > calories out = homeresque physique

    Free Member

    “Cause,” yes, perhaps. How about “contribute”? Or “sustain”? How about “make losing weight more difficult?” Can you think of any that might fit that category?

    Nope. Not that have a significant effect. I am sure there are some but in 30 yrs of working in healthcare I have never met any.

    Full Member

    Let me get this right.

    There are no illnesses, conditions, syndromes, whatever, that have any effect on the way the body stores fat or gets rid of it? There are no drugs that have side-effects that include weight gain (or weight loss)? There’s no possible medical reason why someone could be fat other than “exercise < pies”?

    Is that really what you’re telling me? What do you do in healthcare, clean the bogs?

    Full Member

    (I must have imagined losing two stone in eight days a couple of years ago, too… must just’ve missed my breakfast)

    Free Member

    Cougar – read my post. Not that I have seen that have a significant effect. I am sure there are some but they are very rare

    Free Member

    Take for example the person with nasty arthritis that is given high dose steroids. The high dose steroids can cause people to blow up a bit and arthritis can make exercise harder to do. But you do not double your body weight and its still possible to both exercise and regulate your food intake – and its very rare people are on high does steroids long term.

    Free Member

    She is fat. But(t) the reason this story is stupid is becuase she’s moaning about the MRI scanner not being big enough for her “ample” physique.

    Why should one fat momma have the right to whinge that the NHS are letting her down by not having elephant suitable MRIs?

    Having said all of that – would the Dr seeing her have to have taken the Hippocratic oath?

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