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  • Fat (sorry obese!) person blames hospital for poor care….
  • Clink
    Full Member


    Obviously the patient has no responsibility for being so bloody FAT! There – I said it.

    Free Member

    I agree. Fat people should only ever be the subject of ridicule.

    Free Member

    some bag of lard around here tried to sue the ambulance service because he was too heavy for them to carry so they left him while they brought the ambulance closer.

    Free Member

    Yes, I understand the mechanics of these machines,

    I doubt you do.

    Free Member

    Must… resist…. ranting….. 😆

    Free Member

    That IS funny.

    Full Member

    Ah, the last bastion of acceptable discrimination.

    Full Member

    I felt like a freak

    Yes, that is because you are a freak

    Free Member

    “They can scan animals, so why can’t they scan me?”

    to be fair, they don’t usually scan Hippos.

    Free Member

    She said after being unable to fit in an MRI scanner, she called both London and Bristol zoos asking to be scanned.


    Free Member

    Damn too slow.

    Phoning a zoo…. brlliant. 😆

    Free Member

    “I felt a freak. I feel alien to the NHS and that I don’t fit in anywhere.”

    Eileen Forde weighed 34 stone (215kg) before having a gastric sleeve operation which involves removing 85% of the stomach.

    I guess this happens when you are three times the average weight of a woman.

    Ah, the last bastion of acceptable discrimination[/Quote]
    You can mock people for things they can change and choose to do? Surely this including overeating?

    Free Member

    Quick dart her….

    Free Member

    I’m sorry but if you’re that sort of weight you pay the price. Blame yourself, not the NHS.

    There’s no excuse for being that sort of weight, it’s bad for society and yourself.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    I wish the BBC had done a “give us your views” on this article.

    Full Member

    You can mock people for things they can change and choose to do?


    Full Member

    Expanding waistlines are forcing many councils to spend thousands widening their furnaces

    From BBSBs link. That’s not good in these times of austerity, I suppose if I was to suggest trimming the furnace-ee, people on here would get upset.

    Free Member

    re BBSB’s post…. why can’t they just cut ’em up a bit and pack ’em in tight?

    Great minds eh Donk?

    Free Member

    Some details are wrong in that story – there are bariatric ( fat barsteward ) sized beds, chairs, wheelchairs, toilets and the nonsense about the beds being higher – all hospital beds are height adjustable these days.

    Hospitals should make adjustments for bariatric ( fat barsteward) patients. They have done – at great expense. I have seen commodes nearly 4 ft wide specially bought for the bloaters

    Full Member

    I wish the BBC had done a “give us your views” on this article.

    Exactly! I thought they would be a section, but they obviously knew what the repsonse might be…

    Free Member

    You can mock people for things they can change and choose to do? Surely this including overeating?

    What a ridiculous attitude. Why not grow up and see that people are different. Would you really want a homogeneous world, where everyone did nice safe hobbies?

    Free Member

    The Southern Yeti:

    Quick dart her….

    Will do!

    *gets out the big darts*

    *looks at target*

    *gets out the biggerer darts*

    Free Member

    Why not grow up and see that people are different

    Why not chill out rather than just run with a line and say stupid things about it. You would fit in one wouldn’t you ? 😉
    I only said you can mock people for the choices they make in life

    Free Member

    re BBSB’s post…. why can’t they just cut ’em up a bit and pack ’em in tight?

    Great minds eh Donk?

    Actually, I bet power stations have big doors, so why bother with crematoria? Hmm maybe we should be encouraging obesity so we can have chubby-powered tv’s and stuff

    Free Member

    I only said you can mock people for the choices they make in life

    I know, that’s why i was mocking you. Sorry, I didn’t realise that you meant you can mock other people for the choices they make in life.

    Free Member

    You can mock people for things they can change and choose to do? Surely this including overeating?
    What a ridiculous attitude. Why not grow up and see that people are different. Would you really want a homogeneous world, where everyone did nice safe hobbies?

    I think it should be positively encouraged to mock the obese – it should be a social stigma to be UNHEALTHILY Fat.

    Shes complaining because she has got so fat that she now has heath problems from being so fat that she’s having to have surgery to do something about how fat she is and now because she is so fat she can’t fit in the scanner. Maybe she shouldnt have gotten herself so fat that she didnt need surgery in the first place.

    Free Member

    BBSB – I was thinking the very same thing.

    This Big Society lark, plus the fact that Dave is my local MP, means I should write a letter.

    Free Member


    In the Manchester Royal Infirmary I sat in one of those large chairs. I actually thought it’d be great for a loving couple to share (or a large heffer).

    Free Member

    A drunken conversation the pub the other day resulted in a plan to ‘treat’ the obese by putting them in an induced coma on an IV an putting them in a bath of coolant (Matrix style). As they slimmed down, the low grade heat was collected and sold to power stations so the start temp of the steam cycle water was higher thus using less energy to produce electricy.

    Couple of months later, out they come, thin as bean poles and everyone’s happy. What’s not to like……

    Full Member

    I only said you can mock people for the choices they make in life

    What, like being a thieving gypsy bastard?
    ….and before you all jump up and down, my point is that Junkyard usually appears to be one of the more liberal, open minded and perhaps kind people on here. Seems a bit odd for his halo to slip on something like this.

    Free Member

    I think it should be positively encouraged to mock the obese – it should be a social stigma to be UNHEALTHILY Fat.

    …and those who do dangerous sports

    Free Member

    The Southern Yeti – Member

    Quick dart her….
    Coffeee meet screen!!!

    Free Member

    I think it should be positively encouraged to mock the obese – it should be a social stigma to be UNHEALTHILY Fat.
    …and those who do dangerous sports

    I cant see how my costs incurred in say a broken arm are anything over and above that of some who broke their arm say, playing football?

    She chose a lifestyle that has led to heath problems and to a physical form that incurs costs over and above what a typical sized human would require.

    I accept that my lifestyle will result in injury and for this reason only I carry health insurance, both for the option of alternate care and because I dont see why my choices should financially impinge on the NHS.

    Free Member

    I cant see how my costs incurred in say a broken arm are anything over and above that of some who broke their arm say, playing football?

    It’s the likelihood of breaking your arm that is the issue. It seemed to me that the case was being made that those who lead lifestyle which make them more likely to need NHS care, should be hectored by us good taxpaying citizens who end up having to pay.

    The health insurance is a different issue of course. But interesting to see that you seem to think that paying for private health care is a way of helping the NHS

    Free Member

    I think Charlie’s real first name is Hugh.

    Free Member

    I know, that’s why i was mocking you

    Clever it went over my head 😳

    Seems a bit odd for his halo to slip on something like this.

    Damn another fair point 😳

    Free Member

    I know, that’s why i was mocking you

    Clever it went over my head

    Yeah, there should be a tax on stupid people as well 🙂

    Free Member

    Taking part in exercise whilst posing an immediate threat in the form of a broken bone, will have long term benefits that outweigh this.
    ie reduced risk of coronary disease.

    Taken as a whole what percentage of mountain bikers make use of the NHS on a weekly basis as a result of the sport? How many fat **** do?

    Stop being fools.

    Free Member

    Taken as a whole what percentage of mountain bikers make use of the NHS on a weekly basis as a result of the sport? How many fat **** do?

    I don’t know. What’s the answer?

    Can we count damage to bawbags, impotence, tumours, cysts?

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