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  • Ebay sellers not leaving feedback. What's the craic?
  • tomhoward
    Full Member

    Bought maybe a dozen things off ebay in the last month or so, always paying straight away through paypal and never had any issues with any sellers, yet only half of them have left feedback (I always leave feedback, as it happens always positive). Is there a reason why, or are folk just lazy?

    Free Member

    had the same problem for the last few items i bought. Ended up messaging them advising i had left feedback and would be appreciated if tehy could do the same. Not how it’s meant to work though.

    Free Member

    Just lazy.
    I rarely bother filling in feedback on commercial purchases.

    Full Member

    To be fair i don’t think buyers deserve positive feedback, considering that sellers can’t leave negative feedback for them. Corrupts the feedback system really.

    Free Member

    For those eBayers who fail to leave feedback upon immediate confirmed payment, I e-mail the following:

    ‘Hi, item arrived (blah blah blah). Just logged into to my account to leave feedback but noticed you haven’t had a chance to leave yours yet. No worries, I’ll check back later in the week.’

    To be fair i don’t think buyers deserve positive feedback, considering that sellers can’t leave negative feedback for them.

    Sellers have completed their half of the transaction (i.e. paid), and buyers can refuse to leave feedback.

    If sellers only leave feedback once they have received feedback, their feedback rating is completely worthless[/b, as all feedback was left under duress. I leave immediate feedback upon confirmed payment, as does my partner, and we’ve been using eBay pretty much from the start. We both have 100% positive feedback with people leaving that without fear of repercussions.

    Ebay use to state (until recently) “Once the sale is complete, leave feedback for your buyer and encourage them to do the same for you.”


    Free Member

    can’t see the point of it TBH, unless you have a complaint.

    Free Member

    I always thought it was a bit lame expecting positive feedback to be left for a satisfactory transaction. I paid money for an item, and it was delivered as described. Surely that’s the expectation?

    Feedback should only be needed in less than satisfactory circumstances. Do you email Chain Reaction every time you get a package to say “Thanks, top seller! A+++”?

    Free Member

    Pointless, what do you want to see?? Ooh look at me wiv all me positive feedback like?

    Nah, can’t be arsed with leaving it.

    Free Member

    I don’t always leave feedback. I also don’t put the dividers between my shopping and that of others on supermarket conveyor belts. Some people get all twitchy at that.

    Free Member

    Can’t see the point of Buyers having positive feedback attached to their purchases

    It’s not like the seller gets to choose who they sell to, it’s whoever wins the auction.

    Full Member

    Feedback meant something in the early days of Ebay, now it’s just a commercial monster and you can’t leave negative feedback, it’s completely pointless. I rarely bother leaving any and only get about half my buyers leaving any.

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