Teacake – you’ll get lots of replies telling you the best thing is a wet shave (I asked the same question a while ago) – then it’ll descend into a bit of a macho men thing “my razor is hand crafted by a man in Sheffield who called Archie who only makes ten a year…”.
Basically, yes, wet shaving is probably better (my King of Shaves is a nice cheap option).
But, like you I wanted a quick “wake-up late, quick buzz and out” kinda shaver – I’d certainly recommend either the Philips (or Braun equivalent) with the lotion dispenser – I got a Philips HS8020.
Seems to cool the razor burn nicely, can use it wet or dry (shower and shave at same time!!!).
Think it’s a good shaver if you use it every work day just to tidy up a bit. If I’ve got a weeks worth of stubble it tends to leave a couple of stragglers that need a quick wet shaver to remove.