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  • Erm .. how to remove a mug ring mark from a silk tie
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    Full Member

    Just dug my black tie out for a funeral tomorrow and there is a mark on it which looks like someone left a hit mug on it. It’s silk not poly or cotton.

    How do you revive the tie?

    Free Member

    Do a few more so it looks like a pattern.

    Full Member

    The Olympics are over but I’ve got a funeral to attend in the morning


    Full Member

    Black permanent marker?

    Full Member

    It’s winter, wear a waistcoat under your jacket and keep the tie tucked inside.

    Free Member

    In the unlikely event you’re in the same part of East Cambridgeshire as I am, borrow mine. I had to go to one yesterday, so I know it’s in good order (a Debenhams polyester though, rather than silk).

    I don’t know how to get the marks out, sorry. I take mine to the local dry cleaners who regularly work miracles (soy sauce out of silk ties, somehow) but appreciate you don’t have time for that.

    Full Member

    Just bin it. Ties are horrible.

    Full Member


    No waistcoat but will wear it and keep jacket on

    Full Member

    Buy a new tie is my vote.

    Full Member

    There’s nothing you can do at home that’ll get a silk tie clean. Don’t be tempted to even use water, you’ll probably stain it, you’ll definitely wrinkle it. Hide the mark, or buy new.

    Full Member

    @elshalimo – think you’re in the Calder valley somewhere? I’m in brighouse and have a clean black tie if you want to borrow it 🙂

    Free Member

    Don’t wear a tie?

    Full Member

    Wear it back-to-front? I don’t mean down your back, but using the ‘thin’ end as tie and tuck the ‘thick’ stained end in to your shirt? You might look like one of the leads in reservoir dogs, but it might work…

    Full Member

    Wear it around your head and pretend you’re Rambo. Everyone with think you’re utterly mad and pay no attention to the stain.

    Full Member

    Advice for treating table tops that have ring marks in the polish is often to use a rag and rub fag ash into the mark until the mark disappears.

    Do you smoke?

    Full Member

    I wore a different tie in the end. Nobody cared.

    Full Member

    I wore a different tie in the end. Nobody cared wanted to make a fuss at a funeral, but will never speak to you again.

    ftfy 😉

    Full Member

    I wore a different tie in the end. Nobody cared.

    Under the circumstances, I’m honestly not surprised. Just so long as it didn’t have Bugs Bunny or Daffy Duck on it, or a picture of a fish.

    Full Member

    On a serious note though, as it’s getting a bit lost in the tie stuff, sorry to hear about the funeral and hope it wasn’t someone close to you.

    Full Member

    I wore a different tie in the end.

    I hope it was a big multi-coloured jazzy one. Black is so depressing.

    Free Member

    or a picture of a fish.

    Kipper tie?

    Free Member

    More seriously,

    Funerals are deeply strange things that most people are fortunate enough not to have much experience of and there is no ‘correct’ way to grieve. Everyone else attending should be too lost in their own thoughts to worry about the sartorial elegance of the rest of the congregation.

    My mum passed last year. I honestly couldn’t tell you now whether I wore a tie or not. The 12 months from March 2023 have all been a bit of a blur, I can only remember snippets. I’m sure as hell not sitting here now thinking “well, it was a lovely service, but did you notice that Uncle Keith wasn’t wearing a tie?” I can barely remember who was there, even.

    I hope it was a big multi-coloured jazzy one. Black is so depressing.

    My hot take is that a funeral should be a celebration of life rather than a mourning of loss. I’d rather friends rocked up to my funeral in an Iron Maiden tee or a Hawaiian shirt rather than a suit and tie. I tried to inject a bit of levity into my mum’s funeral because I know 100% that it’s exactly what she would’ve wanted, her one overriding characteristic that everyone will remember her for is her rapier wit. It probably went down like a lead balloon in some quarters but that registers a zero on my Giveaf**kometer, she’d have loved it and that’s all that matters.

    By contrast I lost my dad, what, over 10 years ago now? His funeral was a thoroughly miserable affair, some bloke in a frock who’d never met him tossing on about “loving father” and “devoted husband” and the usual boilerplate shite he’d probably read out a dozen times that week alone. I thought I’d come to the wrong event, he wasn’t describing anyone I recognised.

    Full Member

    she’d have loved it and that’s all that matters.

    Chapeau !  Some funerals are sombre affairs and others are more formal.  I’ve been to funerals where black clothing was banned, bright colours only etc and even one where everyone just wore jeans & t-shirt. It’s horses for courses.

    This was a traditional Irish funeral and I wore the tie as that was what was expected and how everyone turned out for the day. It was a dark blue with embossed paisley patterned tie (for the fashionistas).

    I much prefer the celebration of life style funerals rather than the churchy they’re with God now and in a better place variants. To me it’s all big man in sky bad juju bollocks but I respect the wishes and beliefs of others and suspend my cynical thoughts for the duration of it. It’s not the best place for a theological discussion when someone is neck deep in grief.

    Free Member

    That’s the other thing, isn’t it. Who is this for?

    My mum never expressed any wishes for how her funeral might be conducted so I was operating on best guess. But at the risk of sounding mercenary, ultimately it was my rodeo and it is the hardest thing I have ever done in my life.

    I didn’t see anyone else with their hands in their pocket offering to help with finances and the people who came to the pseudo-wake afterwards, literally just a pint in the pub across the road from the crem, were my friends. Her blood relations – cousins are all that are left now – couldn’t even be arsed with giving me/her half an hour of their time when I was in bits, so they waive any right to whinge.

    Full Member

    @woody2000 – thanks, I missed that earlier. That was a very kind offer

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