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  • Elon Musk
  • funkmasterp
    Full Member

    What is he actually qualified in? See people calling him a genius but all I see is an entitled prick. Is he like Steve Jobs in that he gets the praise, money and accolades for the work done by others? I don’t even get that because he’s not exactly a charismatic front man either. Just seems like a massive tool.

    Free Member

    Not so long ago there were still plenty of fanboys on this forum. Maybe they can tell us.

    Full Member

    Is his middle name Lynx?

    Keep trying – you got the number of letters correct, and one of them is actually right

    Full Member

    Full Member

    Is his middle name Lynx?
    Nope , it’s gated

    Full Member

    Let’s be clear.

    He’s a merchant banker (completely apt, as rhyming slang) that makes $$$ via his finance.

    I choose to to try to avoid putting any money his way

    – don’t use ****ter

    – not a fecken earthy I’ll have a Tesla.  That’s not anti-EV, it’s totally Anti-****face.

    Full Member

    Why not just ignore the nasty snivelling little git.

    It might me nice not to keep posting links to X and making him money.

    Full Member

    By all accounts he doesn’t really understand automotive engineering or rocketry, not because of autism but because he’s totally unqualified in both.

    I don’t think he knows much about anything tech-wise, he relies on coming up with ideas, then gets others to actually make something useful out of them.

    For the record, I still use Xitter, mainly because it gives me the opportunity to troll unpleasant assholes about their assholery.
    And sometimes the opposite, I actually sent a Twit to Kamala Harris’ new running mate to congratulate him and wishing them good luck, the first time I’ve ever done something like that!

    Free Member

    Boycott Twitter/X

    Boycott Tesla.

    Was tempted by Starlink, but don’t want to support any of his endeavours.

    Musk is a **** of the highest order.

    On a side note…. Anyone seen the clip where Sky News cuts off, as in drops the line on the former police chief when he says that Twitter has become more right wing since Musk took over….?

    Free Member

    Yes you posted it earlier from the same channel that posted a video saying folk had been stabbed in a car (they hadn’t).

    Pinch of salt.

    Full Member

    His new lawsuit against companies that withdrew advertising on X seems to be yet another “man-child throwing his toys out of his pram moment”. I hope that it not only gets laughed out of court but that other companies currently advertising there re-assess what they’re doing.

    His main gift is that he’s managed to create a cult of personality around himself, no other CEO would have survived the amount of over-promising and under-delivering that he’s done with Tesla, SpaceX, The Boring Company etc. Sure he was smart with Tesla early on and going all-in on EVs (and seeing the Supercharger network as key to that success, although that might have been someone he employed’s idea). But since then he seems to have failed far more often than he’s succeeded, he’s just been able to get away with it for now.

    Full Member

    TBF to him the Boring Company and Hyperloop achieved their goal, which was to scupper public transport projects in the States.

    Free Member

    I’m embarrassed on behalf of the fanboys who were gullible enough to think he was anything other than an entitled privileged brat with an entirely undeserved inflated opinion of himself. I hope some of them have the powers of introspection to think about what it was about him, and them, that caused this to happen.

    Full Member

    I cannot believe that the board at Tesla isn’t looking at ways to remove him. He’s so damaging to the brand at this point that there’s absolutely no benefit to keeping him there. I know several people at work who’ve decided against ordering Teslas solely because of Musk, and I chose not to get a replacement Model 3 because of his behaviour.

    Full Member

    I hope some of them have the powers of introspection to think about what it was about him, and them, that caused this to happen.


    He plays to the whole alpha male thing – and one thing that people into the whole alpha male thing seem to love is being duped. Again and again and again. Often Musk is just parroting stuff he’s fallen for.  At best they’ll just swap being duped by Musk to being duped by someone else.

    Full Member

    WhistlinDiesel isn’t too impressed with his Cybertruck


    Free Member

    First few pages of the old Musk thread make interesting reading.

    “Personally, I think his complete focus on improving the human condition is awesome.”

    NB that was already long after the crackpot Thai cave rescue fiasco (complete with playground insults when people pointed out how clueless he was).

    Free Member

    I’ve just left Twitter, it’s nothing in the scheme of things, but I feel a tad better.

    Free Member

    I also uninstalled twitter…. about time really.

    I would support the goverment turning off twitter for the next few days/weeks, along with others until the temperature cools down.

