I’m looking at bikes for our soon to be 4 year old. She’s confident on her balance bike so something with pedals is the next step.
I’m thinking to get a 16″ wheel model rather than a 14″. She’s right on the lower limit size wise fir one (104cm), but she’ll outgrow the smaller wheel size pretty soon.
I can discount most of the crappy Halfords-style ones. I looked at one instore the other day – my god they’re terrible!
I’ve looked at Islabikes, Frog, and Early Rider. I’m really taken with the ER Belter. They really seem a step up in quality over even the other 2 brands.
So my main question is, are they really that good and are they worth the £100 premium over the Isla and Frog bikes – £350 compared to £250? It seems like a lot for a kids bike, but it’s not much compared to most of the bikes we ride!
And the little PSA – Evans have the ER Belter on sale for £299 currently, which makes the price a bit more palatable!