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  • Embarrassing moments
  • Tracey
    Full Member

    Ive had a few but last night was a cracker.
    When we have finished our shopping I always ride the trolley back to the trolley park. Just take a big run up, dive on and see how far I can get, even got used to leaning to stear them, always use the big trolleys and never with shopping in.
    Last night when we parked up there was one of the smaller trolleys at the side of the car. I thought great, two trolley rides tonight, took a big run up, dove on and it all started going pear shape, pulled a wheelie, into a superman and then hit the tarmac. Now have no skin on one palm and no skin on opposite knee which is now all black from the bruising.
    Got up and looked around, looad of people were watching and laughing.
    Walked sheepishly in to Tescos, hope the dont have it on CTTV.
    Will have to take helmet and pads for next run.

    Whats yours?


    Free Member

    Ooooh, sympathies Tracey 😐 . Did similar on holiday once with the luggage trolley, having forgotten that we’d just checked-in the counter-balancing luggage 😳

    Free Member

    I was a bit tipsy from plane trip booze landing in Sydney.

    Pushing trolley a slope in the airport and wheely all the way but lost the front end and crashed! lol.

    Never again and loads of ppl saw me and clapped. Nice welcome! 😈

    Full Member

    trying to show off to girls by pulling a manual clipped in. Fell on my arse and was stuck like a tortoise on its back.

    Free Member

    Couple of years back walking through Tesco car park though I will not jump over the fence cause I might fall – I’ll just bob under it instead – caught my back on the way through fell full length – rip trousers (pigging Jratz climing pnats & much loved) and broken little finger – which unlike other fingers is part of the structural integraty of the hand – 4 hours in a Welsh A+E – wife had to taken down the tent and pack the tent up and drive back to Leeds – unable to drive for 2 weeks because of the slap on my hand – unable to ride for 6 weeks

    Free Member

    leaving school on my first nice bike tried to pull an x-up landed crossed up flipped the bars much to the amusement of over hundred school kids

    Free Member

    was bored one day during uni holidays so popped over to the local dry ski slope with my snowboard. there was nobody there except me and a pair of pretty lithe young things so i naturally gravitated towards showing off. i timed it so i went over a little jump just as they were going up on the draglift next to it, did a cheeky method grab, landed… caught an edge and broke my thumb in the dendix 😆

    cue me skulking down to the bottom, making my escape and having to drive to hospital with my thumb at a rakish angle… 😳

    Free Member

    I have no problems with the trolley riding, etc etc – what would really embarrass me is going to “that shop formerly owned by Dame Shirley Porter”.

    Free Member

    Difficult to describe, but here goes…

    Big industrial bin (with lid and a smaller domestic bin sized aperture in it). I couldn’t get the boxes through the hole and assumed it was full so I climbed on the lid and leant against the boxes. The box sides gave away and, instead of them slowly pushing down on top of a pile of rubbish, shot straight down into a freshly emptied bin (but still rank with the smell of fish as it was a chippy bin). I followed the box into the bin and just managed to catch my legs on the lip, so there I was, hanging upside down in a bin.

    I couldn’t get out but an old lady who saw it happen came across, climbed up and helped me out.

    Ohh joy – still makes me giggle now, some 20 or so years later 🙂

    Free Member

    Trying to get my mint Triumph into the shed at the new house last night, got the front in fine (eventually… after removing the door), missed my improvised ramp with the back end, caught the rear pannel against the wall without noticing and gave it some revs to get the back end over the step.

    Big gouge right out the rear panel.

    Deeply, deeply upset and even more embarrassed 🙁

    Just debating whether it is worth claiming it on insurance, or just leave it be and ride the thing… probably the latter!

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