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  • double daylight savings please!
  • ahwiles
    Free Member

    It’s only August.

    but already it’s too dark to play outside by 8pm, while the dawn light is still doing it’s thing before 6am.

    dawn could be 7 without any inconvenience, giving us playtime till 9 for another month.

    can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we?

    and don’t give me any shit about it being dark in winter, of course it’s dark in winter, it’s winter.

    Free Member

    No thanks

    Move North, I was still out till around 9 last night

    Full Member

    I was out until 9 too… beautiful day, beautiful night, great riding, and back to the car bone dry and happy.

    Not looking foward to winter and darkness and all that stuff.

    Full Member

    I’m with you OP. I live in NE Scotland and while it may still be light at 9pm just now I really prefer it to be light at 10pm 8)
    And I really just don’t get the argument for it going back an hour to GMT, how can darkness at 4pm be better than at 5pm during the winter months???

    Free Member

    I was out walking the dog this morning at 6. I’d rather it was light for that and then if I want to play out later, I can use my Ay-Ups.

    Full Member

    I was out at 9.30… running on my Troutie though 🙂

    Free Member

    I travelled from Manchester to Fort William last weekend; my Garmin told me sunset was only about 20 mins later in Fort William, which is basically ****-all.

    Was out last night, lights were back on, no big deal. But yeah, go for the double shift please.

    Free Member

    double daylight definitely needed.

    and dont give me any nonsense about farmers needing it to the light in the morning, just get up when the some comes up. So you are going to miss Home and Away, big deal, no reason to rob the sun from the rest of us. It’s not as if the cows have watches

    Free Member

    Yes, signed the petitions etc. for this ages ago (“Lighter Later” campaign)

    Never understood the farmers argument – they can get up when they want can’t they? We’re not proposing moving the sun to change the total amount of daylight hours.

    Free Member

    they can get up when they want can’t they?

    so can you

    Free Member

    Nope – in winter it would not be light until late in scotland without any benefit as it would still be dark in the afternoons.

    With the time set as it is in Scotland in winter its at least light for people to get to work / kids to get to school if dark after work / school. Shift to CET and it will be dark going to school / work and still dark coming home,

    It was done as an experiment in the 70s and was not nice at all – I remember it.

    Free Member

    so can you

    that’s a rubbish argument for keeping things the way they are – which most people find annoying most of the time.

    everyone’s happy when we change the clocks in spring, and everyone complains when we change the clocks in autumn.

    why do we do it?

    TJ – of course it’ll be dark in winter, it’s winter. messing around with the clocks can’t change that.

    but it can give us an extra 4ish months of playtime after work.

    midsummer? – light all the time regardless of the clocks

    midwinter? – dark all the time regardless of the clocks

    spring / autumn – we cripple ourselves by setting our clocks in such a way to maximise daylight while we’re all still in bed.

    it’s daft.

    Full Member

    I don’t complain when the clocks go back in autumn. For a start it is an extra hour in bed.

    Full Member

    As I said earlier, how can darkness at 4pm be better than at 5pm during the winter months???

    With a two hour shift it would still be light at 6pm, then the kids would only have one journey in the dark.

    Free Member

    I don’t complain when the clocks go back in autumn. For a start it is an extra hour in bed.

    which you’ve forgotten about 2 days later.

    meanwhile, during March/April/August/september an extra hour of daylight after work would be really nice.

    Free Member

    awhiles – but in scotland it would be dark until after 9am in midwinter but still not light to come home from work and school

    swavis – in scotland kids would be going both ways in the dark for a month or two with a two hour shift

    Full Member

    TJ – where in Scotland are kids still at school after 5pm? None round here…

    Full Member

    swavis – in scotland kids would be going both ways in the dark for a month or two with a two hour shift


    Free Member

    of course it’s dark in winter, it’s winter.

    ‘lighter-later’ would be an inconvenience for a few poeple for about 1 month of the year, and a benefit for most people for about 4 months of the year.

    it’s a compromise.

