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  • Everywhere is burning or drowning…
  • alpin
    Free Member

    Do you get the feeling that this year has been a little more than just “freak weather”?

    California, Greece, Italy Turkey on fire.

    Germany, China, Nepal, India suffering massive rainfall and landslides.

    Crazy powerful hail storms both here in Munich and Italy.

    My sister in Essex has mentioned that they’ve had lots of lightening and thunderstorms. I remember as a kid lightening storms were not that common.

    The weather here in Munich has been crap. Rain. Lots of it. The river is in danger of topping its banks for the third time this “summer”. Can be expected in spring with the snow melt, but this year that was nonexistent.
    I’ve put the heating on, FFS…. 18°C today. It’s August!

    Are we just going to collectively shrug and carry on with life or are we going to see governments making changes?

    Do you get the feeling anything we do now is not only too little, but too late?

    Free Member

    Why the f*** are you putting the heating on at 18C? That’s part of the problem! Just put a jumper on.

    Free Member

    Do you get the feeling that this year has been a little more than just “freak weather”?

    Yes, it is climate change. And no getting people to drive electric vehicles in 10 years time and still commissioning fossil fuel projects is not going to cut it. It can only go one way now and that is worse by the year.

    Full Member

    now is not only too little, but too late?


    Free Member

    Haha…. I’ve got a jumper on. Ground floor flat, zero insulation beneath us, nothing in the walls, all three of which are external walls.

    Free Member

    We need to dramatically reduce the earth’s population. Shame these Corona conspiracies are a load of BS eh?

    I really fear for my boy’s future TBH. :-/

    Full Member

    As long as the world keep consuming as it does (especially the meat industry) we better get used to floods, fires, freak weather etc.

    I am doing my bit, as many are, but there are more people not….. so i cant see much changing. Its very frustrating and i worry for my kids and their kids.

    Free Member

    You’ve read the Transporter thread. And presumably that big SUV Climate Crisis thread. People don’t give shit. They are completely determined to keep living over indulgent lifestyles and not compromise one iota for the good of the planet.

    “We’ll I MUST own an SUV because I go to the dump once every six months”. Oh, right, fine. I’ll just look forward to living in the Scottish Sahara when I’m in my eighties.

    Free Member

    I was just thinking the same but on a smaller scale about our local weather. It’s been quite varied, a few scorching spells and in between rather wet. Yes I fear it’s climate change related and extremes of weather will be more and more common

    Free Member

    Ground floor flat, zero insulation beneath us, nothing in the walls, all three of which are external walls.

    Is that allowed in Germany!?

    Full Member

    My sister in Essex has mentioned that they’ve had lots of lightening and thunderstorms. I remember as a kid lightening storms were not that common.

    I’m just over the border in Cambridge and I’d say we’ve had an average amount.

    However, yes the climate is changing, as a kid 30+ days were just unheard of, now we seem to have at least a set every summer followed by monsoon like rain.

    I suspect we needed to take action 20 years ago to have an impact in our lifetime, a bit like turning a ship, you need to plan ahead, but it wasn’t a thing then.

    Free Member

    a bit like turning a ship, you need to plan ahead, but it wasn’t a thing then.

    People have been warning about it since the 1970s at least.

    Full Member

    Are we just going to collectively shrug and carry on with life or are we going to see governments making changes?

    Governments are going to continue making announcements and plans while actually doing **** all to address it in real world terms. Meanwhile the planet has more or less thrown the towel in – I reckon in 10-15 years time there’ll be regular cataclysmic climate change events. Not just mildly inconvenient killing a few dozen people and flooding a few houses, it’ll be multi thousands of directly attributable deaths each time.

    Blabbing on about us all driving electric cars by 2040 – it won’t be electric cars we need, it’ll be Mad Max style vehicles.

    Full Member

    18 degrees is t-shirt weather

    Free Member

    I really fear for my boy’s future

    I’m bloody glad I I’ve not got kids.

    Friends of ours have had their third kid and now bought a Q7….. WTF!?

    …. The house we live in was built around 1900. It’s under “Denkmalschutz”, i.e. a protected building. A charming place to look at, an expensive one to heat.

    18 degrees is t-shirt weather

    Agreed, however, it’s raining cats and dogs. About 16°C inside my gaff.

    Free Member

    Generally accepted that we missed the environmental “change” point during the 1970s, this is not discussed in the press as many feel the general population will go ” **** it might as well crack on and have fun”

    Probably 50 years late..

