It is doing
Rows.Count = the maximum number of rows that can possibly exist in excel – so it selects the very bottom cell, column 1, (that will be R65536 C1)
.End(xlUp) is doing the same as pressing End+Up together, which goes up from the referenced cell until it finds something, so it’ll reference the bottom most cell in the first column.
.Offset(1,0) offsets down by 1
It is a bit gross, but some people do it like this. The nice way is to use
Set rngUsedRange = ActiveSheet.UsedRange
intTopRow = rngUsedRange.Rows.Row
intNumRows = rngUsedRange.Rows.Count
ActiveSheet.Cells(intNumRows + intTopRow, 1).Select
this does something subtly different, in that it selects the first row that has nothing in, rather than the first cell in the first row with nothing in, but that is usually what people actually want.