Home Forums Chat Forum Emma Thompson: Stuck up cah or what?

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  • Emma Thompson: Stuck up cah or what?
  • Lifer
    Free Member

    Reminds me of a joke by Simon Evans, when asked what his accent was.



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    So far, I’ve suggested maybe people want to examine their prejudices towards others’ behaviour,


    Free Member

    I’ve suggested maybe people want to examine their prejudices towards others’ behaviour, yet no-one’s come up with any ideas as to how kids can be encouraged to use ‘correct’ language, without their own choices being belittled and devalued

    Have you?

    Funny, it just looks like a moan about the middle classes.

    Full Member

    I volunteer as a youth worker, so spend plenty of time amongst weegie kid, some of whom do their best to sound like they grew up in the Bronx – even had one offer to ‘pop a cap in my ass’! The reality of their situation is that they tend to be viewed with a degree of disdain by their peers, who generally tend to have more self-awareness, confidence and so on, and therefore more likely to be appealing to potential employers.

    in my work situation, I’ve twice had someone apply for a post by email using txt spk, and both times I didn’t bother replying.

    Free Member

    Now there’s devaluation in action. Had a lovely little daydream going on, now it’s a nightmare…Shudders at the Ton/Starship/Thompson scenario

    Full Member

    What is correct language? A narrow middle upper class Oxford educated definition of the English language, foisted upon everyone as the correct way of speaking through the advancement of radio and television, wiping out regional accents and natural speech patterns. I have never spoken like that thank god and when everyone does we will finally be “theme park England” as much of the world already sees us as.

    Free Member

    Speaking English properly is a great thing. Why would anyone think otherwise?

    Free Member

    Knut didn’t try to stop the tide – he was demonstrating that he couldn’t

    Quite right. Derided down history for being stupid – he was actually showing that he was not all powerfull. One of my forebears, I believe 😉

    Free Member

    Funny, it just looks like a moan about the middle classes.

    No it’s a moan about snobbishness and prejudice. And wanting to impose one’s values upon others, without considering the wants and needs of those others.

    If you want to see it as a rant about the middle classes, I can’t stop you I suppose.

    in my work situation, I’ve twice had someone apply for a post by email using txt spk, and both times I didn’t bother replying.

    It’s reasonable to reject an application on the grounds that it doesn’t communicate properly. But does that say more about the choice made by the individual/s to communicate thussly, or their level of education?

    Se, had the delightful Ms Thompson spoken of the need to educate children more effectively in the use of language, I’d have more respect for her. Instead she’s simply attacking the choices and behaviour of a group she has little knowledge and understanding of, or empathy with.

    Stuck up cah.

    Not sure if I ‘would’. Granted she’s not unnactracitve, but I suspect I’d become sufficiently annoyed by her narrow-mindedness, should we be out on a date, that I’d bugger off and leave her there.

    See? Her prejudiced attitude has done her out of a possible date with me. She’s the loser in all this, not me.

    Free Member

    Elfinsafety – Member

    And what ‘type’ is that, pray tell? Have you ever met me? I find it interesting and amusing that you seem to think you can categorise me into a ‘type’. You have no idea who I am, mate. No idea. So, don’t be so quick to judge, eh?

    There we are, folks. Right there. Thanks, Fred – you really can’t help yourself and you really can’t see it. If you had a grasp of the English language, you’d understand the phrase ‘revert to type’:

    if someone reverts to type, they return to their usual behaviour after a period of behaving in a different, usually better, way.

    After several weeks without saying a rude word to anyone, he seems to have reverted to type.


    Free Member

    Is this one of those threads where Fred bleats on, most folk disagree, but Fred wins by attrition?

    Free Member

    You can stand on the beach and try to command the waves like Canute

    Knut didn’t try to stop the tide – he was demonstrating that he couldn’t. But never mind, the myth is always more important than the fact (that’s not me being arsey, BTW, that’s what I think).

    but that’s the point, he did, to demonstrate that it made no difference 🙂 It wouldn’t have been a demonstration else!

    Free Member

    Thing about teenagers, is that one day they will be adults. And they will have to moderate their language accordingly. The vast majority have no problem with this.

    Again, I’m not convinced. From my first post, why do so many graduates, I’d say by far a majority, have huge problems with written English? Enthusiastic new grads join us thinking that the world is their oyster and then get thouroughly demoralised when they realise it will; take them 5-10 years before they are trusted to write a client report…

    Free Member

    So, once again, what is my ‘type’?

    I’m sure such an erudite and educated man as yourself can elucidate what exactly this means. 😉

    Is this one of those threads where Fred bleats on, most folk disagree, but Fred wins by attrition?

    Well I know I’m right anyway, but consensus doesn’t necessarily denote correctness.

    Free Member

    , once again, what is my ‘type’?

    Bit mental but a real goer. Am I correct?

    Free Member

    but consensus doesn’t necessarily denote correctness.

    rarely a truer word spoken. Sense isn’t common.