    The only reason Boris is pushing his climate change agenda is because his next shag depends on it.

    Free Member

    One thing I imagine will happen also is just that the general quality of infrastructure/public services will decline quite dramatically because of the increased costs involved in repair and maintenance etc.

    For example we barely manage to keep many roads well surfaced now, but with repeated rounds of heavy flooding and extreme heat….

    Full Member

    Whitestone +1
    Munrobiker +1

    We’re past the tipping point now, the Amazon producing more CO2 than it takes in, vast swathes of permafrost in the Arctic circle thawing out and releasing huge amounts of CO2 and methane; there’s no turning back from that now.

    We’re fudged and it’s all our fault and yet we’re still unwilling to change our way of life. Extreme weather events are going to be more frequent, North Africa and Southern Europe will become inhabitable in my life time, imagine the gammons anger as people escaping try and move to our shores.

    Anyone wanting children now really need to have a think about the world you’re choosing to bring them in to

    Free Member

    Southampton has been so wet compared to a normal summer, besides that nuts week in mid July of 30C+ days and 22C+ at bedtime.

    Certainly seems to have been some crazy weather events globally too.

    The end of the world is nigh.

    Free Member

    Why the f*** are you putting the heating on at 18C? That’s part of the problem! Just put a jumper on.

    Exactly what I was about to say!!! I have my maximum heating temperature set to that in winter!

    an expensive one to heat.

    I bet it is if you switch your heating on when it is 18deg outside.

    Full Member

    We need to dramatically reduce the earth’s population. Shame these Corona conspiracies are a load of BS eh?

    I really fear for my boy’s future TBH. :-/

    Don’t do anything too rash Grum.

    Full Member

    Thus is pretty scary… If the gulf stream switches off then we(as in humanity) are royally ****


    Full Member

    Not sure you can blame climate change largely on the meat industry….

    Its pretty much irrelevant what the individual does when big corporations continue as normal.

    Free Member

    FFS…. 😁

    have my maximum heating temperature set to that in winter!

    Same! And it’s come on because it’s cold! Oh, and it only comes on from 8-9 and 16-20….

    Full Member

    I really fear for my boy’s future TBH. :-/

    There’s no way I’d be having children now if I was younger and I really hope never to be a grandparent.

    Free Member

    It wasn’t a deliberate decision tbh we were using contraception and found out very late!

    Full Member

    And yet the solution is very simple:

    – leave fossil fuels in the ground

    – eliminate livestock farming

    – rewild

    None of these are happening when it should have started 20 years ago. Instead we find new ways to waste renewably generated energy like bitcoin mining. There’s a reason the billionaires are buggering off to New Zealand.

    Free Member

    Anyone wanting children now really need to have a think about the world you’re choosing to bring them in to

    Yeah, to the older generations: thanks for that… It’s just great having that kind of conundrum forced on you through the inaction and selfish voting intentions of those before you.

    Full Member

    Are we just going to collectively shrug and carry on with life or are we going to see governments making changes?

    There was a spokesman for the oil and gas industry on radio 4 this morning who literally said ‘we are helping the transition to a carbon free energy policy by opening up more oilfields for drilling’

    Seriously… WTF?!!

    Full Member

    Someone posted a Yes (Prime) Minister clip in another thread yesterday, and it made me think of this… and how it relates to “our” response to the “challenges” of climate change…

    Free Member

    when big corporations continue as normal

    Which will be the case certainly as long as there’s a Conservative government. Which, at this rate, will be for a long time. And it’ll keep people spouting out this trope and living by it-

    Its pretty much irrelevant what the individual does

    To add to the terror of that article Olddog posted, if warming continues we will cross the point where ocean acidification caused by industrialisation destroys the largest CO2 sink we have on the planet (the oceans), dumping vast amounts of CO2 relatively quickly. When that happens it really will be catastrophic.

    Full Member

    There’s a reason the billionaires are buggering off to New Zealand.

    What’s that then Daz?

    Free Member

    Same! And it’s come on because it’s cold!

    You said in the OP that you put the heating on because it was 18deg which suggests you wanted it to be *warmer* than 18deg which is a perfectly comfortable temperature.

    Full Member

    I really fear for my boy’s future TBH. :-/

    My kids should be OK – youngest is such a huge fan of dystopian young adult fiction that she’s pretty well sorted even if it goes wrong.