    Kids leave school at 4ish, lighter-later would make their journey home lighter in winter…

    where in the uk is it properly dark at 3pm in winter with the current arangement?

    Free Member

    Could Scotland not have it’s own time?
    It’s another step towards independance for them and stops the majority of the popolation losing out on some evening daylight.

    Free Member

    What about Carlisle? Or Berwick?

    Full Member

    why should i be b0thered about what happens in scotland.. its another country right .. with the quirk that there mps can vote in our parliament but we cant in thiers.. we pay tax some of which they get they pay tax none of which we get

    and dont mention racism..

    Full Member

    You can have TJ back as long as we get later daylight hours then? 😉

    Free Member

    Oh dear total shell – do you really believe that? there is no English parliament its a UK one and the money flows from Scotland to England.

    Full Member

    no thanks..like Onzadog, I have dogs to walk in the morning. it’s bad enough that I have to walk them in the dark for 6 months of the year, let alone 8….and no, I can’t just get up later, cos I have to work.

    buy some lights

    Free Member

    The idea that most folk in Scotland are happy with the current situation is a complete myth.

    Free Member

    Yes, signed the petitions etc. for this ages ago (“Lighter Later” campaign)

    How did you get on with that?

    Free Member

    I vote No

    Pushing for flexible working hours for more people would be of far greater benefit – less congestion, if you want light mornings go in later, if you want light evenings go in earlier

    Full Member

    I vote no as well. Rubbish idea, having it light til 11pm or midnight in summer is crap.

    What’s actually needed is much greater flexibility with when/how people work. OK, it won’t work for all but the potential is there to cut down massively on “rush hour” and the associated congestion.

    The whole point of GMT originally was that it was zero hour, the prime meridian. When the sun is overhead it’s midday.

    Full Member

    The idea that most folk in Scotland are happy with the current situation is a complete myth.

    I don’t know many anyway.

    I’d also like to walk my dogs in daylight, at least I could do it in the evening if they kept BST.

    Free Member

    The whole point of GMT originally was that it was zero hour, the prime meridian. When the sun is overhead it’s midday

    or about quarter past in Swansea 🙂

    Free Member

    I’d also like to walk my dogs in daylight

    Why didn’t you say earlier?
    I’m changing my vote to ‘yes’ so that swavis can walk his dogs

    Full Member

    Why thank you kindly sir 😉

    Free Member

    Sunrise/sunset times, Edinburgh vs London

    Shortest day
    Edb 08:43 – 15:40 6h57m32s
    Lon 08:04 – 15:54 7h49m43s

    Longest day
    Edb 04:26 – 22:03 17h36m31s
    Lon 04:43 – 21:21 16h38m21s

    Full Member

    but it can give us an extra 4ish months of playtime after work.

    Who is US exactly?

    I find I can go out to “play” if its dark or not, if its the dark you’re scared of ask a grown up to play with you.

    I call Troll

    Free Member

    how am i trolling?

    there’s lots of things that don’t work well in the dark; golf, sailing, climbing, frisbee, football, cricket, bbq*, building treehouses, etc.

    (*we tried it, it was rubbish)

    we’re not short of daylight, we just don’t make the best use of it.

    Free Member

    You could always get a job working nights?

    Free Member

    [Jimification] Yes, signed the petitions etc. for this ages ago (“Lighter Later” campaign)


    “How did you get on with that?”

    Pretty good, thanks for asking 🙂 Only took me two minutes and there were enough signatures for a bill in the house of commons. It’s passed its second reading and I don’t think they’ve ever got that far before with the idea. Lots of people in power behind it now but I’m doubtful that it will happen in the near future. Still..worth a try though. Sorry if it wouldn’t suit you..I’m sure you’re safe for a while 😀

    Free Member

    Sorry if it wouldn’t suit you.

    Makes absolutely no difference to me – I’m spending a large portion of the Winter in Lanzarote
    I’m for it now though, you can thank swavis for talking me into it

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