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  • Excessively loud sneezers
  • unknown
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    I mean the really, really loud ones that everyone within half a mile can hear. Can these people really not sneeze any quieter? Seems to me they have to put some effort into it to make them that loud. What do they get out of it?

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    guilty.. 😀

    I love sneezing, it’s a rare treat and I’m really not gonna let you or anyone else spoil my enjoyment of it..

    Repressing your sneezes is often a sign of repression elsewhere in your life too

    (I **** love shouting too)

    Free Member

    its like having a good crisis.

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    I can sneeze for Wales. If your going to do it its worth doing properly 😀

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    Bloke’s that have those little girly sneezes is just not right.

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    My Dad does it, like, shotgun loud. It’s horrible. After years of aural abuse, I now have a nervous tic/cringe whenever he inhales quickly 😯

    Free Member

    Go on, try it, you might like it. It annoys the lady of the house and shocks the little one, that’s enough fun for me.

    Full Member

    Apparently I sneeze too loudly. I have no control of it.

    I used to work with a guy who made a small “meep” when he sneezed, he didn’t like me laughing at him either.

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    I have a proper man-size sneeze,and nope, nothing I can do about it. Believe me I tried, last time I combined a cold and broken ribs.

    Free Member

    I’m a loud sneezer. It’s not for show, it’s not put on, it’s just a loud sneeze.

    I also suffer from hiccups so powerful that they actually cause pain, much to the amusement of those around me.

    Full Member

    I am with onzadog on this. No put on, no special effort just pain loud.

    Free Member

    It’s vocalisation – my mother has a sneeze like that, she doesn’t just sneeze she shouts “Arahoo!”

    You can hear it out in the garden when she’s in the house.

    Free Member

    But have you ever tried not making a noise? I don’t care if you do it or not but just wondered if you really think it’s something you can’t help…

    I can sneeze really loudly if I want by allowing it to make a noise but it’s just as easy not making a noise.

    Full Member

    It’s hard to sneeze without making some noise, but some kind of moderation according to your location is nice.

    Also, if you don’t close them, when you sneeze, your eyes will pop out………..


    Free Member

    I sometimes even hold them back with my mouth closed in certain circumstances (I don’t have a hankerchief)

    Boss tends to turn in our direction and make an effort to do it hard.

    Free Member

    I mean the really, really loud ones that everyone within half a mile can hear. Can these people really not sneeze any quieter?


    Seems to me they have to put some effort into it to make them that loud.

    no comes naturally

    What do they get out of it?

    usually lots of people asking you to go home 😉

    Free Member


    I love sneezing, it’s a rare treat and I’m really not gonna let you or anyone else spoil my enjoyment of it..

    Repressing your sneezes is often a sign of repression elsewhere in your life too

    (I **** love shouting too)

    As sheepish as I am to admit this I agree with what yunki typed. Let the sneeze out FFS just don’t make stupid squeaky add-on noises like the nutty bird in my office does.

    Free Member

    A women in my office sneezes so loud she startles people I’m talking to on the phone. She used to be a theatre nurse but her crazy-loud sneezing understandably incurred the wrath of the surgeons who evicted her routinely and refused to have her work with them again.
    I appreciate it’s involuntary but I can’t figure out why she doesn’t sneeze into her elbow or at least attempt to muffle it with her hand… It makes the whole room ring… bloody awful noise, as well as being unhygienic; spraying mucus all over the office…

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    Damn excessive baby pandas…

    Free Member

    A lady in my office makes a sound somewhere between donald duck and a chicken…most incredibly hilarious thing ive ever heard!

    Arent sneezes akin to some type if mini orgasm too…or is that one of them there urban myths?

    Would explain why i love sneezing if true!

    Free Member

    Unrepentantly guilty here on the loud sneezes. They seem to have become louder with age and although I can try to muffle them I have no control of the volume of a natural sneeze. As a teacher I sneezed in class once and a kid fell off his stool in shock.

    Free Member

    I do loud sneezes at home but I can stifle them when in public, but a big noisy “achoooo!” is much more satisfying!

    Free Member

    Very carefully worded there patriotpro 😆

    Samuri – FWIW I am capable of sneezing more quietly, and even doing that incredible old lady squeaky suppressed sneeze (which is incredibly uncomfortable).. but why would you?
    Are you excessively frail or suffering from a heart condition?

    Free Member

    Attention seekers. All a bit sad really, ‘ooo, look at me everyone, i’m sneezing’. If the tit in my office does it one more time his head’s getting smashed through his monitor

    Free Member

    Sneezed so violently once had a week in hospital with a hole in my wind pipe!

    Free Member

    A bloke where I used to work did it so bloody loud, and with out any kind of warning or build up, he seemed to miss the ahh bit from ahh choo

    I sneeze quite violently, but I don’t get why the voice has to be involved in it, they’re just attention seeking

    Free Member

    My sister, who is generally loud, sneezes loudly. But then she shrieks the OOOOOOOOOOOOO! at the end if it just for effect, which is ear splitting.

    Free Member

    As I say yunki, i don’t care if people sneeze loudly or not but I’m trying to understand why people think they can only do it one way.

    The reaction is involuntary but what you do with it is up to you.
    Personally I’d hate everyone looking at me if I was sneezing really loudly but then I’m an introverted cock.

    Free Member

    Attention seekers, the lot of you.

    Free Member

    But then she shrieks the OOOOOOOOOOOOO!

    Free Member

    I sneeze very loudly (have done since I was a kid), and I am incapable of reducing the volume.
    I am generally a quiet person, so it has nothing to do with seeking attention.

    Full Member

    Commuting loud sneezers are incredibly annoying especially when you’re trying to get some badly-needed sleep, it’s usually them who also do the ostenatious over-loud coughing and then look around to confirm everyone noticed. T@@@@s.

    Full Member

    My boss has a ridiculously loud sneeze that everybody hears all over the building… I’m not sure if it is for effect or attention or because he’s a nob TBH

    Free Member

    Excessively loud sneezing is almost always an affectation. I accept that the exceptions to that rule most likely are also members of STW though.

    Free Member

    And of course you risk a Snart if you try too hard to contain a good sneeze.

    Free Member

    A bloke in the office sneezes so loudly it makes me jump and scream in fright!

    Free Member

    There was a guy I used to work with who basically yelled at the top of his voice ‘aaaaachoooo’. Ridiculous. The guy who sat next to him who was a big burly geeza sounded like a kitten sneezing. Which was hilarious.

    Full Member

    Are we talking sneezing ( informal ) or blowing the nose ( formal ). When I do the latter there tend to be mutters of “There she blows” from the family, although they claim that as a result of the loudness of my sneeze they can always find me in a public place. This may come in useful as senility encroaches, although clearly this depends on them continuing to think well enough of me to want to find me in the first place.

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