You have legal right of access to your daughter, (unless you are a criminal of some kind)
Go down the solicitor route asap,
One; your ex might back down anyway once she sees you’re serious, and Two; she might not try pulling the same stunt again.
If shes done it before and is trying it now its so that she can still have some ‘control’ over your life,
Fuckk her I say and get a court order.
Oh, and if she/solicitors say ‘lets just have a friendly agreement, nothing formal’ then say no, you want it in writing, that way she cant play silly buggers with you later.
I’ve have had the same happen.
Get tough, quickly.
Edukator? you’re not really are you?
edit: pretty much what neilsonwheels said, plus, make it clear to her that you are only there for the daughter. leave her in no doubt that its over with you two. texting/ fb mates/ ‘pop round for a chat and a cuppa’, ‘lets just be friends’ and all that bollox just leads to more trouble.