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  • FAO Bikers at ladybower today
  • hainey
    Free Member

    LMAO at the pedantic tools who "hate" people referring to them as the peaks and not the peak!!

    Free Member

    I live in the peak district born and bred and it's rapidly becoming the weekend home to penny slones who can't afford the prices in the Cotswolds or lakes and are buying up every dog kennel.
    My local pub at the weekend now sounds like a trading room in the city.
    As for ladybower it's rapidly becoming Alton Towers for the tosser elements of outdoor sports.
    I am afraid it's not going to get any better and I no longer ride here at weekends.

    Free Member

    get a life – what a shit comeback

    But you do seem to need to…

    Free Member

    Mountain bikers who cause errosion castigating drivers who spoil earth in what is a area created/moved by glaciers.


    It's not a glacial landscape.


    Free Member

    But this is two different areas (or districts if you will) so perhaps it should be the Peak districts?

    So "Peak's" then? 😉

    Free Member

    finbar – Member


    It's not a glacial landscape.


    Much of the Peak District scenery has been shaped by glacial processes, think of the glacially oversteepened face of Mam Tor, or the classic U-shaped glacial valley of the River Alport. Boulder clay can be found pretty much everywhere and it was probably glacial run-off that widened many of the fissures/caves in the limestone and widened, for example, Winnats Pass.

    Free Member

    I've not been to the River Alport, but The Peak District wasn't glaciated in the last (Devensian) glacial period. I won't post the map as it's a wee bit OT but Google "Britice".

    The region was ice covered in the Anglian (420 ka ago), but obviously there's been a lot going on since then. So i'd argue the geomorphology of the landscape is more periglacial/fluvial than glacial, especially around Ladybower.

    I think fluvial processes are much more likely to be responsible for the steepness of Mam Tor than glacial erosion.

    Free Member

    Peak District busy in places on bank holiday shocker!

    Free Member


    Free Member

    This thread is so funny 😆

    Free Member

    Only on STW could we end up having an argument as to whether the Peak District should be shortened to The Peak or The Peaks

    ukclimbing have this debate every couple of weeks link

    Basically it is The Peak and not Peaks.

    Full Member

    Why do threads about the Peak District so often descend into bickering, name-calling and one-upmanship?

    Are the locals particularly chippy or something? I'm not trolling btw, it's a genuine question.

    PS. Peaks Peaks Peaks Peaks Peaks (I am trolling now).

    Free Member

    The Peak District.

    However it is also referred to as the white peak and the dark peak

    Therefore BOTH camps of thought are right.

    Free Member

    I think fluvial processes

    It's interesting to get to the bottom of the geology, of course. However, Hora's point was that it doesn't matter how inconsiderately someone parks at Ladybower, because glacial erosion and he rode into a concrete block. He's still wrong about that. 😉

    Free Member

    What I can't stand is all those country folk coming into our cities and clogging up our roads, parking in our car parks, using our train stations, making the shops too busy, stealing our jobs, etc. etc. etc.

    Free Member

    Like how people in the countryside see it as 'theirs'.

    Considering the majority of the people who died protecting this country would have come from the mills and factories..

    ..rather than a few ex-townies who pretend they have 'old' money.

    Free Member

    Like how people in the countryside see it as 'theirs'.

    Considering the majority of the people who died protecting this country would have come from the mills and factories..

    ..rather than a few ex-townies who pretend they have 'old' money.

    Free Member

    Basically it is The Peak and not Peaks.

    I think you will find you are wrong. 🙄

    Free Member

    'tis true that most of the ice went round the edges. I seem to remember a big sub-glacial channel near Whaley Bridge. Ice did cut across the western part of the White Peak too, depositing lots of boulder clay near and damming the Derwent to form a glacial lake. Bit wishy-washy on this subject I'm afriad. I could give you more accurate information about the Carboniferous history of the Peak(s) should any of you have trouble sleeping.
    In summary, due to the various geological processes, and a couple of rather large dams, car parking is difficult 😆

    Free Member

    porterclough – Member

    Peak District busy in places on bank holiday shocker!

    not about being busy its about inconsiderate **** parking wherever the **** they want to regardless of the damage they are causing to the area they have come to see/be in!!

    Free Member

    whens the next bank holiday may have an outing to ladybower sounds nice

    Free Member

    Not really sure what the problem is at ladybower, all the way along the road to the visitor centre they have nice wide footpaths and grassy areas which you can park your car on, easy, lots of room for everyone.

    Free Member

    I rode White peak yesterday as Dark Peak is always busy. Got there nice and early. Did just make me laugh when coming home at the people queing in the area.

    I do agree that some people don't realise/care that these places get busy, but then it is their loss!

    Free Member

    While parking on the verge isn't ideal I doubt anyone goes to the peak and admires said verge when there is so much other to look at.

