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  • Exposure enduro Maxx Poor battery performance
  • babysparrow
    Free Member

    I have two of these units and they are both switching to lower power after circa 60 minutes – despite the claimed max power time of 3 hours.

    I know that they perform worse in the cold but this seems to be a significant issue – especially since the ‘youngest’ light (Enduro Maxx-2) is only 2 months old.

    Any ideas or similar experiences & resolutions ?

    Free Member

    is it in full maxx mode that they switch to the lower setting.
    i have the maxx-d & have no issues even in cold weather.

    one thing to note is that the yellow 50% light will come on in either of the low settings if there is only 50% left in them paticular modes but i can then knock it up to maxx mode & the fuel guage shows green.

    the fuel guage works on the principal that if im in maxx mode roughly quoted as 3 hours it will remian green untill 505 of the battery in maxx mode is used but if in then switch to a lower setting it may turn the fuel guage yellow even though i am using less power it has calculated that i may intend to run the light for up 10/24 hrs respectivly.

    hope ive explained it ok .

    also worth noteing that to get an optimum charge it is best to leave the light still connected to the charger for a few hours even when the light on the charger turns green this tops up the final 10% of the battery.

    Free Member

    Yes -it is in Full (720) mode that they switch down. I work on the principle that the manufacturer says “3 hours on Maxx mode” – it’s even stamped on the case !!!

    I would accept 2.5 hours but not 53 minutes !!!!

    To be concise :

    1. Full charge to green light on charger followed by another 3-4 hours ‘top-up’
    2. Attach light to bike and start my polar f6 wristwatch noting the “exercise time”.
    3. After 53 minutes the light on the “fuel gauge” goes to amber.

    Following the same process with the other light and the time before amber is 73 minutes.

    So that’ not even HALF of what the manufacturer claims and it doesn’t get me around my favourite route!!!

    Full Member

    have you considered speaking to USE – there’s a number on their website?

    Free Member

    Yeah – I’ve written to them – but I wanted to hear from anyone else who had experienced this to see if this is just “my” problem or if there’s a generic problem with these lights in the cold…

    (They haven’t replied yet)

    Full Member

    I’d talk to them – they’re very nice people.

    Free Member

    3. After 53 minutes the light on the “fuel gauge” goes to amber.

    Does the light visibly dip to a lower setting after 53 minutes? If so then you may have a problem. However…

    What you describe above is just the remaining battery indicator showing you have used approx 50% of the battery (i say approx, they are not perfect). The light will still be in Maxx mode and (unless youve checked) will prob still give you 3hrs total of light.

    Free Member

    Yep, im with stato opn this one the amber is just the battery meter- it shouldnt drop to a lower power setting.

    Free Member

    from USE website…

    If you have a fully charged light and run the light only on MaXx mode, the button will change from green, to amber, to red, to red flashing as the battery runs down

    Free Member

    oops, pressed post to soon.

    what i was going to add was..

    Ive got a joystick maxx and a MaxxD and have run them both down to the red light when in Maxx mode without either of them changing to a lower power setting. If you can visibly see the light dip to a lower setting (and not just because its got too hot) then have a word with USE, they seem good guys to deal with so should help you out.

    good luck,

    Free Member

    Ah !!!! Stato & phyncra you are right… I made an assumption (naughty) that the light had dimmed.

    Thanks. And sorry to exposure. I’m so glad I don’t have a problem with them.

    (We’re using them 3-4 nights a week at the moment and would be lost without them)

    Free Member

    above is what i was trying to say but in a very funny sort of way.
    never been good ‘ explaining things but i did try to help & your reply wasn,t great but glad you may have it sorted.M.A.A

    Free Member

    Sorry – knott4me. I meant no offence and having re-read your message it seems that I did indeed miss your point.

    I’m going through a very ‘stupid’ phase in life at the moment (I’m normally quite brainy). Maybe I’m just getting old ? Or maybe the world is just too damned confusing for someone born in 1969. Who knows ?

    Free Member

    havent had the problem but saying that had to send mine back after two weeks as the button was dodgy.

    do you fully drain the battery after every ride then re-charge, in otherwords are you doing say a 2 hour ride then topping it up for the next one NOT draining it fully.

    i may be talking b*llox but i am easily easily 2hr 30 at full power if not more.

    Free Member

    babysparrow no offence taken mate.
    i get minimum 4/5 hours in maxx-d mode & easily go 3/4 night rides at 3 hrs long on one charge scrolling through the modes.

    Free Member

    do you fully drain the battery after every ride then re-charge, in otherwords are you doing say a 2 hour ride then topping it up for the next one NOT draining it fully.

    You shouldn’t drain these batteries, best battery practice is to plug them in after a ride and leave plugged in till you go to ride again. Fully draining the battery damages it these aren’t Lead batteries so they act differently.

    This is explained in better detail on our club site.

    Free Member

    some good basic advice on tehre that i hope you all adere too but do not put them in the fridge.please.

    cheers for that xc-steve.im also fanatical about lights batteries 7 the actual tecnology so this was stuff i had read before but brilliant for the first timer.

    Free Member



    Free Member

    Marty – I was unanimously named thus since my appearance the morning after a “few drinks” in the alps. Apparently I looked like something that fell out of a nest. Quite unkind really : Baby Sparrows are much prettier and – evidently – much more intelligent.

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