    Free Member

    Elfs just bitter than Emma hasn’t invited him along to Ton’s love in.

    Free Member

    When I studied in the US for my post grad one of the English faculty told me that a language changest fastest in the place that it originated. Strangely most of the Americanisms that you all hate are old English – such as like, off of…

    Free Member

    Strangely most of the Americanisms that you all hate are old English – such as like, off of…

    exactly, a lot of current American usage is actually time-frozen Elizabethan 🙂

    Free Member

    The english language needs to be saved and maintained, its just about the only sustainable export we have now.

    Slang should have died out with the lower classes, although coloquialisms can be used with peers.

    Free Member

    “No it’s a moan about snobbishness and prejudice”

    There’s plenty of reverse snobbishness going on to balance it out.

    Free Member

    what is my “type” ?

    c’mon Elf you can’t hide behind that one, whilst having a go at Ms Thompson, and her ilk.
    Assuming of course that you’ve met the stuck up cah ?

    Free Member

    Nothing bleats more than a cockney sparrow who thinks he’s risen above his peers and is now owed a favour by the World.

    ***touch paper lit… runs away***

    Full Member

    ra ra ra were going to smash the oiks

    either way as a teenager an emma thompson amada donohoe 3some was well at the top of my **** bank account

    Full Member

    😯 😆

    Free Member

    although coloquialisms can be used with queers.

    tut tut 🙁

    FYI IMO it’s colloquialism

    Free Member

    Kimbers – Good call

    Anyway she would not be talking at all if ton and Joolsberger were doing the business 😯 😆

    Free Member

    Elfinsafety – Member

    Growing up in the East End, I’ve found slang fascinating, in it’s origins and meanings. I use a plethora of slang terms in my daily language, regardless of who I speak to. It’s what I’ve grown up with. I’m a product of my environment.

    Granted, some scrote mumbling some inane ‘gangsta’ toss they’ve learned off their (c)Rap albums just sounds daft, but Ms Thompson fundamentally misses the point that a language evolves with and is shaped by the people that use it.

    So you’re allowed to judge which elements of your ‘environment’ should or shouldn’t influence the way in which you speak, yet she isn’t? On a fundamental level, you have no more right than her to say what you think is acceptable and what isn’t, yet you somehow feel compelled to do so.

    In reality, I’d take far more notice of the opinion of a highly accomplished woman who read English Language at Cambridge than that of an underachieving internet no-mark.

    I’ve long suspected that your lack of formal education has left you with a huge chip on your shoulder, and that you cultivate your silly slang speak in a bid to divert attention from your own linguistic shortfalls.

    Speaking the way you do doesn’t make you look like an intellectual who embraces the fluidity of the English language, it just makes you look foolish.

    Full Member

    I had a look to see what Emma Thompson was starring in next (actors never do these sorts of things in a vacuum, so to speak) and it turns out it’s My Fair Lady, where henry Higgins (v clever;) makes E Doolittle speak “proper”

    the main thrust of the play is of course that Henry is a complete Snob…

    Free Member

    In reality, I’d take far more notice of the opinion of a highly accomplished woman who read English Language at Cambridge than that of an underachieving internet no-mark

    except that elf is in fact quoting the observations of distinguished linguists who actually study the constant development of language 🙂

    Free Member

    So you’re allowed to judge which elements of your ‘environment’ should influence the way in which you speak, yet she isn’t?

    Where did I say that?

    I’ve long suspected that your lack of formal education has left you with a huge chip on your shoulder, and that you cultivate your silly slang speak in a bid to divert attention from your own linguistic shortfalls.

    Ha ha! Somebody have a word with this joker, eh? 😆

    Speaking the way you do doesn’t make you look like an intellectual who embraces the fluidity of the English language, it just makes you look foolish.

    I make no claims to be an ‘intellectual’.

    I accept ‘foolish’ though. Why, only the other day my own mother called me a fool! 😀

    Right, now that I’ve stirred up Little England sufficiently, I shall find another playground*.

    Toodle pip!

    *Although a serious and intelligent discussion about language/culture would be interesting.

    Full Member

    fred……….epic fail.


    Free Member

    ton……..epic fool


    Free Member

    Although a serious and intelligent discussion about language/culture would be interesting.

    like fat chance innit bro ?

    Full Member

    barnes………epic tool


    Free Member

    Barnes has indeed got an epic tool.

    He uses it for his bottomography on his legendary tours of the Lakes and that. 🙂

    Free Member

    Toodle pip!

    So predictable. AKA “CBA answering your points, I’ll say I’m leaving so it looks like I’ve won.”

    See you in a few posts…

    Full Member

    Although a serious and intelligent discussion about language/culture would be interesting.

    Well then next time someone tries to start one, don’t just call her a “stuck up cah”.


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    The ‘other’ tactic. Run away with the ball claiming you won anyway. Just as valid as the other tactic of ‘last man standing’ eh Fred?

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