Highly likely your chainring.
Unlikely you’ve managed to mash the chain into the wrong plates, I’ve never seen anyone do that – you’d have to really try.
You can rule out the jockey wheels by checking if they look spikey, or not. If they’re not spikey, then it’s gonna be your chainring. You’re probably fine until they look like the one on the far right, it’s surprising how long you can go before they’re worn – the bearings usually die before the teeth.
For the future – get yourself a chain-checker tool, Park CC-3.2 as it has 0.5 and 0.75 increments (~£7). If your chain is at .50, you can change you chain and everything else will be fine, if it just fits in 0.75 you can probably get away with a chain only, if it’s well over .75 then you’re very likely need to change the chainring. I find SRAM cassettes last a lot longer than chainring. Which makes sense, as they’re Alu, and the cassettes are at least part steel – and you shift between gears, but not chainrings.