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  • Fairholmes food?
  • gravity-slave
    Free Member

    I am planning a big ride near Ladybower. I never normally stop for food but this ride will need a break.

    Fairholmes works well for the route but it’s ages since I bought food there, usually just a brew. Do they do more than tea and cake? Toasties, baked spud type thing?

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    Free Member

    Surely a big route would include hope? Woodbine? If timing isn’t right for fairholmes and you’re going towards Sheffield on the a57 there’s the pub near the bendy bit at the bottom and a roadside caff just near cutthroat bridge.
    Oh and there’s another roadside caff (not cafe as theyre chair free open air but a bit posher than butty vans of old) on the snake going after the turn off for fairholmes.

    Free Member

    Cheers, I’m from Sheff so know them all just not stopped properly at Fairholmes for years but it suits my rough plan really well.

    Due to various reasons we were looking to start in Hope (folk also coming from South and West) and head over to Fairholmes for lunch (meeting folk from Sheff who are not riding) via Mam Tor/Jaggers/Lockerbrook and back over Winn Hill via Hagg Farm.

    Might flip it and start at Ladybower, up Whinstone Lee Tor to Fairholes, down Hagg Farm, up Winn Hill and lunch in Hope before heading back. Yorkshire with bangers and mash in the Courtyard ftw.

    Free Member

    hows things pal? last time I was at fairholmes they were doing hot sarnies, bacon, sausage, that kind of thing. Pretty good too. that was about a year ago so dont hunt me down if things have changed and all you find is a mars bar

    Full Member

    I usually have a sausage and bacon butty, not sure if they do spuds and such but they definitely do more than just cake and coffee. Can check at the weekend (probably!) if needed.

    Free Member

    Yea they do a fair variety of stuff but mind them ducks, they’re bloody cheeky, still haven’t got over the cup of tea one knocked out of my hand what must be 10 years ago… 👿

    That said your idea of flipping the ride and lunching in Hope would be what I’d do for better food and better places to sit down (that’s showing my age…) along with the indoor option if the weather’s not so good.

    Spent a few times by that fire in the Woodbine contemplating the fact I haven’t actually got enongh daylight left to get back to Sheff 😕

    Free Member

    Ey up nosedive! If there’s nowt but a Mars Bar I’ll set out mutual kickboxing friend on you 😉

    Cheers for the info all. I think you’re right, might flip the ride. Hope is more interesting for the non riders, they can go and heckle the crew at 18bikes.

    Bloody starving right now, desperate for food but think giant Yorkshire and gravy will trump a bacon buttie. Mind you, if we’re passing Fairholmes, could always call in for elevenses on the way to Hope! 🙂

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