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  • European Cup Rugby
  • Frankers
    Free Member

    Yep we played we played really well in 2nd half……..

    Many mistakes by Ulster

    Full Member

    I saw Hartley doing that last night, I kind of thought he was looking for a reaction. Ref was in a perfect position to see any retaliation 😀 He wouldn’t do that to Jonathan Davies if he knew what was good for him…

    Free Member

    Edinburgh / Racing

    I have not been able to find any real highlights on line – I know the Edinburgh Gunners website is trying to get some but here is all the tries in 3 mins

    Free Member

    TandemJeremy – Member
    another citing for Lawes coming? In a wee fracas the camera caught him punching a guy on the ground

    I’m very surprised that he wasn’t penalised or cited for shoulder charging a Scarlet who was stuck in a ruck (I have a feeling it may have been North?). He just charged in, made no attempt to join the ruck correctly and shouldered the prone Scarlet in the ribs. Result, Scarlet goes off injured iirc…

    And what is it with tip tackles at the moment?

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