    What do you suggest they do, put a bouncer on every road who does a one in one out policy once the carparks are full? The peak is a tourist attraction, you should expect some tourists every now and again, if you don't like sharing then go live somewhere else

    Free Member

    Access to the Peak can easily be solved by the introduction of Border Control and barbed wire on the S. Yorks, Greater Manchester and Cheshire county boundaries. This will keep out all the Manchester and Sheffield based scumbags. Keep the Peak District for the good folk of Derbyshire. 🙂

    Also in response to an above thread, the Winnats Pass is in fact a collapsed cavern. The roof of the cavern collapsed due to the weight of illegally parked cars over it on a particularly busy Bank Holiday weekend.

    Free Member

    While parking on the verge isn't ideal I doubt anyone goes to the peak and admires said verge when there is so much other to look at.

    That verge will one day become singletrack..

    Free Member

    Keep the Peak District for the good folk of Derbyshire

    Does that mean that Cut Gate is right out for any Derbyshire folk, what with it being entirely within the City of Sheffield boundary? 😉

    Oddly enough I rode at Ladybower last Easter, and despite it being arguably better weather than this year I parked easily on the A57 at 2pm ish (the only sensible time to start a ride) and met very few other people riding, and relatively few walkers (the largest group being some orthodox Jews in best clothes on top of Hope Cross – Bamford must be getting pretty cosmopolitan these days).

    Full Member

    its about inconsiderate **** parking wherever the **** they want to

    Neither Ladybower nor the peak (or peaks) have a monopoly on this, see them everywhere but it does grate more when you see it in the country side. Oh and the amount of littering is despicable – while it's upsetting seeing someone launch a full McD/KFC meals worth of packaging out the window of a car onto my front street, it is infinitley more annoying seeing someone do the same thing out in the country side.

    Free Member

    "not about being busy its about inconsiderate **** parking wherever the **** they want to "

    Have you considered the hypocrasy of your post – I hope whilst you where stopped for 10 mins in your disabled spot just to have a cup of tea you didnt ruin some other disabled persons day who was out for the full day on a planned visit possibly at great difficulty, time and expense(rather than on a whim) because you where taking up the disabled bay

    There are numerous peaks in the Peak (singular) District yet its the 'Peak' (singular)
    There are numerous Lakes in the Lake (singular) district yet its the 'Lakes' (plural)?
    Honestly who gives a f… other than some stuck up toffy countryfolk locals who are hear de-riding non local people for being stuck up toffs!
    BTW Im from Derbyshire so have more claim to the PeakS than those of you with a Yorkshire postcode – f*ck off back to your own county why don't you 😉

    Whilst again I say its not correct to park on a verge, if the National park staff thought it was such a big problem then Im sure they would have erected barriers, posts or strategically positioned boulders to stop it before now.

    Free Member

    There are numerous Lakes in the Lake (singular) district yet its the 'Lakes' (plural)?




    Free Member

    "Does that mean that Cut Gate is right out for any Derbyshire folk, what with it being entirely within the City of Sheffield boundary"

    porterclough – Yes that's fine. If Cut Gate is in fact in S. Yorks the Derbyshire clan will respect this. Rules is rules. 🙂

    Free Member

    Iain – we stopped to collect a brew not sit and drink it!! Can you read – i think not!

    there were 4 spare disabled spots at the side so no bother there dude!!

    Free Member

    there were 4 spare disabled spots

    Oh, well thats alright then! 🙄

    Free Member

    This thread sounds like those people who after a few two many start ranting and arguing with one another for no discernable reason!

    What is the problem? Too many southerners or northerners? Too many people mountain biking? Not enough car parking spaces? Glacial erosion or non-glacial erosion? 4x4s? expensive bikes?

    and I haven't even read all the posts yet 🙂

    Free Member

    You hang around the Peak. However I'm going to ride in the PeakS

    Free Member

    hainey – Member

    there were 4 spare disabled spots

    Oh, well thats alright then!

    Of course it is – my gran is disabled, she has a blue badge, i paid – quelle problem??

    Free Member

    peaks, earlier

    Free Member

    so where did you drink it then?
    Hopefully not whilst driving?
    Im guessing you had to stop somewhere
    Guarantee you that in stopping wherever it was (unless you took it home and parked on your own property)you will have in some equally trivial way upset or inconvieienced someone else
    Because thats life. Our actions no matter what will always annoy others in some way, human nature
    Regardless of Peak, peaks, cars parked on verges, glacier mints and all the rest of it – Your still an idiot for going up there just for a cup of tea on one of the busiest days of the year and then moaning about it

    Full Member

    I almost feel guilty for driving up from the Lincolnshire border for a cycle around erm, that green & pleasant land west of Sheffield.

    We parked in Hope & had a great day (Saturday) – especially as we were expecting a deluge of rain, but instead got about 5 mins of drizzle and 5 mins of light hail.

    Saw lots of people, exchanged many cheerful hello's with cyclists, walkers & horse riders alike and had a thoroughly enjoyable day.

    Plus, it confirmed to me that I was able to ride stuff on my new bike loads better than I could with the old bike, mainly due to not feeling like I was about to fly over the handlebars on every descent.
    And, my new un-bedded in SSC pads survived the whole day with a fair amount of material left. I was a little concerned from posts on here, that the Peak District would wear my pads down to the backing plate before I even got to any off-road riding!

    Free Member

    There's only one thing for it:

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