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  • Dry January ?
  • onehundredthidiot
    Full Member

    Marking 80 exam papers on Friday despair ended the month. Followed by steak Saturday and a nice bottle of red.

    Free Member

    I’m hoping to keep it going for a bit yet, I did pretty much substitute booze for cakes and sweets so thats getting the heave-ho this month too.

    Full Member

    I did pretty much substitute booze for cakes and sweets so thats getting the heave-ho this month too.

    similar here, put on 2 or 3 pounds over the month too 🙂

    Free Member

    There’s currently 80 pints of Festival Razorback IPA and Pride of London Porter conditioning in the kitchen.

    January really was dry, the Porter attenuated to 1.006 thanks to the new brew-fridge 😛

    Full Member

    Well I did manage to cut back (most days) but got so fudging bored on weekends I would end up sinking a couple of bottles of Red.
    In an effort to cut that back I switched to IPA as though I like beer I can’t drink the sheer volume that would equal the alcohol content of 2 bottles of wine.
    Look I know its screwed logic but its my brains logic 😉

    No weight loss as seemed to be hungrier & now have a nice gash in my shin & a cricked neck from having slightly more energy so got up in the loft and cleared out all the old shite up there, galv water tanks are heavy and hurt when the swing into your leg 🙁

    Free Member

    Well done MrO and thanks for your assistance over the month. Keep in touch any time you like

    Full Member

    Is that a well done for injuring myself 😉 I’m glad to say I didn’t equal your circular saw effort 😮
    I was going to be good tonight but I’ve had a sod of a day so it will be Beer O’clock when I get home.

    Oh don’t you worry I will keep boring you with tales of domestic drudgery!

    Free Member

    Did’nt register my interest in this in case I could’nt do it 😳 but I did it, and it was’nt too bad at all. Nearly popped in and got wine on the way home from work, but then thought nah. Will definitely be off the wagon Saturday though, birthday, so off down Cardiff for the day.
    Oh and I’ve lost 6kg 😀

    Free Member

    oooohhhhh… that didn’t end well… 😐

    Free Member

    I drank Friday and Sat eve – a bottle of wine on each occasion, as I would have before dry January – I didn’t really enjoy it and felt really crappy the next day. On Sunday even though I had Monday off I abstained, slept wonderfully, got up at 7, had done the day’s shopping by 8:10 and had a productive day sorting stuff out around the house.

    Dry January has shown me that a change was needed – at least to cut down considerably what I was drinking and nibbling – not just for my health, but for enjoying my weekends and being productive at work and home.

    Well done to all who made the full month dry.

    Full Member

    interestingly I had a couple of Malts last night after 31 dry days – maybe 4 units between the 2 drams – felt crap an hour later and worse sleep than all month- I think I will become an ‘occasional user’ 🙂

    Full Member

    I’m still dry – I have a birthday do this weekend though so may have a couple of beers.

    I’m definitely going to become a social drinker though, no more drink at home just for the sake of it.

    It feels really odd (and nice) not walking the dog on a Sunday just get get rid of that ‘brain-dead’ feeling.

    Free Member

    Anyone else keeping it going? Interesting to hear the adverse reactions to having a sup. Anyone embraced the booze again and thought the whole thing was the daftest idea you’ve had?

    Free Member

    I gave up alcohol for most of a year at one point, TBH nothing much changed afterwards, I think I stopped drinking crap beer (Boddingtons/Tetley/John Smith/Worthingtons) entirely, but that was more a function of not going out every Saturday night, which meant not having to drink whatever crap the bar served.

    I’d not describe myself as a heavy drinker though, usually/often split a bottle of homebrew with the OH in the evening, but rarely ‘drunk’.

    Full Member

    Well I had my first drinks of the year last Saturday. Friends birthday party – had 5 pints and a whisky.

    Felt great at the time, but ruddy hell I felt rubbish on Sunday. I never properly got going. To be honest it took me 3 days to feel normal again.

    Can’t see me going back to my old habits, the new normal feels a lot better than my old normal. Occasional social drinker from now on.

    Free Member

    I am attempting to stick to twice a month, did that for January, and have my 2 nights for February locked in as tomorrow and then again on the 26th.

    Loving it, am thinner, quicker, more alert, richer, and getting much more stuff done.

    Also enjoy that it is now an event, the limited time makes me really invest in it, organising an event and drinking good beer and good wine with a load of people while doing some sort of planned activity, or seeing a band/movie/show whatever is going to work out well.

    The 2 hangovers so far have really made me question why I drink at all, I can see myself getting down to just drinking on major events, birthdays etc in the future, but for now twice a month will do me.

    Free Member

    Fell off the wagon on the Sunday rolled through the saloon doors and piled face first into the spittoon singing a dirty version of she’ll be coming round the mountain and wearing only my filthy longjohns. Kids have been ill, work stressful and some other crap excuses. Felt much better while it lasted though do am determined to get my shit back together on this one.

    Full Member

    Managed to stay off it till Saturday the 6th. 2 bottles of beer. 1st taste weird and not that enjoyable, 2nd was better and then had a wee dram of Laphroag which was great.

    Slept worse however and was slow to get going, possibly exacerbated by the wife being on call and not getting in till 4 am!

    Had a couple of hot Toddies this week as have miserable sore throat and have lost my voice.

    Do intend to stick to 1 night a week at most and can see me trying to cut down to only social drinking. Will be tested this weekend as out with friends on Saturday and then visiting other friends in London Sun/Mon.

    Free Member

    Stayed clean through January, February has meant 2 nights getting pissed.
    This is the best I’ve done for about 16 years, so I’m quite pleased with myself.
    I felt crap when I started drinking again, and was **** for the whole next day.
    I intend to continue it.

    Full Member

    Had a few on Saturday as was my Birthday, but as with others hangover seemed worse than usual, so have knocked it on the head for Lent 🙂

    Full Member

    Off out tomorrow.
    First time in a while.

    Full Member

    So how’s it all going folks?

    I’m still managing to stick to social drinking only, so my intake has gone from something like 50 pints per month to about 10 pints.

    And I’m 10lbs lighter than I was at Christmas.

    Full Member

    Thread resurrection time!

    Anyone still dry?

    ^ Still as post above for me but another 2lb of weight gone. The boring part is friends continually asking why I’m drinking fizzy mineral water.

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