[bows and tips cap…]
Cheers for the comments!!!
The proof is in the tasting of course, and it was pretty scrummy, I tell thee!
Many of the suggestions duly noted – MK2 will endeavor to include black pudding, and I’ll see if hash browns can sneek in too (though I was thinking of swapping the pastry topping with a hash brown/rosti topping perhaps?)
My tips/feedback on the whole experience:
-continue to use top quality meat – the sausages were delicious, and despite my reservations, there was literally no grease in the pie at all
-cooking everything beforehand too (roasting sausages and mushrooms, and grilling bacon) really added to the flavour
–the bacon stayed crispy!!!
-boiled eggs were great – I personally don’t think breaking a raw one in would have worked – may not have cooked? The texture of the cooked yolk was stunning!
-shortcrust pastry is actually pi$$ easy to make, and costs pennies! Use the quantities quoted in the OP, but perhaps twice as much for deeper dishes (you can see mine is quite shallow, and there wasn’t enough really).
As I was munching through the beans, pastry, and sausage, I was pondering the idea of a “Full Sunday Roast Pie”……..