    Grandchildren will live in a very different world, one way or the other. I’m concerned rather than despairing, that could also go either way.

    As for the weather – been a much more normal summer in the Midlands, wetter and cooler than recent years. As a kid I remember regularly being woken up by summer thunderstorms, not had that for many years now.

    But if the glitch in the jetstream had been a couple of hundred miles in either direction it would have been a very different summer.

    Free Member

    Judging by the forecast, the biblical rain we had overnight is to continue for pretty much the entire weekend. Similar weather last year led to some drainage issues. The guy we had in to fix the drains said he’d been seeing more and more of these issues over the last 20+ years he’s been in the business – old drainage systems that can’t cope with the increasingly frequent drought/flood cycle.

    Even in the face of overwhelming evidence that we need to drastically change our behaviour, we aren’t. We’ve ****ed it.

    Full Member

    And here’s me considering buying a marginally more efficient car for my meagre miles. Like it will make any difference when the next guy is driving a 4l monster truck to the shops.

    Full Member

    humans are not very good at acting on predictions, we just can’t be told i plain language what will happen, we need to conceptualise it – why storytelling is important culturally in teaching.
    however, one persons truth isn’t the others and it seems that if you once believe one truth, which proves false, it’s difficult to completely change your mind.
    (see this for an example https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2017/02/27/why-facts-dont-change-our-minds)

    we’re faced with wildfires, flooding, extreme weather events and, as a society we’re only just joining the dots, despite being told for decades, this will happen and will only get worse.

    We’re looking at a shifting gulf stream, (https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/aug/05/climate-crisis-scientists-spot-warning-signs-of-gulf-stream-collapse) we’ve known this would happen, but couldn’t pin an accurate timescale on it, so it was a problem that may happen later…

    we’re on target for societal collapse. (https://www.independent.co.uk/climate-change/mit-1972-prediction-societal-collapse-b1884673.html)

    If you look at the exponential advancements of technology and our understanding of manipulation of the ‘elements’ it’s probably not a surprise that, while we thought we’d rule the universe, we forgot that we’re only taking from one place.

    anyway, maybe I’m getting a bit patchwork caravan.

    but that may also be part of the problem.

    My daughter, when she was 19, decided that she was not going to bring a child into this world, as there wouldn’t be anything but struggle left. She herself has wondered what will be left for her, which has put her in some pretty dark places. Many of her friends think similarly. She knows where to look for blame, her parents and grandparents.

    I am to blame, I wonder what small changes I make can make any difference. Reducing meat consumption, reducing power consumption, doing what I can* in the hope that others do similar, then being reminded that, certainly in the UK, the vocal bunch don’t care about anything other than themselves and their societal success. mostly money – consumerism, being those that have, rather than those that ‘don’t have’ (or perhaps don’t need)

    so where do we look to change things? campaign governments to change things and potentially lose half their votes when they are driven by self success and not altruism, surely a government is set to represent the people, an that in itself is an altruistic promise?

    TLDR: most of us are screwed in the next 50 years. no one can stop it.

    *very much not enough, why Im part of the problem

    Full Member

    Like it will make any difference when the next guy is driving a 4l monster truck to the shops.

    Don’t let it stop you though, even the smallest change is a step in the right direction, apathy is not.

    Full Member

    Even in the face of overwhelming evidence that we need to drastically change our behaviour, we aren’t. We’ve ****ed it.

    Near where my Mum lives, a Low Traffic Neighbourhood has been put in. OMG, the absolute cries of distress that it’s now not possible to drive the SUV 500m to drop Tarquin and Jemima off at the school gates. Council accused of acting like a Communist state (and worse), wild “data” being produced from the anti- groups to show that life is no longer worth living and vast amounts of wahtaboutery with “well woodburners are worse for pollution so we should all agree to stop using them so we can keep driving” plus the usual stuff about how they “need” their SUV for the 1 snowy day a year in London.

    Complete unwillingness to do anything that might make the area just a little bit more pleasant and less traffic-clogged.

    Full Member

    The solution to population growth is education and contraception. But it’s in the low carbon producing parts of the world where the biggest growth is happening. In the west the birth rate is below the level to maintain population levels and it’s immigration that actually stops pops falling.

    To blame population growth is another way that the west uses the divert the blame which squarely sits with industrialised nations

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