Home Forums Chat Forum Fat Cards – have we done them yet?

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  • Fat Cards – have we done them yet?
  • langylad
    Free Member

    The cards have had a mention on Victoria Derbyshire and are to be discussed this morning

    Free Member

    No mention of any further cards being handed out. Hmm

    Free Member

    Stop having a go at fat people, they have enough on their plate.

    Sounds like some internet self promotion thingy.

    Free Member

    if this teaches you one thing… it’s that you shouldn’t put stuff on the internet unless you’re prepared for it to be used by lazy journos to create click-bait.

    Full Member

    Just total scumbaggery. Maybe this particular thing is small scale but that doesn’t make it any more fun for people affected, and it’s part of a bigger problem. Seems to be part of the migration of intolerance thing… Cowardly bullies who formerly would have been openly racist or sexist and homophobic, now aren’t feeling so comfortable on those subjects so they just migrate their shitebaggery to a softer target. Pikies, trannies, fatties, muslims, whatever. And once they stop feeling brave around overweight people, their deeply held convictions and totally justified dislike of fat people will suddenly transfer into a deeply held and totally justified dislike of the next soft target.

    Seems the solution is some big furious fat people- easy to forget that to move weight you need power, and it doesn’t matter much whether the 200lbs behind a fist is muscle or big bones.

    Also, man who complains about “professional internet lady” says “get in the sea” irony.

    Free Member

    Pikies, trannies, fatties, muslims, whatever

    cyclists, people on benefits…

    Free Member

    I hope the folk designing, printing and distributing those cards are caught. The sooner the better. Their very actions betray their utter ignorance of the subject as does anyone else who blathers on about over eating without understanding that such behavior is a symptom, not the cause!

    Full Member

    Stop having a go at fat people, they have enough on their plate.


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