    Full Member

    I cannot believe that the board at Tesla isn’t looking at ways to remove him. He’s so damaging to the brand at this point that there’s absolutely no benefit to keeping him there

    It’s mostly because the board are all his approved appointees/lackeys + they probably realise although he’s damaging to the company/brand for some people he’s also a big part of the reason the Tesla stock price is so inflated. If/when the stock price corrects I don’t think Musk will survive (he’ll have extracted his $50B bonus by then though)

    Full Member

    So he’s suing companies for not advertising on Twitter.

    If he wins, my lawsuit against Margot Robie for not going out with me it’s a guaranteed win

    Full Member

    I’ve just left Twitter, it’s nothing in the scheme of things, but I feel a tad better.

    Same. :)

    Free Member

    Twitter I found irritating before Musk got his hands on it. When he took over most STWers stopped linking the shite. Thank you Elon.

    Space X put up sats that have been quite useful in Ukraine despite Musk somtimes making the wrong noises. Thank you Elon.

    Tesla kicked off the viable EV thing. The Supercharger network is ace and Model Ys are made in Berlin. Thank you Elon.

    We know you make a complete fool of yourself on a regular basis and for that too I thank you. Just your name discredits the ********* *** **** by assosiation. Thank you Elon.

    I’d buy a Tesla made in Berlin, no  qualms.

    Free Member

    I think his posts on X are generated by AI to create as much controversy and engagement  as possible

    Free Member

    I’ve spent the last couple of days just blocking every right wing / EDL / anti trans / alpha male etc user that was appearing on my timeline and (short term at least) Twitter has improved a great deal.

    Full Member

    Just deleted twitter too. Not entirely sure what happened but the right wing lunatic button had certainly been set to 11 recently.

    Free Member

    I’ve just deleted Twitter too. I only go on to get my fix of winding up racists, but what good does that actually do? It probably results in some poor girlfriend or wife getting a slap.

    As for Musk – isn’t it worth considering slipping him a novichok canapé and blaming it on Putin?

    Full Member

    I don’t think so. He’s doing some really good work _for_ Putin right now (i.e. stoking racial hate, division, etc) and boosting Trump, so it’s a stretch to think that he’d be on Putin’s bad side.

    Short of Tesla stock plummeting and the shareholders suing him for not earning enough money for them (and winning), I can’t see him being anything other than the same he is now, or progressively worse, for the future.

    Full Member

    If he wins, my lawsuit against Margot Robie for not going out with me it’s a guaranteed win

    Take a ticket and wait for your number to be called!

    Free Member

    Did we all miss this earlier…?


    Elon openly admitting that he’s trying to “f*** s*** up” on purpose basically!

    Absolute first rate throbber…

    Full Member

    He’s a scumbag

    Full Member

    I’m disgusted that the BBC are so quick to give him the headlines. He’s a first rate ****, one of the few people alive I’d gladly challenge to a dual. I could not give a shit what the man has to say

    I don’t understand anyone who sees his behaviour in the last few days and concludes anything other than that he is a ****.

    The fact that he runs twitter (and that people call it X now instead of twitter) is terrifying tbh.

    Full Member

    Musk, Theil and his entourage of crypto fascist birther weirdos need taken down a peg or two, or just taken down…….not fussed either way.

    Full Member

    It seems ‘space Karen’ has gone full trump.

    Full Member

    More full Elliot Carver.

    Full Member

    You can probably get the measure of somebody as a human being by what their kids think of them. Theyall appear to hate him. Getting your kids to go public with how much contempt they hold you in is quite the achievement.

    Well done Elon. You’ve clearly got your priorities right in life. You’ve got a space ship and more money than anyone could ever spend, but the people who should love you most all instead  think that you’re an utter ****!

    Free Member

    Even Hitler’s kids loved him (not sure if true, read it on Twitter I think)

    Full Member

    I think this pretty nicely sums Musk up.


    Free Member

    Didn’t he visit the border wall a while back? Is he setting himself to replace the aging Trump??

    Free Member

    If you can think “foreign agents” are spreading disinformation on X and else where.

    It’s not that far a stretch of the imagination to think “foreign agents” are blackmail the world richest man by hacking his own account…. spreading their own agenda and having Musk fund their activities

    All Tin hat stuff….. but would make a good movie.

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